

 雨林医风 2017-02-24

SECTION 1      第1部分

A 13-year-old girl presented acutely with an episode of headache and signs of elevated intracranial pressure from a pineal gland tumor causing obstructive hydrocephalus. After an endoscopic third ventriculostomy and pineal gland biopsy, she was diagnosed with pineoblastoma. She was treated with surgical resection,craniospinal radiotherapy, and subsequent chemo-therapy. Brain MRIs were performed every 3 monthsafter surgery and remained stable with no new lesionsor signs of residual tumor. However, a follow-up brain MRI performed 6 months after chemotherapy showed some small white matter nonenhancing lesions in supratentorial subcortical areas and within the cord at C7. She had no neurologic symptoms at that time and the white matter lesions improved over the next 3 months.




However, 10 months later, she developed acute weakness of her left arm and leg and blurry vision.Her neurologic examination confirmed left optic neuritis and moderate left hemiparesis. Routine laboratories did not show any abnormalities. A new brain MRI showed new and enhancing lesions in the brain and spinal cord, including cerebellar hemispheres, left cerebellar peduncle, subcortical white matter, left opticnerve, and multilevel (thoracic and lumbar) intramedullary spinal cord lesions (figure, A and B). Some ofthem were round and had a complete ring-enhancingpattern. Additional MRI sequences such as diffusion-weighted imaging and perfusion-weighted imaging didnot clarify the nature of the lesions (normal apparentdiffusion coefficient [ADC] values and slightlyincreased perfusion in enhancing areas). Spectroscopywas normal. Magnetic resonance angiography demon-strated no flow-limiting stenosis. The patient and herfamily declined a lumbar puncture. She was empiri-cally treated with high-dose IV steroids and her exam-ination results returned to normal after 6–8 weeks.




Question for consideration:

1. What is your differential diagnosis regarding her second neurologic presentation?




SECTION 2     第2部分

Pineoblastomas correspond to WHO grade IV tumors, being highly malignant and infiltrative, with a significant potential for dissemination. Although craniospinal irradiation has been shown to prevent leptomeningeal recurrence, pineoblastomas are known to have a poor prognosis[1]. Pineoblastomas tend to recuron the surfaces of the neural tissue rather than in the parenchyma and all the lesions identified in the patient were far from the pineal gland, although the reare case reports of brain metastasis related to the manipulation of a pineoblastoma after stereotacticor endoscopic biopsy[2]. In this case, tumor recurrence was considered after the first MRI showing whitematter changes, but the subsequent improvement without specific treatment is not expected in a malignant condition. Moreover, the pineoblastoma surgerywas performed more than a year before the appear-ance of lesions on MRI, making it much less likely that the procedure caused dissemination of the malignancy.




On the other hand, radiation to the brain is known to produce late delayed changes in the white matter (from several months to years after exposure) and subsequent administration of chemotherapy may increase the risk of cerebral injury. A variety of patterns of radiation-induced injury have been described. The brain and spinal cord MRIs were not suggestive of radionecrosis, lacking signs of low ADC signal and hypoperfusion. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy did not show a decrease in NAA as istypically seen[3]. Another form of delayed radiotoxicity called radiation-induced enhancement usually occurs within the periventricular white matter and has different patterns of enhancement, although its clinicalcourse and MRI findings are usually progressive and irreversible. Despite the fact that some cases ofimprovement or fluctuation have been reported, acomplete resolution of the lesions is not expected[4].




Considering that chemotherapeutic drugs administered to the patient might be potentially toxic to the brain and spinal cord, the possibility of chemotherapy-related neurotoxicity was also taken into consideration. However, in this setting neurotoxicity usually developsa few weeks after the chemotherapy and progresses,while the patient’s symptoms started months after the end of the chemotherapy, rendering a toxic mechanism unlikely[5].


Four months later, the patient developed 2 episodes of subacute left-sided weakness lasting more than a week. The second episode occurred during an upper respiratory infection. A new brain MRI showed several new enhancing lesions affecting the right pons, mid-brain, and cerebellar vermis, with improvement ofthe previous lesions (figure, C), without new lesionsin the spinal cord. A lumbar puncture was performedand showed 8 leukocytes (90% lymphocytes), normal protein and glucose levels, negative cultures, and 10 unique oligoclonal bands (OCBs) with elevated immu-noglobulin G (Ig G) index. Cytology was negative for malignant cells in the CSF. The patient improved with steroids but did not return to her baseline.







