
Deep 6 AI 问鼎2017西南偏南,以人工智能匹配患者与临床试验∣GSR 新闻

 天馬躍中原 2017-03-19

以极客范儿和先锋精神闻名的西南偏南大会(SXSW)早已超越了音乐节的范畴,近年来,更是由于接连炒红了Twitter、Snapchat等全球知名的互联网产品而在科技圈名声大噪。在西南偏南的重头戏,2017SXSW年度加速器评选中,来自加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳的创业公司Deep 6 AI以革命性的技术和应用价值在“企业与智能数据”类别中赢得桂冠,成为今年西南偏南大会的一大亮点和最大赢家。

来自Deep 6 AI的Brian Dolan在SXSW接受采访

Deep 6 AI是一家用于将患者与临床试验相匹配的人工智能技术平台。临床试验在医疗领域中的作用不言而喻,往往能推动尖端医疗技术成为能够应用的更进步的治疗手段。美国前副总统拜登在演讲中说,目前参与到临床试验的癌症病人仅为4%,而这个数字的期望值是20%。实际应用中的难点在于,癌症病人数量与临床试验的匹配是一项浩大工程。

Deep 6 AI帮助研究人员更快地找到更多的临床试验患者。他们使用革命性的人工智能和自然语言处理来分析医疗记录,标记出那些每次试验的候选人。此举大大减少了患者招聘的延迟,能在几分钟内找到适合临床试验的患者,更快地为患者提供挽救生命的治疗。

而在容易引发争议的医疗信息安全环节,Deep 6 AI在分析时抹去患者姓名和个人信息,只有当与临床试验匹配时才通过医疗结构通知医生和患者。


A Pasadena California startup that started as Deep 6 Analytics and pivoted to Deep 6 AI, and with that turned to using artificial intelligence to save lives, was a big winner at South By Southwest. They came to show off their revolutionary technology and ended up winning the South By Southwest Accelerator Enterprise & Smart Data Category.

Deep 6 AI is solving a big problem for sick people. So big that, former Vice President, Joe Biden, cited a statistic the company already knew. In his Sunday keynote the popular meme-ified VP said that only 4% of cancer patients are in any kind of clinical trial. Those trials, of cutting edge medical technology, often times lead to newer, more progressive treatments. The optimum number for patients in clinical trials should be more like 20%.

It would take a small army, or perhaps a big army, to match all 8,000+ clinical trials going on throughout the year to the 14,140,254 people afflicted with cancer.  Couple that with the fact that by the year 2020 there will be 25,000 petabytes of healthcare industry data, (about 500 billion file drawers worth), and that’s a daunting task.

Deep 6 AI helps researchers find more patients for clinical trials, faster. The startup uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to analyze medical records to highlight patients that would be keen candidates for each trial. Deep 6 AI stays HIPPA compliant because they are scrubbing the data with names and personal information removed. When their technology finds a match, the medical institution notifies that doctors and patients.

“The hospital or medical provider maintains all the patient’s personal information, we don’t take any of that off-site at all” Brian Dolan with Deep 6 AI told us at SXSW.

They’re currently live with a hospital in the Los Angeles area and have pharmaceutical companies and more hospitals that plan to go online in the coming months.




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