

 tongkaibao 2017-02-14


2017-02-13 英语


Fancy meeting You here ! 等得就是你哦!一起快乐学英语,英语可以如此简单有趣!吉米老师为你献上英语大餐:英语口语,听力,阅读,音乐歌曲,一应俱全,就等你来细细品尝啦!




Jimmy's Note

吉米老师前言:前段时间的某一天,我突然被一条“李小龙1965年美国福克斯公司面试视频”这样的标题吸引到。点开一看,Bruce Lee西装革履、正襟危坐,画面布光十分标准,一股浓浓的好莱坞六十年代镜头感扑面而来。没错,这段视频货真价实,正是当年刚刚当了父亲的李小龙在美国福克斯参加面试的珍贵影像资料。当时李小龙想要参演Number One Son的试镜,虽然这部影片最后并未开机,但细细思索一下我们便能发现,这次面试李小龙完成得十分流畅,就像他的寸拳一样,干净利索。Bruce的这次面试究竟好在哪里呢?下面就让我们来一起分析一下。当然,先附上视频~


INTERVIEWER: Now Bruce, just look right into the camera lens right here and tell us your name, your age and when you were born.

BRUCE LEE: My last name is Lee, Bruce Lee. I was born in San Francisco. 1940. I'm 24 right now.

INTERVIEWER: And you worked in the motion pictures in Hong Kong?

BRUCE LEE: Yes, since I was around six years old.

INTERVIEWER: And when did you leave Hong Kong?

BRUCE LEE: 1959. When I was eighteen.
INTERVIEWER: I see. Now look over to me, Bruce, as we talk. I understand you just had a baby boy?


INTERVIEWER: And you've lost a little sleep over it, have you?

BRUCE LEE: Oh, three nights.

INTERVIEWER: And tell the crew what time they shoot the pictures in Hong Kong.

BRUCE LEE: Well it's mostly in the morning because it is kind of noisy in Hong Kong, you know? Around three million people there, and so every time when they have a picture it's mostly, say, around 12: 00 a.m. to 5: 00 a.m. in the morning.

INTERVIEWER: I see. You love that, do you?

BRUCE LEE: (smiles)
面试官的“I see”一出,我们应该立刻意识到这句话标志着一个话题的结束,而紧接着提到喜得贵子这一话题也确实验证了这种预判。特别值得关注的是,李小龙发现面试官切换到了一个相对轻松的话题后,自己也迅速调整节奏,用笑声和惬意的表情来回应面试官,从而确保自己和面试官的节奏高度同步。这样的高级别面试,显然节奏不是能自己掌控的,而李小龙采取这样的办法来积极跟进,可谓是高手中的高手。
INTERVIEWER: And you went to College in the United States?


INTERVIEWER: And what did you study?

BRUCE LEE: Ah, philosophy.

INTERVIEWER: I see.(大家注意,再一次出现I see,后面必定有话题变动。) Now you told me earlier today, that karate and ju-jitsu are not the most powerful or the best forms of Oriental fighting. What is the most powerful or the best form?

BRUCE LEE: Well, it's bad to say 'the best' but, in my opinion, I think kungfu is pretty good.
INTERVIEWER: And would you tell us a little bit about kungfu?

BRUCE LEE: Well, kungfu is originated in China. It is the ancestor of karate and ju-jitsu. It's more of a complete system and it's more fluid. By that I mean, it's more flowing; there's continuity in movement instead of one movement, two movement and then stop.

INTERVIEWER: Would you look right into the camera lens and explain the principle of the glass of water as it applies to kungfu?

BRUCE LEE: Well, kungfu — the best example would be a glass of water. Why? Because water is the softest substance in the world, but yet it can penetrate the hardest rock or anything — granite, you name it. Water also is insubstantial; by that I mean you cannot grasp hold of it, you cannot punch it and hurt it. So every kungfu man is trying to do that; to be soft like water, and flexible and adapt itself to the opponent.

INTERVIEWER: I see.(注意,这个I see又来了,没错,又是切换话题!)What's the difference between a kungfu punch and a karate punch?

BRUCE LEE: Well, a karate punch is like an iron bar — whack! A kungfu punch is like an iron chain with an iron ball attached to the end and it goes Wang! And it hurts inside.
INTERVIEWER: Okay. In a moment we're going to cut and in just a second we'll have you stand up and show us some kungfu and some movements in kungfu.

正如前面提到的,李小龙的整面试过程给人的感觉是干净、流畅、自信。Chance favors only the prepared mind.没错,面试是展示的机会,但是这样一个机会并不是谁都能抓得住、抓得好的。李小龙无论在面试技巧的准备上还是观点阐述上,都名副其实地做到了“有备而来”。正是这样,李小龙才得以把自己最出色的三分钟展示给了面试官,也才有了人们今天对一代传奇李小龙这段50年前的影像资料的慨叹与钦佩。以上剖析是基于我个人对这段视频的理解与感悟,想必大家在这段短片中也都悟到了不少东西把!


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