
一天一点,口语不难 Day 246 讲解

 doublelqhQQ 2017-03-21

2017-03-20 李延隆 李延隆老师



Day 246 Would you like a tour of the house?

(Part one)



Lily: It's so great to be here! I’m so excited to help you and my daughter with your new home!

Dylan: We're glad that you're here. Would you like a tour of the house?

Lily: That'd be great, but could I have a cup of tea first?

Dylan: Sure, I'll just go put the kettle on.Why don't you have a seat on the sofa and I'll go take care of things in the kitchen.







help sb with sth: 帮助某人做某事

May I help you with the washing-up? 我帮你洗餐具好吗?

A man is helping the police with their inquiries. 有一男子在协助警方进行调查。

(Day 179) Here, let me help you with your bag. 来,我帮您拿包吧。

glad (that): pleased and happy about something 对……感到高兴的,愉快的

I'm really glad that I don't have to go back there again. 我很开心我不需要再回到那儿了。

We're so glad you came. 我们很高兴你来了。

tour n. a short trip around a building or place in order to see what is there 在某地参观,游览,转转

I'll take you on a tour of the factory. 我会带你去工厂里参观一下。

sure adv. used to say 'yes' to someone(表示同意)当然

'Can you give me a ride to work tomorrow?' 'Sure.'“你明天可以载我去上班吗?”“当然可以。”

'I'd like to be alone, O.K?' 'Sure. O.K.' “我想一个人呆会儿,好吗?” “好的,没问题。”


在美式英语中,“go to do/go and do”结构中的to和and常被省略。

I’ll go fetch ahammer. 我去拿一把锤子。

Go wash your hands beforelunch. 午餐前去洗手。

put sth?on = switch sth?on, turn sth?on: to make a light or a piece of equipment start working by pressing or turning a button or switch 开动(设备、装置等),使运转

I put the radio on. 我打开了收音机。

I put on the light by the bed. 我打开了床边的灯。

kettle n. a container with a lid, a handle, and a spout, used for boiling and pouring water 水壶

She filled the kettle and switched it on. 她把水壶注满水,按了开关。

The kettle's boiling. 水开了。

put akettle on: to boil water, especially for makingtea 烧水

She put the kettle on for a cup of coffee. 她用水壶烧水,准备泡一杯咖啡。

why don’t/doesn't sb do sth? = why not do sth? used to make a suggestion 用于提出建议

Why don't you go to a movie or something? 你为什么不去看场电影或者什么的?

Why not go now? 现在就去好不好?

have / take a seat: to sit down 坐下

Hi, come on in, have a seat. 嗨,进来吧,快坐下。

Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats.各位来宾,请就座。

sofa = couch n. a comfortable seat with raised arms and a back, that is wide enough for two or three people to sit on 沙发

take care of: to deal with all the necessary work, arrangements etc 负责,处理

Her secretary always took care of the details. 他的秘书总是会处理所有的细节。

Don't worry about the travel arrangements. They're all being taken care of. 别担心旅行安排的事儿,一切都会有人负责处理的。

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