

 situyate 2017-03-28

八年级下册英语(Units1-3)第一次质量检测(总分 120)

I 卷 (选择题 共计55分)


1.—Does Jane have________ fever?

Yesshe does.I think she should go to________ hospital.

Aan/  Bathe   C/a  Dthean

2. —Why can't you sleep well?

—Because there is something wrong________ my head.

Awith  Bfor  Cof  Dat

3.—James has a bad cold.

—I think he ________ lie down and have a good rest.

Acould  Bcan   Cshould   Dwill

4.Because of the bad weatherwe had to________ climbing the mountain.

Alook up  Bget up   Cgive up  Dkeep up

5.If you have a toothacheyou should________.

Asee a dentist  Bgo to school   Cdrink cold water  Deat much meat

6.I used to________ clothes in shopsbut now I'm used to ________ them online.

Abuyingbuying  Bbuybuy   Cbuyingbuy  Dbuybuying

7.As teachersyou must believe that you can make a big ________ to the lives of your students.

Adifference  Btraining    Cfeeling  Dinterest

8.—Is the boy really that man's son? He doesn't take ________ him at all.

—But sure he is.He looks ________ his mother.

Alikeafter  Bafterlike   Cafterafter  Dlikelike

9.The fans were ________ when they saw the ________ concert.

Aexcitedexciting Bexcitedexcited Cexcitingexcited Dexcitingexciting

10.—Does your grandfather still live ______—Yesbut he doesn't feel ______.

Aalonealone  Blonelylonely  Calonelonely  Dlonelyalone

11.We have to _______ the party because some of the guests can not arrive on time.

Ahand out  Bcall up   Cput off   Dset up

12.—What did the kids do yesterday near the river?

—They put up a sign ________ people not ________ in the river.

Ato askswim  Baskto swim   Caskswim  Dto askto swim

13.Today the Internet makes ______ possible for people _______ different kinds of things online.

Athisbuying  Bthisto buy   Citto buy  Ditbuying

14.Though the clothes are newshe decided to _____ to the children who need them.

Agive it away  Bgive them away   Cgive away it  Dgive away them

15.Dave lost his bike this afternoon.As a ______he had to walk home after school.

Aresult  Binterest   Cmess  Dfeeling

16.I'm sure there is no need ________ you ________ with such a young man.

Aofto talk  Boftalking   Cfortalk  Dforto talk

17.—BobI'm very busy now.Would you like to _____ the clothes?—No problem.

Apass  Bfold    Clend  Ddrop

18. Susan's mother was very happy todaybecause Susan ________ her little brother when she wasn't at home.

Aagreed with  Bdepended on   Cworked on  Dtook care of

19.She got up early this morning ________ catch the first bus.

Ain order to  Bbecause of    Cin order that  Dso to

20.—Could you please clean your living room?—________.I dislike it.

AGood idea  BYessure   CNo problem  DSorryI can't


At the age of fourour kids began to help us with the housework.They helped __21_ their pets and clean the house.Now Tate can make her bed__22__ her clothes and set(布置) the table.Last weekshe even helped me __23__.We were happy because it was delicious.

I like getting kids to start early for a few__24__.Firstit is fun for kids to help.Kids like to work __25__ the same things as their parents do.They want to stay with their parents but to do things by themselves.It's a good time to __26__ them to help you when you are busy.Secondit's never too __27_ for them to learn some things.__28__having kids do chores is not robbing(剥夺)their playing time.__29__ make(s) them know the joy of working.__30__it does help.I feel that Tate likes doing chores and she helps me a lot.

21.A.take care of  Blook at   Cget back  Dworry about

22 .A.buy    Bfold    Csell   Dmake

23. A.do chores  Bdo the dishes   Cdo the cleaning  Dmake dinner

24. A.words   Breasons   Cways  Dmeans

25. A.for     Bfrom      Con    Das

26. A.borrow  Bmake    Cdrive   Dinvite

27. A.early   Bpopular   Cimportant   Dold

28. A.But    BAlthough   CHowever  DBecause

29. A.It      BThey      CShe       DHe

30  A.Slowly  B Hardly    CQuickly   DFinally


Several years agoI spent most of my time at a mental hospital(精神病院) in our town.I found much joy there.At first it was a little scary to be therebut I stayed onbecause I had a reason for doing this.

I volunteered in a lockedup(封闭的) environment.To my surpriseI found that a friend of my parents' was a patient in this hospital.I knewwhen I was a babythis woman wanted to keep me because she had no children.I looked after this woman and showed my old photos to her.Finallyshe was able to remember some old thingsand she said to me one dayDearyou should not come here. But I wanted to bring something happy into this woman's life.I learned that because she had no familyshe could not leave here and go home.So I brought her to my home twiceand I still remember the happy smile on her face.

I have never forgotten this volunteering experience.This woman later passed__awayI can't see her anymorebut I'm happy that I have done something to make a difference in another person's life.