Question for consideration:

1. How has your differential diagnosis changed and what further investigations should be done?




SECTION 3     第三部分


This patient presented with relapsing-remitting symptoms due to brain, optic nerve, and spinal cord involvement. Follow-up MRIs have shown enhancing and nonenhancing white matter lesions in different areas of the CNS. Her differential diagnosis is broad[6]:


  • Although neurologic symptoms can be the first presentation of some autoimmune systemic disorders, the patient did not have features suggestive of systemic lupus erythematosus, Beh?et syndrome, or scleroderma. Extensive workup included negative autoantibodies (antinuclear antibodies, ds-DNA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, anticardiolipin, smooth muscle anti-bodies, antiphospholipid, anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-aquaporin-4) and normal results for erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, thyroid-stimulating hormone, C3, and C4. There was no evidence for sarcoidosis on complete neuro-ophthalmologic examination, 24-hour urine calcium levels, or serum or CSF angiotensin-converting enzyme. Sj?gren syndrome was ruled out as the patient had no typical symptoms and autoantibodies were also negative.




  • 尽管神经系统的症状可能是某些自身免疫性疾病的首发症状,此患者无系统性红斑狼疮、白塞综合症和硬皮病的客观证据,大量的实验室检查结果示阴性的(抗核抗体、ds-DNA、抗中性粒细胞胞质抗体、抗心磷脂抗体、平滑肌抗体、anti-Ro, anti-La, 水通道蛋白4抗体)而且红细胞沉降率、C反应蛋白、TSH、补体C3、C4都是正常水平。完整了神经眼科检查也没有证据提示眼结节病,24小时的尿钙水平或者血清和脑脊液血管紧张素转化酶水平也无异常。患者无典型的症状和自身抗体阴性,Sj?gren 综合症(校审注:干燥综合征)被排除。

  • CNS vasculitis is known to produce fluctuating symptoms in a relapsing-remitting manner due to vascular compromise. However, this entity does not explain the optic nerve and spinal cord involvement of this patient and there were no features suggestive of CNS angiitis on the magnetic resonance angiography. Additionally, rapid progression is expected without immunosuppressive medications.


  • 中枢神经系统血管炎可以由于血管恢复等因素出现症状波动,从而出现复发缓解的方式。然而不能解释视神经炎和脊髓受累。在磁共振血管成像中没有提示中枢神经系统血管炎特征。此外在未使用免疫抑制剂是中枢神经系统血管炎病情将是快速进展。

  • CSF analysis was not compatible with a CNS infection. Infections such as tuberculosis, herpesvirus, or neurocysticercosis would not have improved without antimicrobial therapy. Even considering the possibility of an immunocom-promised state related to the previous chemotherapy, a typical infections (such as fungal or toxoplasma) can be reasonably ruled out.


  • 脑脊液分析提示与感染不符。感染性疾病时如不使用抗感染治疗,比如结核、疱疹病毒、神经系统囊虫病,症状不会改善。前期用药化疗可使免疫受损的情况,从而导致典型的感染(真菌或者弓形虫),也可以排除。


  • CNS lymphomas can affect the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves and MRI findings commonly improve with steroids. However, these neoplasms usually affect basal ganglia and leptomeninges, while posterior fossa involvementis very uncommon. On MRI, lymphomas can present as ring-enhancing lesions, but usually have low ADC values and decreased NAA,whereas the CSF often reveals an elevated protein concentration and a lymphocytic pleocytosis, features that were not present in the patient.


  • 中枢神经系统淋巴瘤也可以侵犯大脑、脊髓和视神经,通常在使用激素后MRI出现改善。然而,淋巴瘤通常侵犯基底节区和软脑膜,累及颅后窝的情况是非常罕见。淋巴瘤在MRI上通常表现为环形强化损害,但是通常是ADC低信号和NAA下降。脑脊液检测场出现蛋白水平升高和淋巴细胞增多,这些特征也不符合。

  • Other causes of demyelination in children such as leukodystrophies (symmetric and progressive course) and mitochondrial diseases (multisystem involvement) are very unlikely.

  • The patient did not meet criteria for a diagnosis of neuromyelitis optica and aquaporin-4 anti-bodies were negative.


