

 伴我同行x7933j 2017-03-19




前几天,Global Times摄影记者去到了上影上音上戏这三家知名院校,拍下了那里的考生们年轻的身影——

▲考生们在上海电影学院门口排队入场考试 (Applicants wait outside the School of Film and TV Art & Technology at Shanghai University)

▲上海音乐学院一名考生拿着她的乐器进考场 (A young girl is ready for her music test at Shanghai Conservatory of Music)

▲上海戏剧学院一位女考生一路奔向考场 (A hopeful student dashes to her audition at Shanghai Theatre Academy)

▲入考场前的忐忑 (Another girl takes a deep breath before entering an audition room)

▲考生在考场外焦急的等待 (Applicants queue up for audition)

▲陈凯歌为院长的上海电影学院里,考生们大步走向自己的梦想 (Striding students at the campus of School of Film and TV Art & Technology at Shanghai University)

▲家长们在考场外比考生还焦急 (Parents wait anxiously outside the audition room of Shanghai Conservatory of Music)

Remember my name, fame!

The beginning of March usually marks the advent of spring in Shanghai. But it is also a time when the city's various art schools begin their annual auditions. Hundreds of thousands of aspiring students from all over China flock to Shanghai to show off their artistic or musical skills in attempt to win a spot at prestigious art schools such as Shanghai Theatre Academy, Shanghai Conservatory of Music and the School of Film and TV Art & Technology at Shanghai University.

Behind the popularity of these schools, however, is fierce competition. The number of youngsters applying to Shanghai Theatre Academy has been rising rapidly over the past few years.

According to official figures, the academy's applicants grew from 11,448 in 2012 to 20,996 in 2016 - almost twice the number from five years ago. This year saw a record-breaking 21,782 applicants. For the school's most sought-after performing arts major, only one out of 245 applicants will be accepted.

Shanghai Conservatory of Music attracted 1,559 students from every corner of the country to compete for 366 places available this year, setting a new record for the school. The two most coveted majors, vocal music/opera and musicals, drew more than 300 and 150 students to vie for a total of 40 places respectively.

To secure a spot at these schools, young applicants must go through at least two rounds, including a written test and a live audition.

While China's gaokao (national college entrance examinations) places paramount emphasis on students' academic performance, art schools attach far greater attention to artistic abilities, drive, creativity and originality and, of course, one's physical appearance.

Accordingly, there have been many news stories about eager parents spending tens of thousands of yuan to transform their young child into would-be stars by undergoing plastic surgery or spending all their free time at cram schools.

图:Yang Hui

文:Global Times

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