

 昵称37888564 2017-06-04
In 1956, I finally got a brother, and our family finally got a television set. My brother, Roger Cassidy Clinton, was born on July 25, his father's birthday. I was so happy. Mother and Daddy had been trying to have a baby for some time(a couple of years earlier she'd had a miscarriage). I think she, and probably he too, thought it might save their marriage. Daddy's response was not auspicious. I was with Mammaw and Papaw when Mother delivered ny caesarean section. Daddy picked me up and took me to see her, then brought me home and left. He had been drinking for the last few months, and instead of making him happy and responsible, the birth of his only son prompted him to run back to bottle.


Along with the excitement of a new baby in the house was the thrill of the new TV. There were lots of shows and entertainers for kids: cartoons, Captain Kangaroo and Howdy Doody, with Buffalo bob smith, whom I especially liked. And there was baseball: Mickey Mantle and the Yankees, Stan Musial and the Cardinals, and my all-time favorite, Willie Mays and the old New York Giants.


But strange as it was for a kid of ten years old, what really dominated my TV viewing that summer were the Republican and Democratic conventions. I sat on the floor right in front of the TV and watched them both, transfixed. It sounds crazy, but I felt right at home in the world of politics and politicians. I liked president Eisenhower and enjoyed seeing him renominated, but we were democrats, so I really got into their convention. Governer Frank Clement of Tennessee gave a rousing keynote address. There was an exciting contest for the vice-presidential nomination between young senator John F. Kennedy and eventual victor, Senator Estes Kefauver, who served Tennessee in the senate with Al Gore's father. When Adlai Stevenson, the nominee in 1952, accepted his party's call to run again, he said he had prayed"this cup would pass from me." I admired Stevenson's intelligence and eloquence, but even then I couldn't understand why anyone wouldn't want the chance to be president. Now I think what he didn't want was to lead another losing effort. I do understand that. I've lost a couple of elections my self, though I never fought a battle I didn't first convince myself I could win.


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