

 挣线木偶 2017-02-11

play an important part in sth. 在某事当中起重要作用

take an active part in sth.积极参加某事

participate in sth. 参加某事

the participants of this social activity 这项社会活动的参加者

be particular about food 对食物十分挑剔

pass the examination 考试及格

pass away 逝世

pass by 路过

pass down sth. from generation to generation 世代相传

pass on 传递,传授

ensure the safety of passengers 确保乘客们的安全

have a great passion for soccer 强烈地热爱足球

a valid passport 一张有效的护照

in the past few years 在过去的几年里

pat sb. on the shoulder 拍某人的肩膀

pave the way 铺路

pay the bill 付帐

pay off the debts 还清债务

pay attention to doing sth. 注意做某事takenotice of doing sth.

pay a visit to the Summer Palace 去颐和园参观

live a peaceful life 过着安宁的生活

be awarded the Nobel Prize for one’s perfect performance因为某人的完美表现而被授予诺贝尔奖

during the long period of growth 在成长的很长阶段之中

do permanent damage to people’s mental health 对人们的心理健康产生永久的伤害

ask for the teacher’s permission of doing sth. 请求某人的允许做某事

show great perseverance in overcoming the obstacles 在克服障碍中表现出极大的毅力

persist in doing sth. 固执己见做某事

handle personal affairs 处理个人事宜

make a phone to sb. 打电话给某人

read the key words and phrases 读重点单词和短语

pick up a wallet from the ground从地上捡起一只钱包

pick up some knowledge of physiology非正规地学到一些生理学的知识

pick sb. up 接某人;搭载某人

pick out 挑选出;分辨出

go out for a picnic 出外去野餐

the great pioneers of modern science 现代科学的伟大先驱

take place 发生

take the place of 代替=substitutefor

plan to do sth. 计划做某事

make a plan to do sth.

point out the existing problems 指出存在的问题

have the point in doing sth.有做某事的意义

share one’s point of view with sb. 与某人分享自己的观点

turn to the police for help 向警察求助

the insurance policies of the local government 当地政府的保险政策

be polite to sb. 对某人有礼貌

pollute the surroundings of this neighbourhood 污染这个社区的周围环境

be popular with the young fans 受到年轻歌迷的欢迎

have a large population 有很多的人口

be able to afford the portable computers 买得起便携式电脑

show a positive attitude to sth./ sb. 对某人或某物表现出积极的态度

have the possibility of doing sth. 有做某事的可能=be possible to do sth.

show one’s potential ability 表现出某人的潜能

result in poverty of the nation导致那个国家的贫穷

power failure 停电

come into power 掌权;执政

offer practical help 提供实际的帮助

apply the learned knowledge to practice 将所学的知识应用于实践

practise speaking English练习说英语

praise sb. for sth. 因为某事而表扬某人

value the precious time珍惜宝贵的时间

predict the future development of economy 预测经济的未来发展

prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.

be well prepared for sth. 对某事作好充分准备

have a good preparation of sth.

in the presence of strangers 有陌生人在场的时候

the guests present 在场的客人

the present situation 当前的形势

at present 目前

present a bunch of flowers to sb. 送一束花给某人

be elected president of the United States当选为美国总统

under the heavy pressure of doing sth.在做某的沉重的压力之下

pretend to do sth. 假装做某事

pretend to be doing 假装正在做某事

pretend to have done sth. 假装做过某事

prevent … (from) doing sth.阻止某人做某事=stop sb. (from) doing sth.=keep sb. from doing sth.

according to the previous sentences 根据前几句话

cut the price of sth. 降低某事的价格

take pride in 为骄傲=beproud of

be put into prison 被送进监狱

in the whole process of 在做某事的整个过程中

increase the overall production of sth. 增加某物的总产量

a productive novelist 一位多产的小说家

raise some professional questions提出一些专业性的问题

a learned professor 一位有学问的教授

gain profit from one’s business 从生意中获取利润

program a computer 为电脑编程

the audience’s favorite TV programs观众们最喜爱的电视节目

make great/ rapid progress 取得很大/快速的进步

prohibit sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事 =forbid sb. to do sth.

