

 smiller2016 2017-05-23




Ryan单方面证实了“谎话说100遍,自己也会认为是真的”的说法。当有人结结巴巴的说:“我记得是这样的,只是记不清了” 这可能是说谎的表现哦。




Myths are only mythical until we uncover the truth. Well, when you have the memory of a gold fish, like myself, then the myths are a  memory that you might lose very quickly and you forget all about. While I still have my memory and my wits about me, guys, let’s talk about these six myths we have here as they pertain to memory.

liu Min

Em, let me share with you guys the first thing that I have written here. “my memories are mine and mine alone.” And that’s not true! You know that couple always tell the story of how they met. It seems like everytime you hear the story, it is somehow gotten better. (laugh) Well that’s because it probably has. And this is known as “social construction” each time we share a memory we edit it. And we look for the reaction that listeners have and make sub-conscious notes, to keep that wording or portion of the story for the next telling.


Yeah, this reminds me of playing a game, and in like elementary school. The teacher would have us going as circle. And you’d have to whisper to the person next to your ear. (oh yeah!) and you’d see if the message came out the same as when it when in. very interesting, Niu honglin.

Niu Honglin:

Yeah but I think that’s a cute thing. They don’t even perfect……they don’t all……just perfect……but they perfect each other’s memory! That’s so cute! And the second one being long-term memory is remembering something for weeks or for years. That’s simply not true. Actually according to scientist, long-term means you can remember something longer than thirty seconds. But I can always be a gold fish. For example, I just forgot to say 以色列 and Mcpringting’s name and they are not happy but I’m seeing you know so it’s longer than thirty minutes…… so it’s my long-term memory now.


Yeah, there is a number 3 here that I wanna mention cause I think the words……that I’m going to say is interesting. And we talk about it in the US all the time and probably here in China as well. “sometimes imagination and memories get jumbled up – even our dreams can become intertwined in what we call memories.” So I would say this is deja-vu. Deja-vu is that sensation “I’ve experienced this before”. Like as you’re going to your days just happening now but you’re like “I swear I had a dream about this.” It’s so viseral, the feeling right? (yeah, yeah, yeah…I got that) yeah…so everybody has that feeling. So interesting! what about photographic memories? Cause you know I’m all about selfies and I have to know about photographic memories.

Niu Honglin:

Well you don’t have a photographic memory cause that doesn’t exist! (no!) All you have is the eidetic  memory meaning that you have the ability to vividly recall images from memory after a very short time of exposure. So, stop saying that you have photographic memory. Cause if you do, you don’t need all the selfies and Instagram posts.


Wait a minute. So first of all the reason why I take the selfies is so that other people can remember (yeah). Maybe they don’t have this photographic memory. I’m trying to help them out. I swear.

liu Min

And that’s for show off. (yes yeah) and also some people would say “I have memories from when I was a baby”. No, friend. You don’t remember coming out of your mom’s womb or taking your first step (laugh). And this has been proven as all but impossible. The reason is what is called childhood amnesia. And again, the science here isn’t totally complete. But a few general theories are widely-accepted. Because our brains are not nearly developed enough to organize the world around us. It prevents us from making accurate memories before the age of two and a half to three years old. Even until age seven, we still retain partial childhood amnesia leading to vague memories, that really don't last extremely long. (oh, really?) And one last one is someone who is not telling the truth is lying. Actually, it can be simply because they don't remember exactly what happens and they forget their memories to themselves. So guys, if you wanna lie to your girlfriend, better tell it one hundred times until you yourself believe it.


Yeah these whole until-the-age-of-7 thing I can't remember till yesterday and I think with this thing, the one as it pertains to lying...I would say also these guys careful. Because liars do exist, and they don't know they're lying too. This can’t be a cop out to say 'I thought I was there, but my memories is not so good, sweetie, I...I swear...I'm not lying'.

Niu Honglin:

Yeah that's a lie. 


Remember all of the time, you can tell they're lying.



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