

 梦之雪 2017-03-21



今年PETS2真题与以往真题相比,话题较为常见,皆为学生熟悉的材料;材料长度与往年相比变化不大,字数约为950字。试题设题的灵活度略微有所下降。本次的主播为Robert和Laura,美音。语速偏慢,约为150 wpm。









Text 1


Text 6


Text 2


Text 7


Text 3


Text 8


Text 4


Text 9


Text 5


Text 10



1. 每年试题的能力考查点有细微差别



2. 推断题的数量和难度比往年有所下降

这次推断题的数量比上次少,只有2个行为推断题(Text 1、Text 4)和2个地点推断题(Text 5、Text 7),没有出现常考的人物身份或人物关系推断题。


Text 5 

W: Why on earth are we inside on such a beautiful day?

M: Well, it was you who wanted to spend the day at a museum.

W: Shall we leave now and take a walk outside in the city square?

5. Where are the speakers?  B

A. At home.

B. In a museum.

C. In the city square.

此题为较难的地点推断题。题目中男女的对话很有迷惑性。女士开头说的Why on earth are we inside on such a beautiful day?很容易让听者误以为对话发生在家里。通过男士说的it was you who wanted to spend the day at a museum.巧妙地点明说话者所在地。

3. 选项设计干扰性强


Text 2  

W: The dress I’m trying on is too small. Do you have a larger size?

M: Yes, but not in that color. We have a larger one in red. 

W: Red? Red would be lovely.

M: Here you are.

2. What does the woman ask for?  A

A. A dress of different size.

B. A dress of better quality.

C. A dress of a bright color.

此材料干扰信息密集,干扰性强。根据材料中女士的话“The dress I’m trying on is too small. Do you have a larger size?”可知女士要换衣服的尺寸。对话中随后出现单词color并提到“We have a larger one in red”,接下来又连续两次提到了red,所以选项C很有干扰性。

Text 3

M: Linda, could you hold this ladder? I need to get onto the roof.

W: Sure. Why are you doing that?

M: I want to clear the leaves off the roof. 

3. What does the man want to do? C

A. Borrow a ladder.

B. Take his leave.

C. Clean the roof.


Text 6

W: Hi, Don! So nice to see you. 

M: Pam! Where have you been for the last three months? I never see you anymore.

W: Oh, I’ve been working strange hours these days. I don’t see much of anyone anymore.

M: Well, I understand. I wish I could stay and talk, but here comes my bus. Why don’t we go out sometime? 

W: I’d like that. Call me soon.

M: Sure. Are you still living in the same apartment?

W: On Walker Avenue. 

M: Okay. Take care!

W: Yeah, you too. Catch you later!

6. Why has the man hardly seen the woman lately? C

A. She had a traffic accident.

B. She moved to another place.

C. She is working unusual hours.

B选项虽然没有在文中出现,但后面男士说“Are you still living in the same apartment?”如果学生没听清后面的答语,容易错选为B,这也是一种语境干扰。

Text 9

W: I can’t believe it’s almost summer. 

M: Yeah, I know. The year went really fast. 

W: What are you going to do this summer vacation?

M: I’m going to work for a company. 

W: A company? What’s that? What do you do?

M: We help at parties. Our company prepares and serves the food. And usually, another company provides the music.

W: I didn’t know you could cook.

M: I don’t have to cook. I’m only an assistant. 

W: When do you start?

M: Tomorrow. We’re helping a birthday party. Then, a big family get-together. 

W: So, what exactly do you do?

M: Before the party starts, I help set everything up. You know, bring the food in and arrange the tables. Make sure it looks nice. 

W: Sounds pretty easy. 

M: That’s only the first part. During the party, I have to serve food and drinks to the guests. 

W: Well, at least you get to meet people. 

M: Yeah. And after the party is finished, I help clean up. 

W: Yuck. I hate to wash dishes. 

M: Oh, I don’t wash dishes. Someone else does. I just put everything in the trunk. 

W: That’s not so bad. Sounds like a cool job.

15. What does the man’s company do? C

A. Design furniture.

B. Organize concerts.

C. Offer food services.

从原文中的“Our company prepares and serves the food.”可知正确答案是C,但后面的“And usually, another company provides the music.”容易让学生错选B。

4. 同义转述的大量使用


3. What does the man want to do? C

A. Borrow a ladder.

B. Take his leave.

C. Clean the roof.

Clean the roof是对原文clear the leaves off the roof的同义转述。

6. Why has the man hardly seen the woman lately? C

A. She had a traffic accident.

B. She moved to another place.

C. She is working unusual hours.

unusual hours是对原文strange hours的同义转述。

15. What does the man’s company do? C

A. Design furniture.

B. Organize concerts.

C. Offer food services.

Offer food services是对原文prepares and serves the food的同义转述。

第8题选项中的make a decision转自材料中的make a choice;

第13题选项中的(personal) style转自材料中的(personal) voice;








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