promote the Hope Project 倡导希望工程

sb. promise to do sth. 某人承诺做某事

sth. promise to do afs 某事有发展趋势;有望做某事

make a promise to do sth. 许诺做某事

keep one’s promise to do sth. 遵守诺言做某事

break one’ promise to do sth. 食言

a promising future 未来大有希望

get promoted 升职=gain promotion

the promotion of a new product促销一种新产品

water-proofadj. 防水的

in the proper way 以正确的/适当的方式

protect people’s private property 保护某人的私有财产

the chemical properties of iron铁的化学性质

propose doing sth. 提议做某事

put forward a good proposal 提出一个好的提议

prospect for old 勘探金矿

protect the animals from attacking 保护动物不受攻击

as the old proverb says常言道

make psychological researches 进行心理研究

publish the newest edition 出版最新的版本

escape from punishment 逃脱惩罚

escape being punished

purchase the bargains on the market在市场上购买到便宜货

on purpose 故意地

by accident 偶然地

put forward a perfect proposal 提出一个完美的建议

put off a press conference 推迟一次新闻发布会

put on a performance 上演一场表演

put out a big fire 扑灭一场大火

put up a tent 搭建一个帐蓬

feel puzzled about the results 对结果感到迷惑

be well qualified/equal for a post 十分胜任一个职位

the good qualities of the great hero那个大英雄的良好品质

a large quantity of 大量的=largequantities of

quarrel with sb. over sth. 与某人争吵某事

out of question 没问题

out of the question 不可能

the answers to the questions 问题的答案

stand in a long queue 排长队

quit doing sth. 放弃做某事

have a little quiz 进行一次小测验

quote some sentences from the great works 从伟大著作中引用一些句子

be lacking in oxygen 缺氧

see sb. off at the railway station 在火车站给某人送行

raise one’s voice 提高说话的声音

be raised in a remote village 在一个偏远的村庄被抚养长大

raise money for the charities 为慈善机构筹集资金

range in age from … to 年龄从不等

a wide range of knowledge广泛的知识

rank the first 排名第一

make rapid progress 取得迅速的进步

protect the rare animals from extinction 保护稀有动物免于灭绝

increase at the rate of 比率增长

reach a logical conclusion 得出有逻辑性的结论

within one’s reach 在某人够得着的地方

reach the original objectives 达到最初的目标

react to the teacher’s criticism 对老师的批评进行反应

make a reaction to the teacher’s criticism

get ready to do sth. 准备好做某事

be ready/willing to help others 乐于助人

in one’s real life 在真实生活中

set realistic objectives for one’s future 为未来设定现实可行的目标

turn sth. into reality 把某事变为现实

realize the importance of observing the traffic regulations 意识到遵守交通规则的重要性

for the reason of 由于原因

reason/talk/persuade sb. into doing sth. 劝服某人做某事=persuade sb. to do sth.

make reasonable requirements 提出合理的要求

recall one’s past experiences 回忆某人过去的经历

in the recent survey of 在最近的调查中

inquire at the reception desk 在问询处询问

recite the whole passage 背诵整篇文章

recognize one’s former partner 认出某人过去的搭档

recommend sb. to sb. 把某人推荐给某人

record the professor’s remarks 录下教授的话

break the world record 打破世界记录

recover from the lung cancer 从癌症中恢复过来

be reduced to an average level 被减少到平均水平

refer to the dictionary 查字典=consultthe dictionary=look up sth. in the dictionary=make reference to the dictionary

reflect the existing problems in the society 反映出社会上的现存的问题

reform the inefficient system of education 改革无效的教育制度

get refreshed after a good rest 好好休息后精神振作

refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

regard…as… 看作…=thinkof …as…

with regard to 有关于

regardless of bad weather 不管恶劣的天气

regret to tell sb. 很遗憾地告诉某人

regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事

one’s regular income 某人的固定收入

regulate the flow of water 控制水流

reject one’s request 拒绝某人的请求

be closely related to 密切相关

keep in touch with overseas relatives 与某人的海外戚保持联络

relax oneself 放松自己

have a good relaxation 好好放松一下

release one’s feelings 释放某人的情感

release the newest discs 发行最新的唱片

be relevant to 相关,相符

a reliable partner 一位可靠的搭档

rely on sb. 依靠某人

to one’s great relief 某人大大松了一口气

relieve one’s great pain 减轻某人极大的痛苦

be reluctant to do sth. 不情愿做某事=be unwilling to do sth.

