

 石船长的收藏 2017-03-09



装过N次Nopac的petcoke,可是比Nopac的soda ash容易多了。(因为时差的关系,早上回下昨晚的邮件就OK了,又不用担心验舱,晚上几乎也不用盯着,装petcoke简直是非常治愈soda ash创伤!)

但是现实总是让人意想不到啊,散货市场实在是太差了,只能有什么装什么啊,装完petcoke装cement,装完cement装salt,装完salt又是petcoke,装完petcoke又装wheat,我不知道deck crew心里怎么想的,反正我的内心几乎是崩溃的,啊啊啊!

Petcoke其实叫Petroleum Coke,就如名字一样,就不是什么干净的货,看起来跟coal差不多。(装petcoke,妈妈再也不用担心我的船过不了验舱了!)

Petcoke属于Group B的货。

在这里我要先插几句题外话(又有题外话要讲?!)——每条船都有张适装证书Certificate of Compliance with the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code,上面by default只会允许装Group A和Group C的货。要想装任何Group B的货是要一种货一种货分别跟Class申请的!只有Class approve了之后,该种货才会被列入允许装的货的list中。如果要装petcoke,一定要证书里面写明了可以装petcoke才可以装,比如下图,petcoke就不在list of cargoes permitted to be carried里,这就意味着该船并不适装petcoke。


船东如果答应了装list里没有的货,就需要立刻马上通知class(有的货class还会要求flag state's approval)。以petcoke为例,class会要求船东在船上配备防护服、防火设备等(其他的货可能class还会要求派人上船检查之后才允许装)才会签发允许装petcoke的证书,就是把petcoke加入list中。如果船到了装港,证书却没有做好,那么船就不是in all respects ready to load,船递交的NOR 就很有可能被视作无效的NOR,期租租家也完全有理由off-hire船东。

建议广大原船东看下自己的期租proforma cp里的cargo exclusion clause,再看下自己船的适装证书是否包括了已经在cp里答应装的货。提前做好准备,总比临时手忙脚乱好,我能告诉的就这么多了。

持有下图这种适装证书的船才可以装petcoke ↘

唉,我还是不放心,还是想再强调一遍:定Group B的货前,请注意看适装证书是否允许装!

现在回归正题,IMSBC Code是这样描述petcoke的:

PETROLEUM COKE (calcined or uncalcined)


Black, finely divided residue from petroleum refining in the form of powder and small pieces.



Powder to small pieces

Class MHB

Group B


并没有特殊的要求,只要clean and dry就好。


其实装货是有precaution需要注意的,i.e. This cargo shall not be loaded when the temperature of this cargo exceeding 107°C. The master shall post warnings about the high temperature of this cargeo near the cargo spaces. 这是船长需要考虑的事情,作为ops能做的不多。

在有条件的情况下,知道要装petcoke,可以apply holdblock,这样比较利于卸货后的清舱。我随便在网上找了一种holdblock,供大家参考。P.S. 一般都是没有时间去准备apply holdblock的,而且太!费!钱!



不过,要注意The disposal of residues from a petcoke cargo must be recorded in the Garbage Record Book. 当然这个也是船长要做的。



如果chartering来问ops是否有信心装完petcoke装干净的货,还是那个原则——看什么货,看哪里装。如果卸港到下一个装港时间太短来不及做大舱,那就Say No(你Say Yes,过不了验舱就吃不了兜着走了)。即使时间来得及,也要确保船上有足够的洗舱设备和chemicals去做大舱,因为卸完货的大舱这样的↘



大家可以看到,即使洗完了还是有black stains在bulkhead上啊,这是因为货物特性以及有些petcoke是很oily的。这时就该用到chemicals。Wilhelmsen有产品 'Aquatuff 25 l' & 'Aquatuff High Foam' 可以用清洗petcoke留下来的污渍油渍。

