
干货 | 英语写人不容易——如何写声音

 苗苗8 2017-04-30



1.1 声音

1.2 人物年龄、身形

1.3 脸部

1.4 眼睛

1.5 嘴、鼻子、牙齿、耳朵

1.6 手

1.7 毛发

1.8 衣服


2.1 激动、高兴

2.2 专注

2.3 同情和关心

2.4 放松

2.5 生气

2.6 冷淡、邪恶、狡黠

2.7 害怕

2.8 紧张、尴尬

2.9 悲伤

2.10 疲劳

2.11 痛苦




Whisper, murmur, wheeze(喘息), rattle

Scream, yell, shriek(尖叫)


Loud, big, strong, booming, thunderous,  deafening(震耳欲聋的), piercing

Quiet, soft, gentle, mild, calm

Low, deep

High, shrill, high-pitched, harsh(刺耳的)

Dry, rough, hoarse(嘶哑的), husky沙哑的, croaky低沉沙哑的, scratchy刺耳的

Smooth, sweet, musical, lilting轻快的, chirpy欢快的, sing-song音调起伏的

Bossy专横的, smug沾沾自喜的, mocking嘲笑的, wheedling哄人的, monotonous乏味的

Pleasant, silky柔和的,  sweet

Educated, cultured, drawling慢吞吞的


Echoed, drilled反复叮嘱, droned低沉单调地说

Cracked变嘶哑, gurgled发咯咯声, rasped发出刺耳声

Shouted, snarled, barked, growled

Yelled, boomed, thundered

Hissed, whispered, muttered嘟哝, mumbled咕哝着说, murmured

Whined哭喊声, whimpered呜咽, bleated抱怨



* Big, booming voice

* Thunderous voice

* Calm, deep voice

* Quiet, low-pitched voice

* As smooth as silk

* Cracked, old voice

* Husky murmur

* Croaky whisper

* High-pitched, whining voice

* Squeaky, rasping voice

* Shrill and harsh like the shriek of a seagull

* Low, droning voice

* High-pitched whimper

* Wheedling tone

* Thick, drawling accent

* Smooth like polished glass

* As sweet as syrup(蜜)

* Quiet and soft

* Chirpy, sing-song voice

* Lilting and musical

* Pleasant, educated accent



* Echoed around the room

* Like he was speaking through a loudspeaker

* As if he was acting on stage

* Spoke in a wheedling tone

* Protested in a shrill voice

* Words floated out of her mouth

* Made the words dance in his ears

* Spoke without a trace of an accent

* Difficult to know where he was from

* Difficult to understand

* Unable to listen to her whining

* Difficult to pay attention to …

* Found himself drifting off to sleep

* He closed his eyes to block out …

* Drove him mad

* Bored into him like a drill

* Had a calming effect



'Don't move,' he urged in a croaky whisper.

'I didn't do it,' she screamed in a high-pitched, whining voice.

His voice was thunderous and seemed to vibrate(震动)in his chest.

Robert found it difficult to pay attention to her low, droning voice and drifted off to sleep.

He closed his eyes and tried to block out her squeaky whimper.

He had a thick, drawling accent that made it difficult to understand what he wanted her to do.

He had a big, booming voice, which echoed around the room as if he was speaking through a loudspeaker.

He spoke in a rich, theatrical voice, as if he was acting on a stage.

He turned and stomped out of the room, unable to listen to her simpering voice any longer.

When she yelled, her voice was high and harsh, like the shriek of a seagull.

The words floated out of her mouth as a soft, feathery whisper.

Her voice was as quiet and soft as velvet.

He spoke in a deep voice that was calm and as smooth as silk.

He had a pleasant, educated accent that inspired trust.

Kitty had a lilting, musical voice, which made the words dance in his ears.

It was difficult to know where he was from, as he spoke without a trace of an accent.

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