

 宇中百合花 2017-08-07
  Question: In awareness, must there not be effort? If I find that I have habits that are useless, it requires effort to eliminate them, does it not? Yet, you speak of awareness as being effortless, spontaneous.
  Krishnamurti: Effort exists as long as you are trying to conquer something, as long as you are seeking an achievement with success at the end of it; whereas, awareness is not born of gain or achievement or success, because achievement, success, implies time, choice. Awareness is choiceless, timeless. I have explained this very carefully during the last few days. Don’t mystify what I am saying; it is very simple.
  When you realize with your whole being that a habit or an idea or an emotion is futile, then you don’t make an effort. The habit may continue, but the decision is finished and the habit will gradually wear out. It is childish. I am sure you have experimented with it, and have found it so.
  Say you have a habit of scratching yourself. If you are fully conscious of it, if you are aware of it with your whole being, there is a decision. The habit may continue for a while, but it will disappear of its own accord. But now you are not fully conscious of the habit and you try to dominate it, and hence there is a continual desire to control your habit.
  Awareness is direct discernment without choice. You can only discern directly, perceive immediately, when you approach the problem, that habit, or a crisis, with your whole being. Therefore it requires intense watchfulness, alertness. You do these things when you are interested in them. Now you are not interested in these things; the majority of people is not interested in what I am talking about.
  Why are they not interested? Because they like sensation, they want security, comfort, pleasure. Not that I am saying that you must not have these things; don’t jump to the opposite. Those thing stake minor importance when you are complete. I don’t mean that you must not have clothes, food, shelter, but they are not the first things; they have their right place.
  So please first find out, not what it is to be aware, but if you want to pursue that with all your being. If you want security, comfort, if you are craving all the time for achievement, success, virtue, approach it wholly—not with a tired, wearisome feeling, wanting and not wanting, seeing the absurdity of it intellectually and, at the same time, emotionally running after it.
  So, you cannot know awareness, nor can you maintain it if you are not interested enough to act wholly with both mind and heart, with your whole being. When you are interested, then out of that comes the flame of awareness. Then it is not a question of maintaining it all the time; it is there when the moment comes, when you approach everything fully; and then you are free of that particular impediment.
  The Art of Listening, Fourth Talk at Ommen,July 30, 1933

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