

 昵称30950927 2017-06-06


在杨舒平的演讲中,赴美求学,为的是“Fresh Air”。而自己的家乡是个“必须要带口罩才能出门,不然就会生病”的城市。




哥大毕业演讲 十几年间迎来首位华裔学生代表

能作为学生代表在毕业礼上演讲,要经过严格的筛选。喻俐雅在研究了历届学生代表的演讲后发现,大家谈的都是“自己”和“未来”,而她想聊一聊“别人”,自己的父辈, 少数族裔,女性,毕业生们……最终,她的演讲稿被哥大选中,这才有了这一次精彩的演讲。




在英国剑桥大学取得政治学士学位后, 喻俐雅又来到了美国哥伦比亚大学攻读政治哲学博士学位。自小受到多元文化和教育的熏陶,让喻俐雅能够熟练掌握中英德法四种语言,15岁那年,她还用德文创作了小说《红灯笼》,获得了德国居里文学基金会征文特别奖。




I am here today to talk about what Columbia means to me as a place – as an enigmatic place of arrival and possibility, as a place that marks my intellectual biography, as a tangible place in which a multitude of my identities found a space to speak to each other.


If, like me, you have ever wondered and despaired about who you are, how you are supposed to think, and how you are supposed to talk about yourself Yu Speech 3 in light of the often conflicting cultural, racial, linguistic and gender identities that you carry within you, then you will know that words such as belonging, home and liberation are not just abstract concepts but powerful and enticing sounds that compel you to explore them with an almost irrational yearning and resolution.


From my experience of not knowing which history was truly writing me, and which history I should help writing. From yearning for a place that I could call my intellectual home, where I belonged without being put into set identity categories, where I could ask questions and try to answer them in a crispness and unfussiness that allowed me to focus completely on the question itself.


A place where the beginning of each day was not marked by that stinging sense of shame that still too many of us who move from identity margins into the center Yu Speech 4 allow to wash over ourselves. I was looking for a place where it didn’t matter so much who you once were but where what you said, thought and responded to in this very moment in a seminar room, a research lab and a lecture hall, took on importance and reality. Columbia as a campus and New York as a city became that place where the words belonging, home and liberation could be uttered completely anew.


However, I am not trying to idolize Columbia: my memory of Columbia is also marked by contestation of its place, and by who is represented and allowed entry here. I am thinking back of my time as student senator when I engaged in heated debates about Columbia’s global identity in light of ROTC’s return to campus, about Columbia’s responsibility to invest ethically, low-income students who confessed about their struggles with food stamps and finances, Black Lives Matter demonstrations, as well as the historic erection of a plaque that honors the Lenape people in 2016.


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