

 噶玛正晓 2017-08-13






On a certain day, two cows were grazing on the English meadow. English cows. One cow asked the other, ‘what is your opinion about the mad-cow disease?’ The other cow said, ‘I don’t care a hoot. I am anyway a helicopter.” Being a mystic, being a realized being, is just like this: a cow realizing that it’s a cow, and it becomes a celebrated cow. Holy cow, isn’t it? Is it that simplistic? So let me tell you my story.

So as a child, one thing that I realized was, that I was utterly, absolutely ignorant. And everybody around me seemed to know just about everything. I did not know anything at all. So because I did not know anything, I had to pay enormous attention towards everything. My sense of attention become, became like this: if I see a leaf, I could just sit there looking at this leaf just staring at it for hours. If I sat up in my bed, just staring at the darkness, I could just do this for the whole night.

So this attention brought a completely different level of involvement and interaction with just about anything and everything around me, animate and inanimate. But everybody else seemed to know everything and they were just going about their life busy and happy. But I was just staring at every little thing.

Then I saw that, I realized that even they did not know anything, it is just they had their assumptions and belief systems that they were happy with. Either their own or what was handed down to them by someone else. And they not only knew about what is here, they also knew about other worlds, about Gods, about heavens and everything. And here I was struggling to figure out what is what.


graze : [ɡreiz]  vi 吃草; vt 放牧
meadow:[‘med?u]  n 草地;牧场
disease:[di’zi:z] n 疾病
helicopter:[‘helik?pt?] n.直升机
involvement:[in’v?lvm?nt] n. 投入
interaction:[,int?r’?k??n] n. 互动
celebrated:[‘selibreitid]  adj. 著名的
simplistic:[sim’plistik] adj. 太过于简单的
struggle:vi 努力;使劲


mystic:[‘mistik]  n. 隐修士;神秘家
a realized being:n. 觉悟的人;开悟的人
being: n. 存在;生命;人
ignorant:  /??ɡn?r?nt/ adj. 无知的
animate:[‘?nimeit]   adj. 有生命的
inanimate: [in’?nim?t]  adj. 无生命的
assumption: [?’s?mp??n] n. 假设
belief system:n.信念系统


  1. Holy cow! 天哪!哇塞,不会吧!表达不可思议的感叹。

  2. What’s your opinion about…… 你对… 有什么看法?

  3. I don’t care a hoot. 我一点也不在乎/关我屁事

  4. Either…or : 不是…就是…; 要么…要么…


   1. go about : 从事;处理;忙活 (后面跟名词或动名词短语)

        They were just going about their life busy and happy.

    2. hand down: 传递下来;流传下来

    3. figure out : 搞清楚;弄明白;理解









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