The result of the study remains to be found.调查结果有待发现。

make important remarks 做重要讲话

make remarkable improvements 取得显著的进步

remind sb. of sth./that 提醒某人某事,使某人想起某事

a remote control 遥控器

renew books in the library 在图书馆里续借图书

can’t afford the high rent 无法承受很高的租金

beyond repair 已无法修理

be reluctant to repeat one’s remarks 不情愿重复某人的讲话

replace = take the place of = substitute for 代替

reply to a letter 回复来信=makea reply to a letter

judging from one’s school reports 从某人的学校成绩单来看

represent all the audience’s desire 代表了所有观众的渴望

a scholar of reputation 一个信誉好、名气大的学者

meet the requirements of customers满足顾客的需要

go to sb.’s rescue 去营救某人=goto rescue sb.

make scientific researches 进行科学研究

reserve two seats in the restaurant 在餐馆里预定两个座位

resign from one’s post 辞去职位

resist the temptation 抵抗诱惑

be resistant to … 有抵抗能力

make resolutions to do sth.下定决心做某事

·protect the natural resources 保护自然资源

respect parents and teachers 尊重父母和老师

be respectful to one’s parents and teachers

a respectable scholar 一位值得尊敬的学者

respond to … 回应

in response to 回应

share one’s responsibility with sb.与某人分担责任

be responsible for the traffic accident对这次交通事故负责

be restored to health 恢复健康

be strictly restricted 被严格控制

result in 导致

result from 导致

a retired teacher 一位退休老师

in return 作为回报

reveal the hidden secrets 揭示隐藏的秘密

a revised edition 一部修订版

reward sb. with sth. 奖赏某人某物

award sb. sth. 颁发某人某物

be rich in natural resources 胜产自然资源

get rid of bad habits 改掉坏毛病

risk doing sth. 冒险做某事run a risk

rob sb. of sth. 抢某人某物

be royal to one’s homeland 对祖国忠诚

in the rural areas 在农村

in rush hours 在交通高峰期

to one’s sadness 令某人悲伤的是

It saddened sb. that

safe and sound 安然无恙地

ensure the safety of passengers 保证乘客的安全

go sailing 去航行

for the sake of 为了的利益/好处

send a man-made satellite into space 发射人造卫星到太空

to one’s satisfaction 令某人满意的是

give a satisfactory answer 给出一个令人满意的答案

feel satisfied with one’s efforts 对某人付出的努力而感到满意

scan the following passage 速读下列文章

Scarcely had sb. done when sb. did =Hardly had sb. done when sb. did.=No soonerhad sb. done than sb. did

