

 cbi89 2017-02-22



Teymuras Kurzchalia和 Tony Hyman 都有马克斯普朗克研究所分子细胞生物学和遗传学的实验室及不同的研究项目——但他们都偶然发现了基因DJ-1。这种基因最初被认为是一种致癌基因,自2003年以来一直被认为与帕金森病有关联。最近的研究表明,DJ-1属于新的glyxolase家族。这些基因的主要功能被假设为替线粒体代谢中醛类副产品解毒。德累斯顿的研究小组展示DJ-1的产品,D-乳酸钠和羟乙酸盐,实际上只需要维持高线粒体跨膜电位就可以防止帕金森病中神经元的退化。


“我们尚不清楚D-乳酸钠和羟乙酸盐如何实现这一治疗和预防效果,我们下一步将研究这一过程的分子机制,”Hyman and Kurzchalia.说。除了进一步做分子调查,他们未来也有更具体的计划,Kurzchalia说“我们可以研发一种富含D-乳酸钠的酸奶,用它来预防帕金森疾病的同时也是非常美味的!“这就是为什么研究人员提交专利申请他们的发现。



Products of the Parkinson's disease-related glyoxalase DJ-1, D-lactate and glycolate, support mitochondrial membrane potential and neuronal survival

Yusuke Toyoda, Cihan Erkut, Francisco Pan-Montojo, Sebastian Boland,Martin P. Stewart, Daniel J. Müller, Wolfgang Wurst, Anthony A. Hyman,and Teymuras V. Kurzchalia

Parkinson's disease is associated with mitochondrial decline in dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra. One of the genes linked with the onset of Parkinson's disease, DJ-1/PARK7, belongs to a novel glyoxalase family and influences mitochondrial activity. It has been assumed that glyoxalases fulfill this task by detoxifying aggressive aldehyde by-products of metabolism. Here we show that supplying either D-lactate or glycolate, products of DJ-1, rescues the requirement for the enzyme in maintenance of mitochondrial potential. We further show that glycolic acid and D-lactic acid can elevate lowered mitochondrial membrane potential caused by silencing PINK-1, another Parkinson's related gene, as well as by paraquat, an environmental toxin known to be linked with Parkinson's disease. We propose that DJ-1 and consequently its products are components of a novel pathway that stabilizes mitochondria during cellular stress. We go on to show that survival of cultured mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons, defective in Parkinson's disease, is enhanced by glycolate and D-lactate. Because glycolic and D-lactic acids occur naturally, they are therefore a potential therapeutic route for treatment or prevention of Parkinson's disease.

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