

 昵称40040184 2017-08-13
Problems experienced on a first IVF may provide clues as to what you need to try and optimise for a future cycle. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list but it may give some ideas that you can explore/discuss with your clinic. In general though, in my opinion, it does not make sense to stick with the same protocol for more than 2 or 3 cycles. If it isn't working for you, its time to look at alternatives, and if nothing else, consult with a couple of different clinics to see what approaches they would recommend.
Here is my list of suggested tweaks to investigate/discuss
1)内膜薄问题 (详见内膜问题文档,以下为重点内容摘录)
thin lining - see Lining issues (below) and don't forget to check your thyroid甲状腺 (see Thyroid) hormone levels at your GP and make sure you are not borderline or subclinical hypothyroid甲减 (for optimal fertility the ideal range for thyroid hormones is a lot narrower than the range tha
t the GP will see as normal for your general health). For donor egg cycles, studies have suggested that if the lining is too old (lining starts to grow shortly after the beginning of your period on a natural cycle or, on from the start of estrogen (or stimms) medication on a down regulated cycle), then implantation rates fall. A significant fall in pregnancy rates has been observed if estrogen medication was started more than 7 weeks before embryo transfer
1) 万艾可:每天4次每次25mg阴道给药;
2) 雌二醇:国内是补佳乐或芬吗通,准医嘱;
3) 特布他林:另外一种血管扩张药物,每日5mg每天三次口服同时新鲜周期促排后或人工解冻周期如补佳乐日开始每天25mg每日四次阴道给药,夜针日停【新鲜周期】或移植前3天停【人工解冻周期】)、
4) G-CSF宫腔灌注;
5) 己酮可可碱:400mg每天2次,与ve同服,并可帮助内异患者免疫调节);
6) Ve 精氨酸:ve(每天600mg)联合服用精氨酸(每天6g);
7) 足够的蛋白质和硒的摄入:蛋白粉、硒片、高蛋白饮食;
8) 中药调理 泡脚;
2) 卵巢反应不好
poor response i.e., less than 4 eggs recovered - 3 months DHEA pretreatment (see supplements), estrogen priming protocols, higher starting doses (often with a step down in dose after a few days), short protocol with natural cycle start rather than from the pill, long protocol if you have not already tried that, agonist/antagonist conversion protocols - diminished ovarian reserve can also be exacerbated by being subclinically hypothyroid - its definitely worth checking your TSH and FT4 with your GP - see Thyroid. Also, consider treatment with dexamethasone 0.5mg (or equivalent dose of prednisolone) possibly for up to 3 months prior to IVF, in case autoimmune activity (e.g., antiovarian antibodies) are compromising ovarian response. For some ladies with poor response/high AMH there is no advantage in using stimulated IVF and they might actually have a slightly better chance with a natural cycle IVF.
3) 卵泡质量不好
poor egg quality - resveratrol and/or pycnogenol and/or lycopene pretreatment (also antioxidant diets e.g., those with lots of red/orange/green veg, wheatgrass, spirulina, beetroot powder etc), melatonin, inositol or alpha lipoic acid (mainly for PCOS sufferers), 3 months DHEA pretreatment (but not if there is a high LH:FSH ratio, low SHBG, high testosterone, high antral follicle counts or PCOS), assisted hatching, high protein/low GI diet, limiting LH (by using only/mainly pure FSH until day 4 of stims, and then using a limited dose of LH per day - e.g., using mainly gonal-F, puregon or follistim with either menopur or luveris to add LH) and by using long protocol or a short protocol with a half dose of antagonist which starts on day 1 of stims. Poor egg quality where eggs show thickened zona and none of the eggs recovered are immature can indicate that the stimulation was continued for too long and the eggs are over-mature/atresic (a good indicator of the quality of a batch of eggs is to have 10-40% immature eggs in the batch) - better quality eggs may result from doing a short stimulation and not sacrificing the dominant (and probably best quality) follicles in order to allow the rest of the batch to catch up. Anti-inflammatory diet/supplements if elevated TNFa appears to be involved. Natural cycle IVF or very low dose stimulation protocols are worth considering to maximise egg quality, although this will be at the expense of egg numbers, so you may need to see this as more of a course of, say, 3 natural cycle IVFs before you can decide whether the approach is working for you.