the witnesses at the scene 现场的目击者

according to the flight schedule 根据航班时刻表

a respectable scholar 一位值得尊敬的学者

win a scholarship 赢得奖学金

science fiction 科幻小说

with the development of science and technology 随着科技的发展

a distinguished scientist 一位卓越的科学家

scold sb. for sth. 因为某事责骂某人

search sp. for the missing children 搜寻某处找失踪的孩子

in search of 为了寻找某人

go to the seaside in the summer vacation在暑假去海边

vary from season to season 随着季节的变化而不同

in season 上市;合时宜

out of season 下市;买不到了

fasten the safety belt 系紧安全带

have a second try 再试一次

purchase secondhand cars 买二手车

keep a secret 保密

guard the security of people 保卫人民安全

see to sth. 注意某事

see to it that 务必做某事

see sb. off at the railway station 在火车站为某人送行

seize the good opportunity of doing sth. 抓住做某事的好机会

send for the doctor 派人去请医生

send a man-made satellite into space 发射人造卫星去太空

common sense 常识

a sensible decision 一个明智的决定

feel sensitive to all kinds of smell 对各种气味很敏感

be sentenced to death 被判死刑

read the passage sentence by sentence 逐句地阅读文章

separate A from B AB相分离

be separated from 相分离

live in a separate room 住在单独的房间里

be seriously/severely injured in the traffic accident在交通事故中受重伤

serve people heart and soul 全心全意为人民服务

serve as 充当;起作用

improve the quality of service 提高服务质量

set the realistic objectives for the future 为未来设定现实的目标

shake hands with sb. 与某人握手

share joy and sorrow with sb. 与某人同甘共苦

in sharp contrast to 形成鲜明对比

to one’s great shock 令某人震惊的是

be short of money 缺钱=belacking in money=lack money

overcome one’s own shortcomings 克服某人自身的缺点

shorten the generation gap between parents and children 缩短父母与子女间的代沟

go sightseeing 去观光游览

sign an agreement 签一份协议

be of great significance 有重大意义的

be similar to 很相似

extend one’s sincere thanks to sb. 正式表达对某人真诚的感激

in this situation 在这种情况下=on this occasion

participate in social activities 参加社会实践

make good use of solar energy 好好利用太阳能

find a good solution to the social problems为这些社会问题找到解决方法

solve the social problems解决社会问题

be fond of pop songs 喜欢流行歌曲

be in great sorrow 处于极度悲痛中

find out the source of information 查出信息的来源

spare some time to have a talk with sb. 腾出一些时间与某人交谈

practise speaking English in one’s spare time 在业余时间训练说英语

set specific aims for the future 为未来设定明确的目标

give/make a wonderful speech 作一个很棒的讲演

in high spirits 精神好

in spite of bad weather 不顾恶劣的天气=regardless of bad weather

spoil the children 溺爱孩子

sponsor the charity activities 资助慈善活动

perform on the stage 在舞台上表演

stand for sth. 代表;代替

stand out 突出

be up to the standard of moral 达到道德标准

stare at sb. 盯着某人看

die of starvation 饿死=starveto death

issue a formal statement 发表正式声明

keep fresh in the refrigerator 在冰箱里保持新鲜

make progress step by step 逐步地取得进步

stick to one’s own opinion 固执己见

stimulate one’s interest in learning English 激发某人学英语的兴趣

in stock 有存货 out of stock 脱销

go straight home 直接回家

be stranded in a foreign country 在异国陷入困境

strengthen the defense of one’s country加强国家的防御

under the stress of poverty 处于贫穷的压略之下

stretch one’s arms and legs 伸展四肢

be strict with the students 对学生很严格

be strict to one’s work 对工作认真负责

be strictly restricted 受到严格的限制

be deeply struck by the beauty of the West Lake 被西湖的美所深深打动

The clock strikes 10 o’clock.钟敲响10点。

strive for one’s success 努力取得成功

be in struggle 在斗争;在挣扎

struggle for sth. 斗争获取某物

substitute A for B A代替B

succeed in doing sth. 成功地做了某事=be successful in doing sth.

turn out to be a great success 结果大获全胜

all of a sudden= suddenly

suffer from the lung cancer 患肺癌

get sufficient sleep 有充足的睡眠

suggest that sb. (should) do

be suitable for this post 适合这个职位

to sum up 总之

make a brief summary 做一个简短的总结

A be superior to B A 优于B

A be inferior to B A 劣于B

go shopping in the supermarket去超市购物

the relationship between supply and demand供需之间的关系

make money to support the whole family赚钱支撑整个家庭

be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事

be sure to get up early 务必早点起床

make sure that = ensure that 确保某事

go surfing on the Internet 网上冲浪

to one’s great surprise 令某人惊讶的是

be surrounded with 所包围

according to the results of a recent survey根据最近一项调查的结果

survive (in)the flood 在洪水中幸免

question the suspect of a crime 询问一个犯罪嫌疑人

suspend sb. from school 让某人休学

swear to do sth 发誓做某事

It’s sb.’s turn to sweep the floor轮到某人扫地

switch off the electricity 切断电源

serve as a symbol of Shanghai 作为上海的象征

show one’s sympathy to sb. 对某人表示同情=be sympathetic for sb.

