

 Zhangjun2016 2017-04-06






The Book Barge, Staffordshire, England

The Book Barge, a floating bookshop on a canal boat, London (UK).


Yes, The Book Barge is a floating bookstore that roams the canals of England and now France. You have to make an appointment to actually buy books from The Book Barge, but they will create a 'little library' of books tailored to your interests. Bookseller Sarah Henshaw has even written a book about her experience turning an old canal barge into a bookstore.

对,英格兰和法国之间的运河上有一艘漫无目的漂浮的书店。想要买到驳船书店里的书,必须要先进行预约。它们会根据你的兴趣做一个“小图书馆”,书店老板Sarah Henshaw 甚至写了一本书,讲述她将这艘旧驳船改装成书店的故事。


La Caverne aux Livres, Auvers-sur-Oise, France

If romantically cramped bookstores are your style, then you won't want to miss La Caverne aux Livres (The Cavern of Books). La Caverne is built into an old postal train train in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. From the outside it looks like any other decommissioned train, but inside it's crammed with thousands of books of every kind.

如果你喜欢浪漫的书店风格,那么你不会喜欢这个书店(充斥书籍的洞窟)。La Caverne在法国的Auvers-sur-Oise建成了一条老旧的邮政列车。从外面看起来,和其他退役的火车没什么两样,但是,里面却放满了各个种类数以千计的书籍。

3. 厚脸皮书屋, 纽约 

Brazenhead Books,New York

Two words: speakeasy bookstore. Brazenhead Books is an odd little (secret) bookshop that has moved from actual store to apartment to second apartment over the years. Some nights it's 'more of a book club' than an actual store, and you have to do some research to find it, but then you wouldn't exactly want a speakeasy bookstore to be easy to find.

两个关键词:地下酒吧,书店。Brazenhead Books是一个有点奇怪(神秘)的书店,多年来,已从具体的店址搬到一个又一个公寓。夜晚降临,书店的夜灯初上,与其说它是家书店,不如说这里是爱书者们的俱乐部。Brazenhead Books书店藏在繁华城市的秘密角落,想要找到它你要提前做些功课。

4. 萨赖瓦, 里约热内卢, 巴西

Saraiva Bookstore, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Located in Rio de Janeiro, Saraiva Bookstore features a huge book rainbow wrapping around the top level, and it will definitely make you want to color-code your bedroom bookshelf. The rainbow theme runs through the whole store, with plenty of cozy, colorful reading nooks.



1200 Bookshop, Guangzhou, China

Not only is this bookstore open 24 hours a day, but backpackers can also stay there for free as long as you email to book your visit in advance. Naturally, the bookstore includes a bar, a kitchen, and plenty of couches and benches for comfy reading.


6. 雅典人书店,布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷

El Ateneo Grand Splendid, Buenos Aires,



El Ateneo Grand Splendid is easily one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world. It's definitely the most beautiful bookstore to ever take up residence in an old theater. The theater itself is over 100 years old, and it makes for one majestic bookshop.

El Ateneo Grand Splendid酒店是世界上最优美的书店之一。 这绝对是一个最美妙的书店,你可以在这里的一个老剧院里留宿。 这座一百多年历史的剧院也使这个书店变得威严而崇高。

7. 最后的书店,洛杉矶,加利福尼亚

The Last Bookstore, Los Angeles, California

The Last Bookstore in L.A. is a beautiful, twisting maze of new and used books. The store is famous for its huge stock, its wild design, and its very inventive shelving.


8. 先锋书店,南京,中国

Librairie Avant-Garde, Nanjing, China

Librairie Avant-Garde is quite literally an underground bookstore: it's built in a former underground parking lot (that was also once a bomb shelter). The store doubles as a library, with a coffee shop and plenty of room for reading, and a check-out counter built out of old books.


9. 书店大潮,威尼斯,意大利

Libreria Alta Acqua, Venice, Italy

Libreria Alta Acqua ('Library of High Water') is known for its unusual methods of storing books. If you want to shop in this bookstore, you'll have to dig your book out of a boat or a bathtub. Books are used to create the store's furniture and staircase, too, and there's a full sized gondola inside that floats every time the store floods.

Libreria Alta Acqua(“水上图书馆”),以其特殊的存书方法而闻名。 如果你想在这家书店购书,你必须从船上或浴缸里找出你的书。 书籍也组建成了商店的家具和楼梯,里面有一个大船,每次店里发洪水都会漂浮起来。

10. 教堂书店,马斯特里赫特, 荷兰

Selexyz Dominicanen, Maastricht,The Netherlands

Selexyz Dominicanen started out as a church 700 years ago. It was closed down by Napoleon Bonaparte, and later reopened as a warehouse, and then as bicycle storage. Finally, it was redesigned as an incredibly beautiful bookstore, perfect for even the most grandiose readers.

Selexyz Dominicanen在700年前开始作为一个教堂,拿破仑·波拿巴将它关闭。后来重新开放作为仓库和作为自行车的存放地。 最后,它被重新设计为一个令人难以置信的美丽的书店,对于喜爱宏伟布局的读者来说它简直就是完美的存在。


本文编译自BUSTLE, The 10 Most Unconventional Bookstores In The World


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