

 苗苗8 2017-04-30


1.        拍手称快             chap and cheer

2.        兴趣盎然             have an immense interest in

3.        欣喜若狂             be wild with joy

4.        和颜悦色             in a pleasant manner

5.        暴跳如雷             fly into a rage

6.        心旷神怡             delightful

7.        瞠目结舌             be staggering

8.        畏首畏尾             over-cautious

9.        胆战心惊             tremble with fear

10.     惊慌失措             in a panic

11.     大惊失色            be shocked at

12.     痛彻心扉             break one’s heart

13.     愁眉不展            frown on sth./looked terribly distressed

14.     泪流满面            be in tears/be in a steam\flood of tears

15.     万念俱灰             be in despair

16.    忧心忡忡             be worried/concerned about

17.    全神贯注             be absorbed in

18.    神魂颠倒             be fascinated

19.     喜出望外、乐不可支   overjoyed

20.    开怀大笑、哄堂大笑   burst into laughter

21.     手舞足蹈、欢呼雀跃   dance/cheer with joy

22.     勃然大怒、恼羞成怒   flyinto a rage/be mad with rage

23.     嚎啕痛哭、泪如雨下  burst into tears

24.    坐立不安、惴惴不安   be restless/be anxiousand fearful

25.     痛不欲生、痛心疾首  be overwhelmedwith sorrow

26.    心乱如麻、心急如焚   be terribly upset/anxious\be upset

27.    心不在焉             be absent-minded

28.    如释重负             feel relieved/to one‘s relief

29.    索然无味             dull and boring

30.    悲喜交集             mixed feelings of griefand joy

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