take on a new look 呈现新的面貌

The plane takes off at 7. 飞机起飞

take over a construction project 接管一项建筑工程

take up doing sth.开始从事做某事

take up a hobby 养成一种兴趣爱好

a musician of great talent 一位有天赋的音乐家=a talented/ gifted musician

set a realistic target 确立一个现实的目标

burst into tears 突然大哭起来=burst out crying

settle/solve technical problems 解决技术问题

a skilled technician 一位技术熟练的技工

with the development of science and technology随着科技的发展

tell sth./sb. apart 区分开来

lose one’s temper 大发脾气

a temporary post 一个临时职位

tempt sb. to do sth. 引诱某人做某事

resist the temptation 抵制诱惑

tend to do sth. 倾向于做某事

follow the tendency 顺应趋势

apply the learned theory to practice 把学过的理论运用于实践

think highly of 高度评价

speak highly of 高度赞扬

have a thorough cleaning 进行彻底的大扫除

with the threat of a coming disaster 受到即将到来灾难的威胁

be threatened by a coming disaster

have a sore throat 嗓子痛

spread throughout the country 传遍全国

ahead of time/ in advance 提前

from time to time 时不时地

in no time 立即

mother tongue/ native language 母语

participate in field and track sports 参加田径赛

trade with sb. 与某人交易/

follow the tradition of doing sth. 遵循传统做某事

transfer to a new school 转入新学校

translate the works into simple language 把著作译成简单的英语

travel around the world 环游世界

treat the students fairly 平等地对待学生

treat sb. to sth. 用某物款待某人

go to a doctor for treatment 找医生治病

help the students in trouble帮助有困难的学生

make one’s dreams come true 梦想成真=realizeone’s dreams

to tell the truth 说实话

turn down/reject one’s request 拒绝某人的请求

turn on/off the light /关灯

turn to sb. for help 向某人求助

turn out (to be) a great success 结果大获全胜

turn up 出现;露面

set a typical example 树一个典型的例子

an unbelievable/incredible experience一次难以置信的经历

undergo great hardships 经受苦难

take the underground 乘地下铁

make oneself understood 表达清楚

undertake an honorable task 承担一项光荣的任务

the students dressed in uniform 穿制服的学生们

be elected chairman of the Students’ Union 当选为学生会主席

an unknown mystery 一个未知的迷

an unusual adventure 一次不寻常的冒险

look at sb. up and down 上下打量某人

look down upon/ on sb. 瞧不起某人

make sb. upset 使某人心烦/不安

go upstairs/ downstairs /下楼

report the up-to-date news 报道最新的新闻

live in the urban areas 住在城区 / live in the rural areas住在乡村地区

live in the suburban areas 住在郊区

urge sb. to apply for the post 鼓动某人申请职位

handle the urgent affairs 处理紧急事务

in use/out of use 使用着/不能使用

make good/full use of one’s spare time to do 好好/充分利用某人的空余时间做某事

used to do sth. 过去常常做某事

get/be used/accustomed to doing sth. 习惯于做某事

be used to do sth. 被用来做某事

be of great use = be useful 非常有用

as usual 和平常一样

a vacant post 一个空缺的职位

spend one’s summer vacation/holidays on part-time jobs在暑假打工

be of great value = be valuable 非常有价值

a variety of/ various rare animals 各种各样的稀有动物

vary from person to person 因人而异

vary from season to season 随着季节的变化而不同

take public vehicles 乘坐公共交通工具

donate blood to the victims of the natural disaster 献血给自然灾害的受害者们

be eager to gain victory 渴望获得胜利

play video games on the Internet 在网上玩游戏

from one’s point of view 就某人的观点

view … as 认为

with vigor 有活动的

violent behaviors 暴力行为

play the violin 拉小提琴

search for the computer virus 搜索电脑病毒

pay a visit to / visit the Palace Museum 参观故宫博物馆

have a large vocabulary of 有很大的词汇量

volunteer to work in the remote areas 志愿去偏远地区工作=work in the remote areas as a volunteer

go on a voyage 在水上航行

wait for sb. to do sth. 等待某人做某事

wander in the street 在街上闲逛/徘徊

a warm-hearted lady 一位热心肠的女士

warn sb. of a coming disaster 警告某人继将到来的灾难

waste one’s precious time 浪费某人宝贵的时间

It is a waste of time/money to do sth. 做某事是浪费

a kind of waterproof material 一种防水材料

on the way to school 在去学校的路上

on the way to doing sth. 在做某事的过程中

by the way 顺便问一下

in one’s way 挡住某人的路

a wealthy and powerful country 一个富强的国家

wear a smile on one’s face 面带微笑

according to the weather forecast 根据天气预报

on the wedding ceremony 在结婚仪式上

be well-off = be rich

be well-known/famous for 因某事而出名

be well-known/famous as 作为而出名

hold back the wheels of history 阻挡历史前进的车轮

after a while 过了一会儿

for a while 有一会儿

as a whole 作为一个整体

on the whole 从整体上讲

open one’s mouth wide 张大嘴

be widely accepted 被广泛接受

protect the wild animals from extinction 保护野生动物免于灭绝

be willing/ready to help others 乐于助人

withdraw one’s application 收回某人的申请

within one’s reach 在某人够得着的地方

no wonder 不足为奇

have a word with sb. 与某人谈话

have words with sb. 与某人争吵

Word came that …消息传来

enjoy worldwide reputation 全世界享有胜名

be worried about/worry about 而担心

hope for the best and prepare for the worst 抱最大的希望,作最坏的打算

be worth the money 值钱

be worth reading 值得一读=be worthy of being done

do wrong to sb. 冤枉某人

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