31.How did the writer feel at first when working in the mental hospital?

ABored.  BAfraid.   CInterested.  DComfortable.

32.Why couldn't the woman leave the hospital?

ABecause she couldn't remember anything. B.Because she couldn't look after herself.

CBecause she didn't have family.     D.Because she didn't want to leave.

33.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

AThe woman was the writer's parents' friend.

BWith the writer's helpthe woman could remember something old.

CThe woman saw the writer's old photos.

DThe writer went to the woman's home twice.

34.The underlined part “passed away” means “________” in Chinese.

A.去世  B.逃离   C.居住  D.幸存

35.What is the best title(题目) for this passage?

AAn Unlucky Woman    BA Special Hospital

 CMy Parents' Friend     DMy Volunteering Experience



My mother does most of the housework like cooking and folding the clothes.My father can only do the washingsweep the floor and take out the rubbish.He really needs to learn how to do the housework.


My mother and my father do 50% of the housework each.My mother does the washing and cleans the living room.My father makes the bed and drives me to school.


My father doesn't do a lot but he tries to help.He hangs__up the clothes after my mother washes them and my mother is happy that he always gives her a hand.


My mother is a doctor.She is busy with her work every dayso she has little time to do the housework.In factshe isn't good at doing it.So my father has to do most of it.Sometimes my grandmother comes to help.

36.Linda's father doesn't ________ at home.

Ado the washing Btake out the rubbish Csweep the floor Dfold the clothes

37.How does Celina go to school?

ABy bike.  BBy bus.  CBy car.  DBy subway.

38.The underlined phrase “hangs up” means  “________” in Chinese.

A.闲逛  B.晾晒  C.熨烫  D.清洗

39.Whose father does most of the housework?

ALinda's.  BCelina's.  CPaul's.  DBill's.

40.Which of the following is TRUE?

ALinda is one year older than Celina but one year younger than Bill.

BCelina's father needs to learn how to do the housework.

CPaul's mother is angry with his father because he never helps her with the housework.

DBill's grandmother helps Bill with his school work.



AGood afternoonyoung man.___41

BGood afternoondoctor.I don't feel well.I have a headache.

ADo you have a fever?

B__42__ My mother took my temperature just now.She said it was OK.

AOhI think you may have a cold.           B___43

AYou should drink much water.              BOK.__44__

AWellyou should go to bed early and have a good rest.     B__45

ANo.It's nothing seriousso you can go to school.

BThank you very much.   AYou're welcome.  

AWhat should I do?    BI hope you will get better soon.

CShould I stay in bed?   DWhat's the matt   EAre you feeling well now?

FNoI don't.    GWhat else?

 II  非选择题(共计65分)


1Jane's head feels kind of hot.I think she has a __________(发烧).

2. There are too many ______________(乘客) on the busso I couldn't get on it.

3. My grandfather is ___________(聋的)He can't hear our words.

4Please help me to put up the ___________(通知) on the wall.

5. My brother often _____________(自愿) to help the old in an old people’s home.

6. I can’t ____________(想象)what the future life is like.

7. Thank you for your ____________(仁慈)

8. It's only a _____________(浪费)of time to talk about it with him.

9. My mother asked me to take out the ___________(垃圾)

10. This is my new _____________(邻居) and he is from London.


1Mrs.Brown ________(lie) down in bed for a few minutes and then she felt better.

2Becky is used to ____________(talk) with us in Chinese in Beijing.

3We enjoyed ______________(we) a lot during our stay in Disneyland

4The Internet makes a big _____________(different) to our life.

5Tom is the ____________(own) of the car.He has had it for two months.

6His notebook ____________(drop) on the floor when he came into the room.

7Could you please ____________(fold) the clothes?

8. She finished _____________writea letter.

9  .Mike plans ____________havean interesting vacation.

10. Jim __________(hurt) his leg when he was playing football.

11. There are two ____________(knife) and two forks on the table.

12. We have to put off ___________(have)a party because of the heavy rain.

13._____________(work)in an old people's home is very meaningful.

14. We can train animals to help ___________(able)people.

15. The boy was very angry and ___________(throw)down his schoolbag.


1.I have a stomachache.(就画线部分提问)

_________is the __________ with you?

2.She should drink some water.(改为否定句)


3.Peter is similar to his father.(写出同义句)

  Peter __________ __________ his father(写出同义句)

4. Betty lent a dictionary to me this morning. (写出同义句)

  I__________ a dictionary__________Betty this morning

5I believe it can help you get the dream job.(改为否定句)

I ___________believe it _________ help you get the  dream job.



  I ________  _______  ____________ and I can’t move my neck.


________  ________    _______  they decided to sell their house at last.


Yesterday We_______ _______ _______a plan to tell the people about the city

park clean-up.


They left at half past five ________  ________ ___________ catch the train.


Nobody likes to_________ ________ __________

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