

 fentouge 2017-03-30


版权信息|来源:ATD 原标题:Evaluating the Impact of Learning Programs
翻译:培训江湖 ID:ondemandchina2010




















































Evaluatingthe Impact of Learning Programs 

Thursday, March 02, 2017 - by  Emmy Monticelli 

As a training consultant, one of the most frequentquestions I get asked is, “What is the most effective way to measure thesuccess of my training?” to which I reply, “How much time do you have?” with asmile and a laugh, but being completely serious. Then in a more serious tone,I’ll ask a series of questions to truly understand what they need:

  • What are youmeasuring? 

  • What is thepurpose of your evaluation? 

  • How do youdefine a successful learning program? 

  • With whomare you sharing the results?

  • How you arecurrently evaluating the impact of your learning programs?

The list goes on. Unfortunately, there is nostraightforward answer to this seemingly simple question. When it comes toevaluating learning programs, there is no one-size-fits-allapproach that works best. There are many variables (and obstacles) training professionalsneed to consider when determining how to evaluate learning programs, includingthe organization’s goals and culture, stakeholders and audience’s needs, needsassessments, performance analysis, resources, time, budgets, data collectionmethods and tools, and even the different types of knowledge and skills we aretrying to impart.

Many organizations are not taking the time to effectivelyevaluate their training. When they do evaluate learning programs, mostcompanies focus on participants’ reactions and learning, not the impact it hason the business results. According to Evaluating Learning: Getting to Measurements That Matter, only “35 percent of 199 talentdevelopment professionals surveyed reported their organizations evaluated thebusiness results of learning programs to any extent.” In fact, many trainingprofessionals I speak to fear the evaluation process for one reason or another.

I will admit that early in my career, I didn’t take thetime to effectively evaluate my training programs either. With a total of fivepeople in the training department serving more than 10 departments and 1,000employees, we had limited time and resources. We also found it difficult toquantify many of the skills we were training, especially the soft skills.However, once we started evaluating our training, we began seeing how theyaffected business results and contributed to the organization’s growth.

We learned what worked and what didn’t. It allowed us torefocus our priorities and resources and make necessary changes to programsthat weren’t effective. We also began getting leadership’s buy-in for othertraining programs because they were seeing quantifiable measurements onproductivity, metrics, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, andturnover. Lastly, we were more invested in what we were doing and how we weredoing it. The evaluations helped validate that our learning programs weremaking a positive difference on the overall organization and its people. Themore we evaluated our training, the easier it was to measure. The more weplanned the evaluations ahead of time, the less time-consuming they were at theend. The evaluation ended up becoming one of our favorite parts of the processbecause we could see the fruits of our labor.

Our evaluation process was a very “holistic,” fluid onethat connected many of the learning program elements and business needs. Oncewe found what worked, we continued using the same model with slight variationsdepending on the behaviors we were trying to shape or metrics we wanted toimprove. Below are a few things to consider when evaluating your learning programsthat we found helpful. 

1. Planning the Evaluation and Needs Assessment

When it comes to evaluations, we can’t treat them as anafterthought. Effective evaluations always begin with careful planning andpurpose. That means thinking about:  

  • what youwant to learn and measure from the evaluationsthe datacollection methods and tools you will utilize

  • whom you aregetting the information from the timingof collecting and analyzing the data

  • whom you arereporting the information to and how. (Know your stakeholders! Meet with themprior to delivering the completed evaluation to ensure what and how you arepresenting is valuable to them.)

The list goes on. The point is to be purposeful in what,why, how, when, and whom you are evaluating, as well as to whom you arereporting before you even begin to design and develop your learning program.

The needs assessment phase serves as the basis for somany things in the learning program. Particularly for evaluation planning, aneeds assessment, along with performance analysis, helps us identifystakeholders, current performance, desired performance, gaps, metrics,baselines, and other important data that drives the evaluation. As you collectdata, you can even begin to formulate the quantifiable measurements of theevaluation. Needs assessments can provide baseline information to tracklearning, behavior changes, and increased business results that signify asuccessful training. 

2. What Are You Measuring? 

The first thing you need to be clear on is what you aremeasuring. For instance, do you want to know if someone liked your program ortransferred a new skill back on the job, if the training yielded increasedbusiness results, or the program’s return on investment (ROI)? These questionsshould be asked as part of your needs assessment, even before the design phase,because they help shape the overall learning program. The evaluation phase of alearning program doesn’t happen at the end of the program; it happensthroughout the entire process.

Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation and the Phillips ROI Methodology help identify specific measurements for learning programs broken down intodifferent levels. The higher the level, the more valuable the information andsignificance it has to the overall organization.

By anticipating and quantifying your expectations of theevaluations, you will be able to see if your learning programs are on target.If the actual numbers are different from your projected ones, that is anopportunity to learn what happened, why, and how to improve it for next time.Conducting the needs assessment as discussed above helps you project thesetargets. These targets also help to shape the learning goals of program,another critical element in effectively evaluating learning programs. 

3. Learning Goals 

Effective programs always start with learning goals thattie back to the department and overall organization’s goals. By asking, “Whatoutcome do we want as a result of this learning program?” you will not onlyisolate the program’s learning goals, but also identify the results.

Examples of desired results could include higher customersatisfaction ratings, increased sales, more productivity, less overtime, fewerdefects, more employee engagement, and less turnover. Whatever the desiredoutcome, learning goals need to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant,time-based, and tie back to the department or organization’s goals.

Ultimately, once the learning goals are achieved, youwill know your training was successful. You will have also contributed inhelping your organization reach its business goals. One tip: Be sure to getleadership’s agreement on these goals at the very beginning before designingthe learning program. Getting everyone on the same page at the beginning savesyou a lot of time and energy in the end.

4. Learning Objectives 

Once you know the specific learning goals or outcomes ofthe program, the next step is to create specific learning objectives, which tieback to the learning goals, which connect to organizational goals. Do you see apattern here?

Learning objectives provide another way to measure theeffectiveness of your training that is more detailed in the knowledge, skills,and behavior the participants are acquiring and applying on the job.

The ABCD format of Learning Objectives provides afour-component structure to writing effective, measurable objectives:

  • audience:who is being trained 

  • behavior:what will the audience be doing or saying; this may include knowledge, skills,or attitudes 

  • condition:resources, tools, or equipment used to complete the desired behavior 

  • degree: howwell or how often the audience will be able to demonstrate the behavior.

If the learning objectives are donecorrectly, you could measure the success of your training once the audience hasmet these objectives either right after the program or a few months back on thejob.

Some of you may be wondering, “Shouldn’t I determine thelearning objectives and goals before deciding on what I am going to measure?”It depends. Evaluating the effectiveness of our learning programs is much moreof a dance than a linear, step-by-step process. As stated in Real World Training Evaluation, “Evaluation is both a science and an art.” Although itmay seem very analytical, there is so much more that goes into evaluations. Wehave to be able to effectively plan, work well with all stakeholders, ask theright questions, identify and communicate actual needs and performance gaps,design and develop relevant learning programs, and make future recommendationsbased on the evaluations to seamlessly measure the success of our learningprograms.

So back to the question, “What is the most effective wayto measure the success of my trainings?” The answer is “all of the above.” Ifyou only have time or resources to do a couple of things, evaluating how thelearning program contributed to the business results will probably be the mostsignificant (depending on your organization).

No matter how you choose to evaluate your learning programs, one thing isfor sure: As the landscape of talent development continues to evolve,evaluation is a necessary task for learning and development professionals.Effective evaluation is key to ensuring more learning programs in the future.




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