  • 其他引起儿童脱髓鞘性疾病,比如脑白质营养不良(对称性和进展性病程)和线粒体疾病(多系统受累)也不成立。


  • 患者不符合视神经脊髓炎的诊断标准且水通道蛋白4抗体阴性。

Questions for consideration:

  1. Could the development of multiple sclerosis (MS)be related to previous brain radiotherapy?

  2. Would you recommend starting any long-term therapeutics?





SECTION 4      第4部分

The diagnosis of MS in both children and adults restson the evidence of inflammatory demyelination in different regions of the CNS occurring over time. Considering the clinical course and the neuroimaging, the patient’s presentation was typical of relapsing-remitting MS. The MRI showed more than 2 T2 lesions in many locations commonly affected in patients with MS (peri-ventricular, juxtacortical, brainstem, and spinal cord),with clinically silent enhancing and nonenhancing lesions. Once autoimmune, infectious, and space-occupying lesions had been ruled out, this patient met the most current criteria for a diagnosis of pediatric MS[7].Furthermore, detection of OCBs and elevated IgG index in the CSF are characteristic features of MS, and an improvement with steroids is expected. Although both circumstances are not specific for MS, they support the diagnosis[8].




This case brings to light an interesting question of whether or not radiotherapy puts a patient at risk for later developing MS. It has been reported that brain radiotoxicity is higher in patients with MS. The underlying mechanism remains unclear. It has been suggested that patients with MS could have more difficulty in repairing radiation-induced demyelination of the CNS, which makes them more vulnerable to brain radiotoxicity[9]. On the other hand, radiotherapy could induce changes in the blood–brain barrier that may allow immune-mediated effects on the irradiated brain[10]. This case conceivably represents an example of either new demyelinating disease triggered by preceding brain radiotherapy or preexisting disease brought to the clinical surface after radiotherapy.


Based on the fact that relapsing-remitting MS is a chronic disease and new relapses are expected, the patient was started on a first-line disease-modifying therapy (subcutaneous interferon-b-1a). She has not shown clinical or MRI evidence of disease activity during the first 6 months on this treatment. The most recent examination of the patient is consistent with sequelae of previous left optic neuritis and mild left hemiparesis.






[1]       Tate M, Sughrue ME, Rutkowski MJ, et al. The long-term postsurgical prognosis of patients with pineoblastoma. Cancer. 2012. 118(1): 173-9.

[2]       Luther N, Stetler WR, Dunkel IJ, Christos PJ, Wellons JC, Souweidane MM. Subarachnoid dissemination of intraventricular tumors following simultaneous endoscopic biopsy and third ventriculostomy. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2010. 5(1): 61-7.

[3]       Wang YX, King AD, Zhou H, et al. Evolution of radiation-induced brain injury: MR imaging-based study. Radiology. 2010. 254(1): 210-8.

[4]       Pruzincová L, Steno J, Srbecky M, et al. MR imaging of late radiation therapy- and chemotherapy-induced injury: a pictorial essay. Eur Radiol. 2009. 19(11): 2716-27.

[5]       Sul JK, Deangelis LM. Neurologic complications of cancer chemotherapy. Semin Oncol. 2006. 33(3): 324-32.

[6]       Hahn JS, Pohl D, Rensel M, Rao S. Differential diagnosis and evaluation in pediatric multiple sclerosis. Neurology. 2007. 68(16 Suppl 2): S13-22.

[7]       Waldman A, Ghezzi A, Bar-Or A, Mikaeloff Y, Tardieu M, Banwell B. Multiple sclerosis in children: an update on clinical diagnosis, therapeutic strategies, and research. Lancet Neurol. 2014. 13(9): 936-48.

[8]       Krupp LB, Banwell B, Tenembaum S. Consensus definitions proposed for pediatric multiple sclerosis and related disorders. Neurology. 2007. 68(16 Suppl 2): S7-12.

[9]       D'hooghe MB, Nagels G, Bissay V, De Keyser J. Modifiable factors influencing relapses and disability in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2010. 16(7): 773-85.

[10]     Miller RC, Lachance DH, Lucchinetti CF, et al. Multiple sclerosis, brain radiotherapy, and risk of neurotoxicity: the Mayo Clinic experience. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2006. 66(4): 1178-86.


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