

 开文如其 2017-03-31

4G光元: 关于燃料电池的争论已经持续了几十年。两会上,全国政协委员柳崇禧接受记者采访时表示, 自主品牌纯电动汽车的发展在2020年之后将面临非常严峻的问题。由于政策的不连续性以及纯电动汽车自身的问题,当纯电动汽车完全不再享有补贴时,其市场前景令人堪忧。在电池方面,自主电池供应商的成本和技术难以和日韩企业相抗衡,2020年后,当大家都不再享受补贴时,自主品牌和外资品牌站在同一起跑线上,消费者当然会选择物美价廉的国外产品。”另一方面,柳崇禧表示,当下纯电动汽车的销量主要集中在汽车限购城市,而在其他地区纯电动汽车的销量则相当有限。


特斯拉Model S和丰田Mirai




在日本,燃料电池不仅被视为零排放汽车的技术,而且被认为是家用热电联产和工业能量存储备份的一种方式。 ENE-FARM计划到2015年已经安装了超过12万个住宅燃料电池单元,政府已经设定到2030年部署530万的目标。东芝的H2One系统在一个标准航运集装箱中包括燃料电池发电电解水氢发生器。它产生电和热水,并且可以在灾害中用作便携式电源。


东京市计划投资4亿美元用于燃料电池车辆补贴和加氢站建设,以在2020年奥运会展示日本燃料电池技术。那时丰田希望有100辆燃料电池客车在首都东京运行。首相安倍晋三早已是一个推广燃料电池的倡导者。安倍说,“氢能是能源安全和防止全球变暖的措施之一。” “由于日本放松了对燃料电池的管制,未来的氢气社会即将在日本开始。


在福岛核灾难之后,日本正在寻找新的方法来减少排放和减少对进口燃料的依赖。目前,大多数氢气是由化石燃料生产的,但是日本政府希望在2040年之前找到从可再生能源生产氢气的有效方法。关于燃料电池的争论已经持续了几十年。反对派最喜欢说“氢气确实是未来的燃料 - 并且永远总是未来的”。首先要明白的是,氢气不是能源,而是储存能量的手段,是能量载体。是电池的替代品。实际上,氢燃料电池汽车(FCV)也是电动车辆 - 它们使用与Teslas和其他电池电动车辆(BEV)相同的电动机和其它动力系统部件 - 只有能量存储介质不同。




早在2003年,当Martin Eberhard和Marc Tarpenning正在计划创建特斯拉汽车公司时,他们考虑了许多不同的能量存储机制,包括氢气,在决定电池是最好的选择之前。他们考虑过氢, “氢是一种能量载体,而不是燃料,”塔彭宁说,“不幸的是,它不是一个好的能量载体。










Tesla Is Proving That Electric Cars Make More Sense Than Fuel-Cell Vehicles

The Tesla Model S and the Toyota Mirai (Image: Teslarati)


Tesla CEO Elon Musk and others have spoken at great length about the reasons why hydrogen fuel cells are inferior to batteries for automotive applications, but others, particularly in Japan, do not agree. The leading proponent of fuel cells is Toyota, which has been selling the Mirai fuel cell vehicle since late 2014, and hopes to be selling 30,000 hydrogen vehicles per year by 2020. Things haven’t been going so well. This week it’s been reported that, “Toyota Motor Corp said on Wednesday it was recalling all of the roughly 2,800 zero-emission Mirai cars on the road due to problems with the output voltage generated by their fuel cell system.”

*This article comes to us courtesy of Evannex (which also makes aftermarket Tesla accessories). Authored by Matt Pressman.

Other Japanese automakers have also embraced hydrogen fuel cells. Honda introduced the Clarity Fuel Cell sedan in December, and Hyundai offers the Tucson Fuel Cell SUV. Lexus and Audi showed hydrogen concept cars at the recent Detroit auto show. GM and Honda recently announced a joint venture to develop next-generation fuel cell systems. The companies plan to invest $85 million in the venture, and hope to reach production in 2020.

