

 legionDataLib 2017-06-01

tensorflow 中的 ExponentialMovingAverage



import tensorflow as tf
w = tf.Variable(1.0)
ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(0.9)
update = tf.assign_add(w, 1.0)

with tf.control_dependencies([update]):
    ema_op = ema.apply([w])#这句和下面那句不能调换顺序
# 此op用来返回当前的moving_average
ema_val = ema.average(w)#参数不能是list,有点蛋疼

with tf.Session() as sess:
    for i in range(3):
# 创建一个时间序列 1 2 3 4
#1.1      =0.9*1 + 0.1*2
#1.29     =0.9*1.1+0.1*3
#1.561    =0.9*1.29+0.1*4
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你可能会奇怪,明明 只执行三次循环, 为什么产生了 4 个数? 
这是因为,当程序执行到 ema_op = ema.apply([w]) 的时候,如果 w 是 Variable, 那么将会用 w 的初始值初始化 ema 中关于 w 的 ema_value,所以 emaVal0=1.0。如果 w 是 Tensor的话,将会用 0.0 初始化。


# Create variables.
var0 = tf.Variable(...)
var1 = tf.Variable(...)
# ... use the variables to build a training model...
# Create an op that applies the optimizer.  This is what we usually
# would use as a training op.
opt_op = opt.minimize(my_loss, [var0, var1])

# Create an ExponentialMovingAverage object
ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=0.9999)

# Create the shadow variables, and add ops to maintain moving averages
# of var0 and var1.
maintain_averages_op = ema.apply([var0, var1])

# Create an op that will update the moving averages after each training
# step.  This is what we will use in place of the usual training op.
with tf.control_dependencies([opt_op]):
    training_op = tf.group(maintain_averages_op)
    # run这个op获取当前时刻 ema_value
    get_var0_average_op = ema.average(var0)
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shadow variables are created with trainable=False

使用 ExponentialMovingAveraged parameters

假设我们使用了ExponentialMovingAverage方法训练了神经网络, 在test阶段,如何使用 ExponentialMovingAveraged parameters呢? 官网也给出了答案 

# Create a Saver that loads variables from their saved shadow values.
shadow_var0_name = ema.average_name(var0)
shadow_var1_name = ema.average_name(var1)
saver = tf.train.Saver({shadow_var0_name: var0, shadow_var1_name: var1})
saver.restore(...checkpoint filename...)
# var0 and var1 now hold the moving average values
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#Returns a map of names to Variables to restore.
variables_to_restore = ema.variables_to_restore()
saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore)
saver.restore(...checkpoint filename...)
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这里要注意的一个问题是,用于保存的saver可不能这么写,参考 http://blog.csdn.net/u012436149/article/details/56665612



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