***Aquatuff is a heavy-duty water based alkaline cleaner. It has numerous cleaning applications including removal of greases, waxes, vegetable and animal oils, sludge, soot, carbon deposits, dirt and grime. Aquatuff is also used for cargo hold cleaning after coal and pet coke. 大家可以在Wilhelmsen官网找到该产品介绍。supply地点不同,Aquatuff的价钱不同,像美国一般得USD8.00多/ltr,新加坡会便宜些也要USD4.00多/ltr。像一条supramax,一般会用到大概1000ltrs (200ltrs each cargo hold x 5 holds),哈,做一船petcoke,最少4000美金就没了。

用了chemical之后,如果还是很难除去那些black stains,船员们就得一边用chemical一边用刷子去刷了,总之是件很费力的工作。如果洗完之后还是可以看到black stains,就需要用白手套摸一下,看手套是不是会沾上这些黑色的东东。如果这个黑色怎样也除不掉,那实在没办法,就只能上油漆了(还得确保涂了漆之后有足够的时间让油漆干)。


鉴于petcoke非常难清洗,所以一般在期租合同里面都会放Petcoke Protecting Clause ——

(1) Period

在intermediate voyages里,租家要装petcoke,只要合同允许(有的合同会只允许装1-3 shipments),船东是不会说什么的,因为租家负责intermediate holds cleanliness(不是说租家派人洗舱,而是指船东不用再负责船一定要过验舱)。没有船东原意接受period合同最后一个voyage是装petcoke,因为装完了之后洗舱的responsiblity就fall to owners,船东为了做下一载货,务必要把大舱做出来才行。于是,大部分的period合同都加入了Petcoke Protecting Clause,比如下面这种:

Charterers are at the liberty to carry only one shipment of petroleum coke during the entire period of this charter, if exercised, on the following conditions:

a) Petroleum coke mentioned herein is only limited to the type of non-hazardous, non-dangerous green delayed type and/or calcined and metallurgical type.

b) If Charterers exercise such option, Charterers undertake to use holds as less as possible, provided vessel's stability/trim and stress permit.

c) Such cargo to be loaded, stowed, trimmed, discharged strictly in accordance to latest IMO and/or any other latest regulations/rules applicable to such cargo.

d) Should any additional/special wash down of holds before loading be required by the Master, Charterers undertake to arrange the same at their time expense.

e) After discharge, charterers to arrange at their time and expenses any additional/special wash down of holds carrying such cargoes by chemicals as master considers it necessary.

f) Any directly related extra expenses resulting therefrom/incurred thereby (such as hold cleaning to Master's satisfaction/hold survey etc.) and/or any detention through any of above causes to be for Charterers' account.

(g) Petcoke not to be last cargo prior to redelivery.

(2) TCT

不要以为一个tct就不需要加入protecting clause!因为petcoke难清洗,tct做完之后做大舱又是船东的事,所以船东得要求租家负责清洗所需的materials and chemicals,于是tct里也加入了Petcoke Protecting Clause。比如下面这种:

a) Petroleum coke or petcoke contemplated herein is limited to non-hazardous, non-dangerous green delayed type and metallurgical type only.

b) Charterers shall undertake to use holds as less as possible, provided vessel's stability trim and stress permit.

c) Such cargo to be loaded, stowed, trimmed and discharged strictly in accordance to latest IMO and/or any other latest regulations/rules applicable to such cargo.

d) After discharge, charterers to arrange at their time and expenses any additional/special wash down of holds carrying such cargoes by chemicals as master considers it necessary.

总之,装petcoke不难,装完了之后做大舱才难。如果下一载是清洁货,一要考虑是否船上有足够清洁设备和化学品;二要考虑做大舱时间是否足够;如果下一载是煤炭这种非清洁货,其实也是应该好好利用现在的机会清洗大舱,因为如果这次没有清洗好,after two shipments (one petcoke and one coal, for example),黑色的stains都会粘在舱壁,大舱基本就很难做出来了。


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