
(3)第七讲她什么都不吃She Eats Nothing

 huangailan 2017-04-13

Lesson No. 7 She Eats Nothing




In regard to eating Judith C. Churchill wrote:

关于吃,朱迪斯·丘吉尔(Judith C. Churchill)写道:


“When you overeat one day, you are hungrier the next. Huge meals stretch your stomach and throw your appetite out of proportion. Conversely, the less you eat the less you want. … After you become used to smaller food intake, you may wonder how you have previously eaten so much.” Readers Digest.

“一天过食,第二天更易感到饿。吃得过多把胃撑大,把胃口都撑得不成比例了。相反,你吃得越少,想吃的欲望越小。……在你习惯了少吃之后,你可能会奇怪,之前为何那么能吃。”——《读者文摘》(Readers Digest)。


What man has done man can always do. There is an ancient tradition to the effect that the first men did not eat, and a London lady is trying to prove it on herself.



The London Sunday Chronicle of June 17th 1951, carried a picture of Mrs. Barbara Moore Pataleewa, of London, with her story that her “diet” consists of air, sunshine and an occasional glass of water. The account states:

一九五一年六月十七日的《伦敦周日纪事报》(The London Sunday Chronicle)刊登了芭芭拉·摩尔(Barbara Moore Pataleewa)女士的一张照片,还有她的故事,据说她的“饮食”只有空气、阳光及偶尔的一杯水而已。报道如下:


“A woman of 50 who looks like she was only 30 claimed yesterday that she hates food, has beaten old age and expects to live at least 150 years. She has set out to do it by giving up eating.



“Twenty years ago she ate three normal meals a day. Slowly for 12 years she reduced her eating until she was keeping fit on one meal a day of grass, chickweed, clover, dandelion, and an occasional glass of fruit juice.



“Five years ago she switched entirely to juices and raw tomatoes, oranges, grasses and herbs. Now she drinks nothing but a glass of water flavored with a few drops of lemon juice to kill the taste of chlorine.”



(NOTEKilling the taste of the chlorine in the water does not remove that poisonous substance from the water, and in time the cumulative effects of the poison will appear in some ailment if she continues drinking that kind of water. Klamonti.)



“She says, ‘There is much more in sunlight and air than can be seen by the naked eye or by scientific instruments. The secret is to find the way to absorb that extra-that cosmic radiation and turn it into food; that is what I have done.’



“Every year she goes to Switzerland for the purer air and climbs the mountains on a diet of water from the streams. ‘You see,’ she explains, ‘my body cells and blood have undergone a complete change in composition. I am impervious to heat, cold, hunger or fatigue.’ She continues:



“Winter or summer, even in Switzerland, I wear nothing but a short sleeved jumper and skirt. In cold weather people stare at me. But while they shiver in furs, I am warm. I am as strong as any man, and need only four or five hours’ sleep for mental relaxation. Because I have no toxins in my system, I am never ill.



“‘I had to advance gradually from vegetarianism to uncooked fruit and then to liquid food. Now I am struggling towards Cosmic Food. I have passed the eating stage and could not eat even if I desired, as my digestive apparatus has changed considerably and is now unable to handle any fibre at all.’

“‘我必须一步一步进化自己,先是素食,然后生吃水果,然后是液体食物。现在我正努力让自己只吃宇宙食物(Cosmic Food)。我已经通过了吃的阶段,即使想吃也吃不了,因为我的消化器官已经发生了巨大变化,现在无法处理任何纤维了。’


“‘Instead of thinking that my normal physical life will end in ten years, I am growing younger. With patience anyone can do the same. The tragedy is that eating is considered one of the pleasures of life. To stop eating is to experience discomfort while the body is adjusting itself to the new course. I now find the very smell of food disgusting’.”



Vegetarians find the smell of flesh (meat) disgusting. If they have been vegetarians long enough, to eat flesh would make them sick. We know by this and other experience that when the Breatharian first attempted to eat, it made him ill, as the first cigarette makes the youth ill. Eating still makes man il while fasting restores health.



The statement that this woman is comfortable while thinly clad in cold weather while others shiver in furs, proves the correctness of the ancient tradition that ancient man dwelt in high regions where the weather was perpetually cool, but was kept comfortable by his powerful vitality.



She says that her body cells and blood have undergone a complete change in composition, making her impervious to heat cold hunger or fatigue. She further says that her digestive tract has changed considerably and is now unable to handle any fibre at all.




