
QS世界大学排名 前20名

 西花社 2017-06-10
The QS World University Rankings list is out, and here are the biggest movers and shakers. As the top 20 reveals, UK universities are slipping down, with experts blaming the decline on pressure to admit more disadvantaged students. QS, which has compiled the global university rankings since 2004, ranks institutions according to six metrics: academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty to student ratio, citations per faculty, the international faculty ratio and the international student ratio. 
20. Australian National University: out back and Down Under is the top Aussie institution is based in Canberra. The former Aussie PMs Bob Hawke and Kevin Rudd went there. But Kylie didn't
20.澳大利亚国立大学:回归和下降,澳大利亚的顶级机构位于堪培拉。 它拥有前澳大利亚PM鲍勃霍克和凯文陆克文作为校友。 但不是凯利
19. University of Pennsylvania: the Ivy League research university located in Philadelphia is the first of the US entries in the top 20. At Penn, the football fans throw toast on the field during the third quarter of the football game for good luck
17. John Hopkins University: this Baltimore institution boasts one of the most beautiful famous libraries in the world and is where Dr Hannibal Lecter, the fictional cannibalistic serial killer in The Silence of the Lambs, got his doctorate
16.耶鲁大学:常春藤联盟机构耶鲁大学总部设在康涅狄格州纽黑文市。 2004年,在哈佛大学/耶鲁大学年度美式橄榄球赛期间,耶鲁大学生对哈佛大学的支持者们抱怨招牌,在提出的时候,写出“我们取消”
15.新加坡国立大学是新加坡最古老和最大的国家,国家以其研究计划而闻名。 它提供了“需要盲人入学”政策,这意味着,如果一个学生优秀到足以进入大学,他或她将收到所有需要的帮助
At 14, Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York, is the only public-Ivy League school. Among its alumni were Christopher Reeve, aka Superman
14.康奈尔大学:可能听起来很可怜,但纽约伊萨卡的康乃尔教授超人,又名克里斯托弗·里夫。 它也是唯一的常春藤盟校
13. Princeton University: one of the grand old US universities has a flag on the Moon. On November 19, 1969, Charles “Pete” Conrad, Class of 1953, the third person to walk on the Moon, and planted a Princeton flag there
13.普林斯顿大学:美国一个盛大的美国大学在月球上有旗帜。 1969年11月19日,查尔斯“皮特”康拉德,1953年级,第三个人在月球上行走,并在那里种下普林斯顿旗帜
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne at 12 is the second Swiss instiution in the list. I'm not saying Switzerland is boring but this is place if you want Alpine mountains, cheeses, chocolates and watches as well to complement your science and engineering
12.洛桑理工学院:列表中的第二个瑞士制造商。 我不是说瑞士是无聊的,但如果你想要阿尔卑斯山脉,奶酪,巧克力和手表以及补充你的科学和工程,这是地方
11.南洋理工大学是世界上增长最快的大学之一,每年都大幅提升排名。 校园覆盖着榴莲树,这显然是一个棘手的问题。 如果你知道这个最臭味的水果,你会明白
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Ecublens, near Lausanne, is at 12 on the list in in Switzerland so there's not many fun facts about it. They're very serious there, into science, research and Swiss cheese
10.瑞士联邦理工学院:总部位于洛桑附近的Ecublens,EPFL没有很多有趣的事实,可能是因为在瑞士。 他们非常的严肃,科学,研究和瑞士奶酪
The University of Chicago, home of the legendary Chicago school of economics (Milton Friedman et al), comes in at 9. Its library looks like a giant glass egg and appears to have no books. In fact, they are underground and there is an army of robots on hand to retrieve them for you
9.芝加哥大学芝加哥大学芝加哥经济学院(Milton Friedman等人)的家乡,进入9.它的图书馆看起来像一个巨大的玻璃蛋,似乎没有书。 事实上,他们在地下,手上有一大队机器人为你检索
Up one place from last year and completing a string of four UK universities running from 5 to 8 is the science and engineering research university Imperial College London
The University of Cambridge, which for many years was ranked the best in theworld and for a decade held a place in the top three, has now droppeddown to fifth place
At 4 is California Institute of Technology in Pasadena California, also known as Caltech, was founded in 1891 as Throop University. It has an annual Pumpkin Drop which takes place at midnight on Halloween, when students drop pumpkins frozen in liquid nitrogen from the top of Millikan Library to see if they'll give off a brief glow as they hit the ground and shatter
4.加利福尼亚理工学院:加州理工学院,加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳,成立于1891年,为Throop大学。 它有一年一度的南瓜滴,发生在万圣节的午夜,当学生从米利坎图书馆的顶部放下液氮冷冻的南瓜,看看他们是否会在地面上发出短暂的光芒,并打碎
Harvard, the oldest institution of higher education in the US located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is third. Of Harvard’s long list of past alumni are eight who have signed the Declaration of Independence, and eight past US presidents
3.哈佛大学:位于马萨诸塞州剑桥的美国最古老的高等教育机构是第三。 哈佛大学过去的校友名单中有八位已经签署了“独立宣言”,还有八位美国前总统
Hot on the heels of the leader is Stanford University in California. The institution has a long history of fountain hopping, which is the tradition of jumping in water fountains around campus to create whirlpools
2.斯坦福大学:领先的高跟鞋是斯坦福大学。 该机构有悠久的喷泉历史,这是在校园内跳水喷泉创造漩涡的传统。
Founded in 1861, two days before the start of the American Civil War, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT, is the world's top university according to QS. It is also the only university in the world that awards an official Pirate Certificate. Students are required to filfill requirements in archery, fencing, sailing, and shooting guns to join the fleet. Well shiver me timbers!
1.马萨诸塞理工学院:麻省理工学院成立于1861年,是美国内战开始前两天,根据QS,世界顶尖的大学。 它也是世界上唯一颁发官方海盗证书的大学。 学生必须符合射箭,击剑,航行和射击枪的要求加入舰队。







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