
CEO of successful entrepreneurs

 afire,davie 2017-04-10

CEO of successful entrepreneurs



 With the above;



Successful startups CEO has the following nine features:


Specializes in hiring and firing personnel


Whenever you find a great CEO, you will find that he is very good at recruiting talent. That is to say, he is good at selling his dream to others, especially in his company is not so outstanding, or looks very risky time. However, some CEO specializes in recruitment, talent is not good at dismissal. No matter what happens, they are not going to lay off workers, resulting in the company's interests being implicated.


Build a culture rather than just company


Many outstanding CEO, will create a good corporate culture, so that each employee is full mission. This allows them to stand out in a number of start-up companies.


Listen and action


Many CEO wants to tell you what they're doing. However, the best CEO that people tend to listen carefully to the feedback information, and then act accordingly, even praise people for their valuable advice. Electronic Journal of Applied Flipboard's CEO Mike - Maku (Mike McCue) had publicly claimed that I was a few important features of their products to make a significant contribution.




AirBnB travel rental company spent 1000 days before the track. Imagine if they give up in the first 999 days will happen? CEO often best to go all out, even in the darkest days can go forward.




No shortage of excellent CEO in this world, but if you do not have the ability to create a very important product for people to come, then no one will remember your name. Can you find a way to create wearable computers billions of dollars in revenue it? Some CEO really can do it. They tend to launch a stunning new products.


Stay focused


One worked for Apple founder Steve - Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) work friend told me that one distinguishes Jobs is that he will concentrate on his team to focus on their projects until the project is complete carry out.


Tell a story


CEO often great views clear, concise words, extraordinary conversation. His words often cited others. Many CEO is not good at telling stories, but the best CEO was well versed in this. One of the important work of the CEO is to tell the company's story. Interesting to be able to tell the story of the company and the product, which is a very important capability.


Understand consumer psychology


The most outstanding CEO can deeply understand what consumers want, and not being made aware of the company when consumers choice.


Good at persuading others


CEO must face a variety of conflicting interest groups. What consumers want, and investors may not like. Therefore, outstanding CEO can often succeed in persuading others to act together, and even change the opinions of others.


Attention to detail


In the early development of the company, responsible for the company's need for hands-on aspects of things, ranging from finance to design and so on.


Adapt to change


Most outstanding entrepreneurs to change with the market and consumer demand and accordingly adjust their products and business models.


Able to quickly make decisions independently


Executives of large companies tend to have plenty of time and a lot of analysts to help with business decisions, but the CEO of start-up companies need to make a lot of decisions daily.




Outstanding entrepreneurs, CEO hopes to win big orders through competition, grabbed the talents and signed for each partner.


Other Quora user experience in start-up companies have also given their views. They believe that the greatest entrepreneurial company CEO should have the following characteristics:




Each start-up companies founded a company's CEO at the time requires considerable courage. However, in addition, have the courage to stand the best CEO, enemies (if necessary) and make unpopular decisions.


Not micro-manage


Although the decision-making venture company CEO will affect all aspects of the company, but they will try to think big, macro-management.


Constantly emphasize the company's vision goals.


Venture Company CEO should believe, if not their continued influence, employees are not likely to adhere to the company's vision of the goal. At least in the beginning years of the company's development is so.




People are more willing to help those concerned with employees, partners, suppliers and customers entrepreneurial company CEO.


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