Survival Is Nature’s Goal


The great Carrel devotes an entire chapter to the subject of Adaptive Functions in his work Man The Unknown, stating that the body seems to mold itself on events, and “instead of wearing out, it changes” (P. 192). He continues:

伟大的卡雷尔在他的著作《人,未解之谜》中,用了整整一章来阐述适应性功能这个主题,他说道,身体似乎随情况而塑造自身。它“不会就此崩溃,而是因应随时做出改变”( P. 192)。他继续说道:


“Our organs always improvise means of meeting every now situation; and these means are such that they tend to give us a maximum duration. The physiological processes always incline in the direction leading to the longest survival of the individual.”



We have an example of some of these changes occurring in the body of this woman. Her alimentary tract is shrinking to its original rudimentary state as it was before man began to eat.



In the beginning the alimentary tract was rudimentary, as are the mammary glands now on man’s breast, and it reverts to its original size when man gives it a chance by not eating.



This woman is proving in her experiment that it is regular, under proper care, for the body to regenerate and return to its original perfect state. As degeneration is a fact, regeneration is a possibility.




Breatharianism to Gluttarianism



As a Breatharian, man’s alimentary tract was rudimentary and his lung capacity was much larger than now. The lungs decreased in size as eating forced the development of the alimentary tract and reduced the capacity of the air organs, because eating reduced the body’s need for “cosmic food.”



From its original state of Breatharianism, the body has gradually changed thru the ages and declined to its present state of Gluttarianism. The body has changed from a Superior Entity that subsists largely on the gross products of materialistic substances.



The body never wears out, as is claimed. It changes says Carrel. The change to which Carrel refers is the natural way that the body sinks into degeneration from misuse and abuse, which includes bad environment and all of man’s bad habits.



As the body sinks in degeneration, its vitality is rendered too weak to fight to the death against dangerous and destructive conditions. Instead of going down in sudden death, the existence of the suffering body is prolonged.



It is a “change” under the Law of Vital Adjustment by which man escapes from early death for days of misery that are pitiful for the sufferer.



As the body changes to adapt itself to the downward course, it must also change to adapt itself to the upward course, as shown in the case of this woman.



As the body sinks in degeneration under abuse, so will it rise in regeneration under proper care.




Buried Six Months and Lives



The body is so plastic that it readily yields to man’s desires and practices, whether good or bad. This is shown by the Yogis of the East who are reputed to have achieved almost unbelievable powers, by concentrated exercises and by systematic control of breathing.



Man’s body is composed of soft, alterable substances, susceptible of surprising changes in function, making it last longer than if made of steel. Not only does the body last, but it ceaselessly overcomes the difficulties and dangers of its environment and of man’s bad habits.



The press of July 26th 1942, carried the account of a Yogi of India, a novice, who had established a record by living in a state of suspended animation for six months in a grave, without food or drink.



When he emerged from the grave, at Benares, his clothes were said to have been worn away and his body covered with white ants. By rigid body discipline he was said to have forced his beard to stop growing, and his whiskers were no longer than when he was interred.



The statements were made by Dr. B. L. Atreya, professor of philosophy in the Benares Hindu University and general secretary of the Indian Society of Physical Research.

声明是由贝拿勒斯印度大学(Benares Hindu University)哲学教授博士暨印度物理研究协会(Indian Society of Physical Research)秘书长阿提耶(B. L. Atreya)发表的。


The yogi, practicing the art which consists in suppression of all mental activities, discipline of the body, control of involuntary muscles, and a few other weird things, lay in the grave from September 25th 1941, to March 21st 1942, the doctor said.




Spent Time in Cell



The yogi spent his time in a pit cell, reinforced with brick are cement. The day he emerged from the tomb a crowd of more than 100,000 persons was on hand, the doctor stated.



An opening was made in the outer inclosure and then an opening in the all-around closed cell. The first slab of stone was removed by selected persons, some of them Hindu professors and college teachers.



Said Dr. Atreya,



“The yogi was already awake, and he raised his hand to indicate that fact. Then he was dressed in new clothes. His old clothes were partly worn away under the influence of the atmosphere inside the pit and partly eaten up by white ants, some of which were found collected over portions of his body.



“He was then brought out covered with blankets and placed on an easy chair on a high platform, visible to all. The yogi looked just the same as when he entered the pit. Even the beard on his face had not grown. He insisted on walking about 25 yards from the place, but we did not allow him to do it for fear of his being crushed by the crowd which wanted to get close to him and touch his feet.” Grit, July 26th 1942.



It appears that the Yogi know certain secrets of the body and its function which enable them to suppress all mental activities, control the involuntary muscles, and withdraw the senses from natural outward expression.


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