
POP goes the universe

 dubin2082 2017-04-29

Inflation as a Ski Slope 

If inflation took place,  it must have been triggered by a hypothetical “inflationary 
energy,” caused by a field called “the inflaton” that would have permeated space. 
Different versions of inflation theory propose different relations between the strength of 
the inflaton field and the density of inflationary energy. Two of those relations are plotted 
here. One ( blue at left ) is akin to the traditional textbook models of inflation; the other 
( pink at right ) requires very special starting conditions and thus seems implausible. This 
analogy with two ski hills offers an idea of why the second class of models—the kind of 
inflation that has not been ruled out by recent data—is hard to swallow. 


Given all These problems,  the prospect that inflation did not oc -
cur deserves serious consideration. If we step back, there seem 
to be two logical possibilities. Either the universe had a begin-
ning, which we commonly dub the “big bang,” or there was no 
beginning and what has been called the big bang was actually a 
“big bounce,” a transition from some preceding cosmological 
phase to the present expanding phase. Although most cosmolo-
gists assume a bang, there is currently no evidence—zero—to 
say whether the event that occurred 13.7 billion years ago was a 
bang or a bounce. Yet a bounce, as opposed to a bang, does not 
require a subsequent period of inflation to create a universe like 
the one we ind, so bounce theories represent a dramatic shift 
away from the inflation paradigm. 
A bounce can achieve the same end as a bang plus inflation 
because before the bounce, a span of slow contraction extending 
for billions of years can smooth and flatten the universe. It may 
seem counterintuitive that slow contraction has the same efect 
as rapid expansion, but there is a simple argument that shows it 
must be so. Recall that without inflation, a slowly expanding uni-
verse would become increasingly curved, warped and nonuni-
form with time from the effects of gravity on space and matter. 
Imagine watching a film of this process run backward: a large, 
highly curved, warped and nonuniform universe gradually con-
tracts and becomes lat and uniform. That is, gravity works in 
reverse as a smoothing agent in a slowly contracting universe. 
As in the case of inflation, quantum physics amends the sim-
ple smoothing story in bounce theories as well. Quantum fluctua-
tions change the rate of contraction from place to place so that 
some regions bounce and begin to expand and cool before others. 
Scientists can construct models in which the rate of contraction 
gives rise to temperature variations after the bounce that are con-
sistent with the pattern of hot and cold spots observed by the 
Planck satellite. In other words, contraction before a bounce can 
do what inflation was supposed to do when it was first invented. 
At  the  same  time,  bouncing  theories  have  an  important 
advantage  compared  with  inflation:  they  do  not  produce  a 
multimess. When the contracting phase begins, the universe is
already large and classical (that is, described by Einstein’s gen-
eral theory of relativity), and it bounces before it shrinks to a 
size where quantum effects become important. As a result, there 
is never a stage, like the big bang, when the entire universe is 
dominated by quantum physics, and there is no need to invent a 
quantum-to-classical transition. And because there is no infla-
tion during the smoothing to cause regions that undergo rare, 
large quantum fluctuations to blow up in volume, smoothing via 
contraction does not produce multiple universes. Recent work 
has produced the first detailed proposals for describing how the 
universe could have transitioned from contraction to expansion, 
enabling the construction of complete bouncing cosmologies.


Given The issues  with inflation and the possibilities of bouncing 
cosmologies, one would expect a lively debate among scientists 
today  focused  on  how  to  distinguish  between  these  theories 
through observations. Still, there is a hitch: inflationary cosmol-
ogy, as we currently understand it, cannot be evaluated using 
the scientific method. As we have discussed, the expected out-
come of inflation can easily change if we vary the initial condi-
tions, change the shape of the inflationary energy density curve, 
or simply note that it leads to eternal inflation and a multimess. 
Individually and collectively, these features make inflation so 
flexible that no experiment can ever disprove it.
Some scientists accept that inflation is untestable but refuse 
to abandon it. They have proposed that, instead, science must 
change by discarding one of its defining properties: empirical 
testability. This notion has triggered a roller coaster of discus-
sions about the nature of science and its possible redefinition, 
promoting the idea of some kind of nonempirical science.
A common misconception is that experiments can be used 
to  falsify  a theory. In practice, a failing theory gets increasingly 
immunized  against  experiment  by  attempts  to  patch  it.  The 
theory becomes more highly tuned and arcane to it new obser-
vations  until  it  reaches  a  state  where  its  explanatory  power 
diminishes to the point that it is no longer pursued. The explan-
atory power of a theory is measured by the set of possibilities it 
excludes.  More  immunization  means  less  exclusion  and  less 
power. A theory like the multimess does not exclude anything 
and, hence, has zero power. Declaring an empty theory as the 
un  questioned standard view requires some sort of assurance 
outside of science. Short of a professed oracle, the only alterna-
tive is to invoke authorities. History teaches us that this is the 
wrong road to take. 
Today we are fortunate to have sharp, fundamental ques-
tions imposed on us by observations. The fact that our leading 
ideas have not worked out is a historic opportunity for a theo-
retical breakthrough. Instead of closing the book on the early 
universe, we should recognize that cosmology is wide open.

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