

 苗苗8 2017-04-30


  1. 1.     add接着又说

例如:'And it is much less dangerousthan fighting dragons.' added King Harry.

  1. 2.     beg:央求着说(同义词:askrequire

例如:'Don't do thatplease.' she begged.

  1. 3.     demand:盘问、追问

例如:'But whynot?' demanded Jane.

  1. 4.     snap:(打断别人的话)怒气冲冲地说

例如:'You aren't listening! Jane.' snapped Queen Norah.

  1. 5.     yawn:打着哈欠说

例如:'I am.' yawned Princess Jane.

  1. 6.     shout:叫喊道(同义词:cryroarscream,yell

例如:'Never!'shouted Princess Jane.

  1. 7.     cry:大喊道、哭叫

例如:'Stop this atonce!' cried Queen Norah.

  1. 8.     roar:咆哮

'Get outof here,' he roared.

  1. 9.     scream:尖叫

例如:'Ouch!' theboy screamed with pain.

  1. 10.  sniff:不屑地说、嗤之以鼻

例如:'It's notfair.' sniffed Jane.

  1. 11.  mumble:含糊不清地说、咕哝着

例如:'Help!'mumbled the cleaning lady.(此处清洁女工被用桌布盖住了头)

  1. 12.  sigh:叹息着说、叹口气说

例如:'Much better,your majesty.' sighed Billy.

  1. 13.  agree:赞同、附和说

例如:'Very odd.' agreedCaptain Smith.

  1. 14.  whisper:悄悄地说

例如:'What can yousee?' whispered King Harry.

  1. 15.  gasp气喘吁吁地说

例如:'No he'snot.' Gasped Joan.

  1. 16.  laugh大笑着说

例如:'Green reallysuits you,' laughed King Harry.

  1. 17.  moan:哀泣着说、呻吟着说、抱怨(同义词:groangrumblecomplain

例如:'Oh my,'moaned Mrs. Jumpkins, 'I haven't got the time todo them again.'

  1. 18.  chant:反复有节奏地喊、唱着说

例如:'Six nil, Sixnil. Six nil.' chanted Queen Norah.

  1. 19.  warn:警告说

例如:'Freeze!'warned the policeman.

  1. 20.  state:陈述、声明(常用于书面语,较正式的场合)

例如:The chairman statedthat the contract would be signed on 16th April.

  1. 21.  announce:宣布、预告(事实)

例如:'I have given upsmoking.' He announced. 

  1. 22.  declare:公开声明(看法)

例如:This area has beendeclared to be a national park.

  1. 23.  pronounce:正式宣布、宣告、宣判(同义词:proclaim

例如:I now pronounce youman and wife.(我宣告你们结为夫妻。)

  1. 24.  claim:主张、断言

例如:The president claimedthe terrorists should be responsible for the explosions that happened lastmonth in London.

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