

 昵称22998329 2017-06-28










这位女主播 Julie Etchingham立马走红


ho is Julie Etchingham






Julie Etchingham的毕业演讲






Julie Etchingham joins many of us in our living rooms at 10 o’clock each evening.  As co-presenter of ITV ‘News at Ten’, she keeps us informed about what is going on around the world in a relaxed and accessible style perfected by years of hard work over her varied career in television.

Julie was born in Leicester.  Her parents were both teachers and provided a stimulating home environment well suited to Julie’s powerful developing intellect.  They always made sure she had lots of books and she became fascinated with reading from a very tender age.  She recalls so well a case of mighty tomes at the head of the stairs, which first taunted her as she developed her reading skills, and then rewarded her as she was finally able to get to grips with their glorious mysteries.  She attended the English Martyr’s school in the City where her interest in literature was nurtured further by a charismatic English teacher, so she has always known that words would be her life.  An ardent diarist, Julie also became interested in the comings and goings of the world from a tender age.  Addicted to ‘Newsround’ on the TV she collected endless scrapbooks of newspaper cuttings, and began to dream of the day that she would present the news to the world.  At the age of 15 her mother gave her the ‘yellow pages’, and suggested she sort out some experience in journalism.  Entirely under her own steam, Julie talked her way into work experience at Radio Leicester.  Just running errands and making the tea helped her understand how the environment worked, and has proved invaluable as her career has progressed.

Inevitably, it seems Julie gained a place to read English at Newnham College Cambridge.  Anxious to develop her self reliance however, she deferred a year and went off on her own to work as a teacher in Germany.  She returned, confident, to enjoy her studies guided by exceptional tutors, some very famous, and to participate fully in University life.  Julie believes firmly that successful people have practical plans to run alongside their study, so made sure to write for the College magazine, and eventually presented a student radio programme on BBC Radio Cambridge.


When the time came to apply for the BBC news trainee programme, success was assured.  She started her career in the West Midlands, soon becoming a reporter on ‘Midlands Today’ and cut her journalistic teeth through the hard slog of interviews on windy street corners and in noisy car factories.  She learned how to be disciplined and organised, and how to relate to and talk with people of all kinds, so she could catch and present a story in an engaging manner.

When she was just 24 she got her dream job as a presenter on ‘Newsround’- the very programme which had inspired her as a child.  She beat many others to get the prize, and for three years she developed new skills of communicating with young people whilst travelling the world engaging in all sorts of exotic activities.  It was here that she met her future husband Nick, a Leicester graduate and they are celebrating their fifteenth wedding anniversary this very day.  Her career at the BBC progressed as she presented the breakfast news, and the ‘Holiday programme’, before in 2002 she moved to Sky news where she presented a number of programmes including ‘Sky News Today’.

In 2007 Julie moved to her present role as co-presenter of ITV ‘News at Ten’ where she remains to this day.  Now firmly in the senior ranks of trusted presenters she has co-hosted coverage of many major events, including the Royal Wedding last year, and most recently the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  It takes a very special person, and a great deal of preparation, to look and sound so relaxed and convincing in the mayhem of a TV news studio, but Julie certainly has it.

Julie thrives on the adrenaline of the news room.  Ready to jump on a plane at a moment’s notice she travels the world to report on the most momentous events, from the inauguration of Barak Obama to the recent Japanese Earthquake.  She never knows where she might be next.

Her talents and achievement have been recognised by the award of ‘presenter of the year’ at the Royal Television Society Journalism awards in 2010.


Julie’s story is one of great ability matched by determination and single mindedness.  She has shown that if you know clearly what you want to do, and set about doing it systematically all is possible.  Now at the peak of her career, there is surely much more to come, and we all look forward with great anticipation to her scaling new heights of television greatness.

Mr Vice Chancellor, on the recommendation of Senate and Council I present to you Julie Anne Etchingham that you may confer upon her the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws.







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