

 昵称36114461 2017-05-10



      I’m LiHua. I’m conducting a survey about the differences between Chinese students and English students in their winter holidays. Therefore, I’m writing this letter to exchange relevant information.

      Our winter holiday lasts for about 20days. Basically, we need to finish our assigned homework first. Then, we can take part in some extracurriculum activities. Hanging out with friends or going for a trip are both advisable. What’s more, Spring Festival, the most cheerful and anticipated one in China, falls on  winter holiday. During the night, we’ll have family reunion meals and watch the CCTV Gala Evening. When the clock strikes twelve, we send new year resolution to parents and pocket money will be passed out from adults to children.

      What’s the winter holiday like in England? I would really appreciate it if you could share more details with me.


      I’m carrying out a research on winter holiday of both Chinese and British students. I’m writing to inquire you about some relevant information.

      To begin with, I would like to share domestic studnets’ life with you. In China, the winter holiday lasts for 20days. During the period where the Spring festival is included. Students are drowned in joyfulness as well as relaxation. Apart from celebrating the festival, they sometimes have a trip with their families. To most students, it is this valuable holiday that provides them with enough time to temporarily escape from the stressful academic work, so as to refresh themselves and get fully prepares for the new term.

      How is the winter holiday like in your country? I am very curious .Could you please share some interesting things about this with me?


      As I am going to do a survey about how studnets in China as well as Britain   spend their winter vacation, I am writing to you to exchnage information.

      Generally speaking, the winter holiday in China is about 20days, and its beginning usually indicates that the Spring Festival, the most important festival in China, is drawing near. So apart from finishing the piles of assignments, our Chinese studnets also participate in some of the celebrations of it. Besides, some studnets prefer to pay a visit to other cities, some go back to their hometown for family reunion, while others choose to stay at home, sleeping late and devoting their time to computer games.

      I am quite curious about how long the British winter break lasts and what students in the UK are likely to do during the holiday.

      Thank you for sparing your precious time reading my words. And I would appreciate it if you could answer my questions.


  I’m going to carry a survey about the differences between Chinese students’ winter vacation and British students’. I need to collect some information and it is you that I first come up with in my mind.

      First of all, I’d like to show you Chinese studnets’ winter. In China, we only have a very limited 20-day holiday, maybe less than 20, to get away from the stress of competing with the pees. So we’ll participate in various kinds of activities. Some of us will go to the cinema or a concert, while others will choose a winter camp or a short trip to other country. What about you? How do British students spend their winter holidays?

      I would appreciate it if you can offer me some information. It’ll be great for me to hear from you as soon as possible.


      Since I’m required to conduct a survey about the winter vacation of the UK and Chinese studnets, I’m writing to ask you some questions.

      Above all, let me introduce our vacation. It lasts for 20days, and weith this 20-day break, we can refresh ourselves and free ourselves from the daily study burden. Some of us spend the holiday doing some part-time jobs because they say it is the working experience matters most for our future career. While others are finally capable of listening to live concerts, enjoying art shows in museums or sharing wonderful time with their own family. Only in this vacation can we actually relax for a while .

      But how does your winter vacation like? Is there something special compared to ours? What will you do during these several days? I’m really interested in it so it’s your turn to write me back and tell me some information. Your early reply is highly apprecialed.


    I am doing a research about the life in winter holiday among Chinese and Britiash studnets these days. Therefore, I would like to write to exchange some opinions on this topic with you.

      In terms of Chinese studnets’ life in winter holiday, it generally lasts for 20 days. And the holiday consists of colorful activities and study. Students usually expand their scop of knowledge by travelling to many places or joining some socializing activities. All are bound to be wonderful experiences. Besides, students may spend days enhancing the learning skills in some subjects to prove good marks and gain more confidence.

      As for British pupiles, I am curious about their life in winter holiday. I think it must be also splendid and meaningful. Could you introduce some to me? I am thrilled to learn more about it!

      Thank you for sparing time to read this letter.


     In order to do a survey on the winter vacation of Chinese studnets and British students, I’m writing to exchange some infromation concerned with you.

      Surprisingly, our winter vacation lasts for about 20days, which is a precious chance for us to take time out from study to relax. In China, most of the students would like to go traveling rather than stay at home. What’s more, reading our favourite books and doing some sports also stand out as favours.These activities are so meaningful that the Chinese studnets can broden their horizons and fully prepare for their next new term.

      How about the vacation of the British students? I am curious about how they arrange their vacation and what activities they usually take part in. Your answers will be appreciated in no time.


      Recently, I’m doing a research about winter vacation between Chinese students and British students. As soon as I started a research, I thought of you because you are a British studnets as well as my good friend. So I’m writing to exchange ideas with you in this regard.

      To begin with, the winter vacation in China is about 20 days. Like in any other vacation, we usually go travelling or shopping and so on. But the most important and special thing is that we will take part in the Spring Festival in which we’ll have big meals and hold family gatherings. Every year all of us enjoy this vital festival and have great fun. And absolutely, we should also finish our homework before coming back to school.

      From what have been mentioned above, you must have basically known our winter cavation. So what about yours? I’m very curious about it. I will highly appreciate it if you are willing to introduce it to me in detail.


      It has been a long time since I wrote to you last time. Recently, I’m busy doing some surveys about the winter vacation in different countries, especially between China and the UK. Therefore, I will appreciate it if you can give me some opinions.

      First of all, I would like to show you the Chinese studnets’ winter holiday. Genenrally speaking, the winter holiday lasts for 20days. Students around me are always going traveling with their family. As you know, the Spring Festival is within the vacation, so some people will go back to hometowns to enjoy their family reunions. Besides, there are some extra classes for the studnets who want to improve their study. Also, it’s necessary for students to finish their homework.

      Now I’m so curious about the differneces between our winter vacation. Do you go travelling? Do you have homework to do? I can’t wait to explore the mystery of your winter holiday. It must be wonderful and special !


      I’m doing a research on “How do Chinese and British studnets spend their winter holidays”. And I hope you can give me a help and provide some information which relates to my project.

      Our holidays last for about 20 days. In our holidays, we are usually busy doing mountainous homework and taking courses at poor sujects. Though it wil build a solid foundation of our future studies and make contributions to our academic performance, we are unpleasant to do it. If we have more free time, we often travel abroad to relax ourselves and then prepare for the new term. How about your winter holidays? Do you have a lot of homework to do or have more flexible time to study? Will you make some plans about travelling? How will you make good use of your holidays?

      I would appreciate it if you can answer my questions. Thanks for sparing your time to read my letter.


     I’m Li Hua. Since I’ve been working on a survey about the winter holidays of British and Chines students, this time I’m writing to exchang some information on this topic with you.

      To begin with, our winter holidays last for 20 days, in which we students lead different lives. Some simply keep on studying to guarantee excellent academic performances at the very beginning of next term. The others are engaged in a variety of socializing activities, busy traveling or just eat and drink to their hearts’ content, shifting their focus from exhausting study work for a while.

     I can’t help wondering what your winter holiday is like! Would you tell me how long it will last for? What kinds of activities do you fancy most, and most importantly, is homework also involved in holidays in Britain? Your detailed information is highly appreciated.




1.   写信的原因;

2.   介绍中国学生的寒假生活;

(1)               时长:约20

(2)               活动

3.   询问英国学生的寒假生活。


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