

 惠风1975 2017-02-22

7  Simple Natural Hacks To Help You Lose Weight Fast

Losing weight is not actually a big deal. But many people find it a demanding task. With some dedication and practice you can easily achieve your goal of being slimmer and looking good.


The problem of roaming different shops in the city to find your size will be gone forever. With some simple tasks that you can do at your home, you can easily lose excess weight.


Most people start their weight loss regime but can’t continue it in the long run. And thats the major reason most people find it difficult to lose weight. It doesnt matter the extent to which you are prepared but rather how dedicated you are to losing your excess weight.


1. Drink plenty of water.


Drinking more water keeps you hydrated which makes losing weight easier. Keeping the body hydrated helps the heart to pump blood more easily to the muscles through the blood vessels. As a result, it helps the muscles work efficiently which causes fat to dissolve in the body resulting in a slimmer body shape.


Instead of having juice or soda throughout a day, focus on water. Drinking water before a meal can reduce hunger which can be a way to reduce your consumption. Consuming less is key to becoming slimmer.


2. Lift, throw and move.


Lifting some weights in your home shouldn’t be a very difficult task. You can find a bucket full of water to lift. You can practice lifting some kind of weight on a regular basis after you wake up in the morning, and after not too many days you will notice weight changes.


Throwing objects around your yard such as football or a volleyball can be another drill you can take on. It energizes your muscles and helps your movements to become more agile. Doing these workouts at home can not only make you thinner but also healthier.


3. Morning walk.


Going for a walk every day, especially when it involves leaving your warm bed on a cold morning, is a difficult task to do. But it’s very important if you are really focused on losing your excess weight. Walking every day helps you burn extra calories. Its more efficient if you walk before your breakfast.


Scientific research shows that walking before breakfast burns more calories from your body fat than after breakfast helping you to lose weight faster. Researchers found that walking at 2mph for around 30 minutes can burn around 75 calories of your body fat while 150 calories can be burned at 4mph.

4. Consume more vegetables and fruits.


Consuming more fruits and vegetables can be beneficial for you in losing weight. As fruits and vegetables are naturally lower in calories, they can be a highly effective addition to your diet. Fruits and vegetables provide fiber that can help you to feel fuller quicker while also helping to keep your digestive system healthy.


5. Eat at home/avoid pre-packaged food.


Don’t buy food items that list sugar, fructose, glucose and corn syrup as their major ingredients. The food served at restaurants on large plates can also contain high calorie levels. If you are willing to cook more, a better option is to prepare the meal at home.


Also, avoid junk food from the supermarket. Those foods contain high calorie counts that can increase your weight. They can also cause problems for your digestive system. Consuming this sort of food should be minimized as soon as possible if you are wanting to lose weight. You should also be careful about trying weight loss supplements, such as Garcinia Cambogia.


6. Stare at the blue color.


Have you seen any restaurants that were painted in blue, or featured blue on their walls or dining table covers? Researchers have concluded that blue is the color that makes you feel like you are full; the color is considered an appetite suppressant. Hence staring at blue can be a way to consume fewer calories.


Avoid red, yellow, and orange in dining areas as studies have found that these colors boost eating.


7. Watch less TV.


When you spend more time watching TV, there is a greater chance that you will eat more. A bunch of researchers have found that people eat more while they are watching TV. The people who spend more time watching TV eat more often while watching TV and also at other times.


So, if you manage to watch TV less, there is a chance that you will consume fewer calories which can be a significant factor in losing weight.


Also you can try non-fat powdered milk in coffee. The skim milk is high in calcium and low in calories and thus it can be beneficial to you in terms of losing weight.


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