
Create Infographics, Charts and Maps | Infogr.am

 wenleisjz 2017-05-03

Choose from 35+ charts and 500+ maps

Create interactive pie charts, line charts, and bar charts. Or design more complex visuals like word cloud and facts & figures that viewers will love.

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Grab your viewer’s attention

90% of readers spend more time on pages with interactive charts or infographics and 34% have shared them more often on social media. Read case study.

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Grab your viewer’s attention

Share and embed live charts & infographics on any website

Add charts and presentations to your website using our responsive embeds. Download them as PNG, PDF or animated GIFs ?? Publish on social media to get more leads. We also support Facebook’s Instant Articles, Medium and Wordpress with our infographic plugin.

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Share and embed live charts & infographics on any website

Connect your data with ease

We have different solutions for all your data needs. Copy data to our editor or simply connect to your cloud service (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive). You can also upload a spreadsheet or access your content programmatically with our API.

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Connect your data with ease

1 million ready-to-use images, icons and flags

Choose from more than 1 million high quality stock photographs and over 500,000+ icons. You can also upload your own pictures and GIFs. Find the image you need using our search bar to make an infographic your audience will remember.

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1 million ready-to-use images, icons and flags

Achieve a 5x ROI with Infogram

Our customers experienced up to 500% ROI by enabling and empowering teams to create and recreate top quality data visualizations. We offer personalized training and priority support to ensure you get the most from our tool.

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Achieve a 5x ROI with Infogram

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