

 我心依然要飞翔 2017-02-20

原文来自New Story的创始人Brett的Linkedin。 科比的成功来自他每天凌晨4点钟起来练球,每天5次训练。伟大的梦想,需要做出常人不愿意做出的选择。Enjoy!

Kobe Bryant recently shared an all-time great mindset, manifested into a subtle quote that not many people noticed. It's been three weeks and I can't get it out of my head, so I wanted to share. You can take it literally or (mostly) metaphorically - both work and can be applied to the dream you're chasing.

科比最近分享了一个永恒的伟大思维方式,他表达的比较微妙,所以没有多少人注意到。已经过了三个星期,我还是不能把忘记它,所以我想分享出来。你可以从字面上理解或当做比喻来理解 — 两者都行,都可以应用于你追求的梦想。

The quote came from Kobe when he was on stage accepting the 'Icon Award' at the ESPYS. He was addressing fellow athletes:


“We’re not on this stage just because of talent or ability,” Bryant said.

“我们站在这个舞台上不是因为天赋或能力,” Bryant说。

“We’re up here because of 4 a.m. We’re up here because of two-a-days or five-a-days. We’re up here because we had a dream and let nothing stand in our way. If anything tried to bring us down, we used it to make us stronger.”



There are thousands of athletes that had similar or even better talent than Kobe. Just like there are thousands of executives, leaders, sales managers, artists, musicians, writers, etc. that have the same and more talent than you and me.


But at the end of the day, it doesn't come down to who has the most talent or intelligence. It comes down to who is willing to make the choices that others are not willing to make.


Who is willing to shoot baskets in the dark when everyone else is sleeping? Who is willing to prepare more for an interview? Who is willing to practice their speech 10X more than anyone else? All are choices we make.


The Dream 梦想

If the dream is small, there's no point to do things that others won't if your end goal is not something 'extra-ordinary.' There's just no reason for the '4AMs.' Which is totally cool and fine!

如果梦想很小,做别人不做的事情,也没有多大意义。如果你的最终目标不是“超常”的, 没有理由“凌晨4点钟”。“凌晨4点钟”只是一件很酷的事情。

But if the dream is big... the game changes.

但如果梦想伟大的..., 游戏就会改变。

The 4AMs and two-a-days become intentional choices. The hard things over the easy, comfortable things become routine. The discipline to put off instant gratification is the standard process. People will say 'you're obsessed, you're not normal!' and they're right because its not a normal journey. A big dream is something extraordinary: very different from what is normal or customary.

凌晨4点钟和1天训练2次成为有意而为的选择。在简单舒适和困难之间,选择了困难,并把它变成日常行为。不在乎即时的满足。人们会说“你很痴迷,你不同寻常!” 他们说的没错,因为它不是一个正常的旅程。一个伟大的梦想注定非凡:不同于正常或习惯。

And over time, as I'm beginning to realize more and more, the choice to take this journey is ultimately the reward.


What's your 4AM? 你的凌晨4点是什么?

This quote is not saying everyone should get up at 4AM or do five-a-days. It's metaphoric. The idea is that if you have a big dream, then you have to fall in love with doing things that others won't to accomplish what others can't.



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