
【绘本伴读1】The Wonky Donkey,相信孩子们会喜欢

 一帆风顺G3 2017-02-12

从本期开始,绘玩亲子开始了推出绘本伴读,与我们绘玩亲子的线下体验班一起感受绘本英语带来的乐趣。今天推荐的是比较的一本比较重口味的,名字叫《The Wonky Donkey》,昨晚Alice老师在与David学习这个故事,笑声不断。今天小编灵机一动,通过一上午的折腾,终于弄明白音频动作,下载正版的音频转换,看来今后小朋友们有福了。今天将我的处女作奉献给大家,相信会推出更好的绘本英语伴读文章,争取与Alice老师的教学同步:


读一个绘本可能首先要了解一下和绘本有关的创作背景,这个可以帮助我们更好的理解这个绘本。这是由一首2007年走红的儿童歌曲《The Wonky Donkey》而改编的同名儿童绘本。和其他先有绘本后有配音的绘本相比,这类绘本的音乐性就更强一点。

The Wonky Donkey这首歌选自新西兰作曲家Craig Smith的专辑《Not Just for Kids》,听名字我们就知道这张专辑里的歌大人也会很喜欢。这首歌是典型的乡村音乐的曲风。这首歌当年获得了很多的大奖,包括“APRA NZ Children's Song of the Year Award in 2008”以及“Top 25 songs in the children's section of the ISC International Songwriting Contest”。

Craig Smith,澳洲APRA儿童音乐奖获得者,现居新西兰的全职音乐家及作者。他的绘本作品有除了《The Wonky Donkey》、还有《My Daddy Ate An Apple》和《Square eyes》,已在全球范围内销售了近百万册,受到了各国孩子们的欢迎。Craig每本绘本作品都极具风格,书本身就是一首他自己创作的歌。2010年,他所著的The Wonky Donkey一书在新西兰邮政儿童图书奖评选中获得儿童选择奖。最新上市的作品My Daddy Ate an Apple与Square Eyes也成为排名第一的畅销书。




I was walking down the road and I saw

A donkey,

Hee Haw!

And he only had three legs!

He was a wonky donkey.

'I was walking down the road and I saw

A donkey,

Hee Haw!

he only had three legs...

and one eye!

He was a winky wonky donkey.

I was walking down the road

and I saw  a donkey,

Hee Haw!

He only had three lags,

one eye ...

and he liked to listen to country muisc.

Yee Haa!

He was a honky-tonky

winky wonky donkey.

I was walking down the road

and I saw a donkey

Hee Haw!

He only had three legs,

one eye ,

he liked to listen to country muisc...

and he was quite tall and slim.

He was a lanky

honky-tonky winky wonky donkey.

I was walking down the road

and I saw a donkey,

Hee Haw!

He only had three legs,

one eye,

he liked to listen to country muise,

he was quite tall and silm...

and he smelt really, really bad.

He was a stinky-dinky

lanky honky-tonky winky wonky donkey

I was walking down the road

and i saw a donkey,

Hee Haw!

He only had three lags,

one eye,

he liked to listen to country muisc,

he was quite tall and slim,

he smelt really,really  bad...

and that morning he,d got up early

and hadn,t had any coffee.

He was a cranky

stinky-dinky lanky honky-tonky winky wonky donkey

I was walking down the road 

and I saw a donkey,

Hee Haw!

he only had three legs,

one eye

he liked to listen to country music,

he was quite tall and slim,

he smelt really ,really bad,

that morning he,d got up early

and hadn,t had any coffee....

and he was always getting up to mischief.

He was a hanky-panky cranky stinky-dinky

lanky honky-tonky winky wonky donkey

I was walking down the road and I saw a donky

Hee Haw!

He only had three legs,

one eye,

he liked to country muisc,

he was quite tall and slim,

he smelt really really bad,

that morning he,d got up early and hadn,t had any coffee,

he was always getting up to mischief...

but he was quite good looking!

He was a spunky hanky-panky cranky

stinky-dinky lanky honky-tonky winky wonky donkey

I was walking down the road and I saw a donkey...

以上是整个故事的彩页,大家可以听上面的音频对照来伴读,这个故事挺好玩,这头驴居然还喜欢听Country Music, 太有范儿了吧。直到最后这头驴变成了“a spunky, hanky-panky, cranky, stinky, dinky, lanky, honky-tonky, winky wonky, donkey!”,挺有谐音感觉!只听到的是DavId的笑声!!


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