The Honda Clarity fuel cell sedan (Image: CNET)

In Japan, fuel cells are seen not only as an automotive technology, but as a way to store energy for residential and industrial use as well. The ENE-FARM program had installed over 120,000 residential fuel cell units as of 2015, and the government has set a target of deploying 5.3 million by 2030. Toshiba’s H2One includes a fuel cell, an electrolysis hydrogen generator and an electric battery in a standard shipping container. It produces electricity and hot water, and can be used as a portable power source in disasters.

H2One system transported on a trailer (Image: Alternative Energies)

The city of Tokyo plans to invest $400 million in vehicle subsidies and hydrogen fueling stations in order to showcase fuel cell technology at the 2020 Olympic Games. Toyota hopes to have 100 fuel cell buses operating in the nation’s capital by then. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has become an advocate. “Hydrogen energy is an ace in the hole for energy security and measures against global warming,” Abe said in January. “Thanks to deregulation, a hydrogen society of the future is about to begin here in Japan.”

The Toyota Mirai in Japan (Image: Autoblog)

In the wake of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, Japan is looking for new ways to reduce emissions and reliance on imported fuels. Currently, most hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, but the Japanese government hopes to find ways to produce it from renewable sources by 2040. The debate over fuel cells has been going on for decades. Detractors are fond of saying, “hydrogen is the fuel of the future – and always will be.” The first thing to understand is that hydrogen is not a source of energy, but a means of storing energy, an alternative to batteries. Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) are electric vehicles – they use the same electric motors and other powertrain components that Teslas and other battery electric vehicles (BEVs) do – only the energy storage medium is different.

Comparing the simplicity of electric cars with the complexity of hydrogen cars (Image: InsideEVs)

Fuel cell vehicles have two advantages over current BEVs: they have more range, because a full tank of hydrogen stores more energy than today’s typical EV battery; and they can be refueled quickly, like a legacy gasoline vehicle. However, the technology of automotive batteries is in its infancy, and both the range and recharging time of BEVs are steadily improving. New technologies such as automatic wireless charging and/or dynamic (on-road) wireless charging may someday make the charging issue irrelevant.

Model S at a Tesla Supercharger station (Image: Crave)

Back in 2003, when Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning were laying their plans to create Tesla Motors, they considered many different energy storage mechanisms, including hydrogen, before deciding that batteries were the best choice. “Hydrogen is an energy carrier, not a primary fuel,” noted Tarpenning, “and unfortunately, it’s not a good energy carrier.”

Even from the beginning of the company, Tesla dismissed hydrogen in favor of battery electric vehicle technology for its Roadster (Image: Zero Emission Motoring)

The debate continues. In 2014, Green Car Reports published a list of questions for Hyundai, Toyota, and Honda about the viability of fuel cells. To their credit, the automakers responded. In January, Business Insider attempted to address fuel cell vehicles’ advantages in range and refueling time. In the meantime, Elon Musk has explained the technical shortcomings of what he calls “fool cells” many times. As an energy storage mechanism, hydrogen is less efficient than lithium-ion batteries (to say nothing of future battery chemistries). Hydrogen is even more volatile than gasoline, so storing it and transporting it are challenging. And using it in cars would require building a network of fueling stations, whereas the electricity to charge a BEV is already available almost everywhere.

Above: Comparing the two technologies and Musk’s thoughts on hydrogen (Youtube: 5 hours ahead)

At the Automotive World News Congress in 2015, Elon said, “If you’re going to pick an energy storage mechanism, hydrogen is an incredibly dumb one to pick – you should just pick methane, that’s much much easier, or propane,” Musk said. He went on to note the complexity of producing hydrogen. “It’s just very difficult to make hydrogen and store it and use it in a car. If you, say, took a solar panel and use that…to just charge a battery pack directly, compared to split water, take hydrogen, dump oxygen, compress hydrogen…it is about half the efficiency.”

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