

 国强数字图书馆 2017-04-10


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<h1  style="text-align:center" class="title">超酷的翻书效果jquery代码</h1>
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<p><a href="http://www." target="_blank">www.</a>一流素材网站提供原创、精心整理的各种做站图片素材、图标定位样式表、幻灯片/焦点图、PHP常用类、各种行业数据库包、网站(CMS/WP)模板,代码均经测试通过,并排版注释完好,附有完善的安装使用说明文档。某些文件还可技术支持。是您作为一个站长快速开发网站不可缺少的资源站,节省您的众多宝贵时间。加快您的工作效率,让做站赚钱更轻松。欢迎前来免费下载。</p>
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<h1>web ui和工业设计png素材大全200款打包下载</h1>

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<h1>16, 24, 32,64像素web常用图标几十款</h1>
<p>包含EPS和PNG两个格式,并且这两种格式各包含16, 24, 32,64像素的图标,这些图标都是网站经常用的.</p>
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<p style="text-align:center; color:#fff;">代码整理:<a href="http://www./" target="_blank">一流素材网</a></p>
<p style="text-align:center; color:#fff;">*尊重他人劳动成果,转载请自觉注明出处!注:此代码仅供学习交流,请勿用于商业用途。</p>

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$(function() {
var $mybook = $('#mybook');
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var $mybook_images = $mybook.find('img');
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//preload all the images in the book,
//and then call the booklet plugin

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prev:               $bttn_prev,          // selector for element to use as click trigger for previous page

menu:               null,                            // selector for element to use as the menu area, required for 'pageSelector'
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chapterSelector:    false,                           // enables navigation with a dropdown menu of chapters, determined by the "rel" attribute, requires 'menu'

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before:             function(){},                    // callback invoked before each page turn animation
after:              function(){}                     // callback invoked after each page turn animation


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