
一个能用诗来书写化学的诺贝尔奖得主——R. 霍夫曼

 Moia藏经阁 2017-02-16

撰文:DJ   编辑:DJ&ZSH

A. 诺奖得主霍夫曼   

1965年,美国有机化学家RB.伍德沃德与R.霍夫曼合作提出分子轨道对称守恒原理(伍德沃德-霍夫曼规则),并凭借这个杰出的工作和日本科学家福井谦一一同分享了1981年诺贝尔化学奖。其中的R. 霍夫曼不仅仅是一位杰出的化学家,他还在诗歌领域挥洒才华。

B. 诗人霍夫曼   

    R. 霍夫曼通晓六种语言,同时也爱好文学与诗歌创作。他在本科阶段就表现出对文学尤其是诗的浓厚兴趣,并选修了相关课程。不过直到1977年,霍夫曼在他四十岁的时候才开始发表作品(霍夫曼44岁获得了诺贝尔化学奖)。为了进一步提高写作水平,他还专门去麻省理工学院补课。这之后他陆续出版了一些诗集,这些诗歌作品中有很多与自然科学尤其是化学相关


C. 诗人的诗  



I would sit just there, in the quiet shadeof 

the live oaks. It was a scholar's dream, 

but I, intent to find the way across

 the ravine, wasn't there to write poetry.

 You see, that thick lush growth stopped progress

 here, but I could spot a road gathering

 on the other side. That's where we had to go.

 I brought my field glasses, a topographic

 map. From above, the gully looked much like

 a low-growing jungle hugging the land; 

the cows had gotten across, I saw tracks

 in and tried to follow them. But it didn't

 work, bushes closed in, there was poison oak,

 vines with rows of sharp red thorns. I came back

 day after day, trying, tracing paths back

 from the other side. For I knew a pattern,

 the right way, had to be there. In the end

 I found one, but what's bothered me since

 is that I didn't follow the paths that

 are hidden there, the way I should have, but

 I hacked a rough piece of a new one through.

 The other day I met a friend who's run

 into the same wild terrain. Starting out

 from a hill nearby, he found a differentway. 

But I told you there was only one.


1.  化学诗歌总相宜——

1.  化学诗歌总相宜——记诺贝尔化学奖得主、诗人霍夫曼教授,作者:黎健http://www./n195/n203/n216/n218/n346/u1ai9587.html

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