白藜芦醇和/或碧萝芷和/或番茄红素(或抗氧化剂饮食如红色、橙色、绿色蔬菜,螺旋藻等),褪黑素,肌醇或α新硫酸(尤其多囊患者),3个月dhea(高lh:fsh者,低SHBG,睾酮水平高,高窦卵泡计数或多囊卵巢综合征者不能吃),辅助孵化,高蛋白/低GI饮食,限制LH(前四天促排只用纯FSH药物,然后每天用限量的LH -例如Gonal-F),等等。如果tnf高,要同时抗炎饮食或治疗;最好自然周期ivf或者低剂量促排。

GI(Glycemic Index)是指食物的血糖生成指数,是反映食物引起人体血糖升高程度的指标,是人体进食后机体血糖生成的应答状况。GI值高的食物进入肠道后容易吸收,葡萄糖能够很快的进入血液,导致血糖升高的速度较快,容易出现高血压、高血糖的现象.而GI值低的食物进入肠道后释放缓慢,吸收的速度也较慢,所以不容易引起血糖的变化。多余的胰岛素还有利于帮助糖原、脂肪和蛋白质的分解,燃烧体内脂肪,起到瘦身的作用。低gi食物:
1. 谷类:极少加工的粗粮。如煮过的整粒小麦、大麦及黑麦;硬质的小麦粉面条、通心面;玉米面粥、强化蛋白质的苗条等;
2. 干豆类及其制品:豆类的GI值普遍较低,如绿豆、蚕豆、扁豆及其制品等;
3. 乳类及其制品:乳类产品大多都是低GI产品,如牛奶、全脂&脱脂牛奶、奶粉、酸奶等;
4. 薯类:生的薯类以及经过冷处理的舒蕾制品,如芋头、藕粉、马铃薯粉条等;
5. 水果类:含果酸较多的水果,如苹果、桃、李子、樱桃等;
6. 即食食品:全麦或高纤维产品,如大麦面包、闲趣饼干、荞麦方便面等;
7. 混合膳食:主要看食物的种类和比例,如包子、饺子、馄饨、猪肉炖粉条等;
8. 其他:含果糖、乳糖的农作物及其制品。如花生。
4)多囊PCO - as for poor egg quality, but also pill pre-treatment to try to calm the ovaries, low GI(Glycemic Index) diet/healthy BMI, short protocol or agonist/antagonist conversion protocol, assisted hatching, metformin pre-treatment, alpha lipoic acid pretreatment, inositol pretreatment.
endometriosis/adenomyosis - pycnogenol/resveratrol pre-treatment, prolonged pre-treatment down regulation, natural cycle FET, immune treatment for NKa, anti-inflammatory supplements/diet, letrozole/femara in-cycle treatment.
6) 胚胎分裂不好:参考卵泡质量不好的解决办法
slow cleavage embryos - same as poor egg quality
7) 受精率低:
poor fertilisation rates with IVF - ICSI, possibly assisted hatching, 3 months of antioxidants for the male partner, possibly antibiotics if the male partner is carrying an infection
辅助孵化,同时男方提前三个月的抗氧化剂治疗(详见十全大补 精子调理方案)
8) 卵巢过度刺激OHSS - lower dose of stims, short protocol, alternate days dose of stims (e.g., alternating between 150 iu and 75 iu), 3 months of birth control pill before starting, metformin, low GI diet/healthy BMI, prolonged coasting (i.e., giving fairly low dose stimms e.g., 150 iu and stopping it as soon at least 2 follicles have attained a mean diameter of 18-22mm (on ultrasound) and 50% of the remaining follicles have reached 14-16mm, and waiting (up to 5 days) until the blood estrodial level falls below 2,500pg/ml before giving the HCG trigger shot), cabergoline tablets (a drug which has been shown to reduce the severity of OHSS without damaging egg quality/pregnancy rates), freezing all embryos and having a FET the following month.
9)移植后抽筋 cramping after embryo transfer - see Tocolytics
10) 移植问题implantation problems - clotting (see thrombophilia), infection (see chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma), natural killer cells (see NK cells), elevated cytokines (see cytokines), lack of blocking antibodies (see LAD), short implantation window (consider starting progesterone at a lower dose then stepping up the dose after a week, and/or switching to a day 3 transfer instead of a blast transfer) - treatments to consider are empirical treatment with clexane and steroids (see Treating empirically), going down the immune testing route and having treatment with steroids/humira/LIT/IVIG/intralipids/clexane and/or newer treatments like PBMC (see PBMC) and neupogen (see G-CSF) or if endometriosis/adenomyosis is suspected 3 months pre-treatment with down reg or in-cycle treatment with femara/letrozole. Also consider hysteroscopy to rule out hard-to-detect scarring in the uterus, to do a mild D&C and maybe a scratch biopsy or fundus cut - and/or a saline wash 2 days before ET.
5、用HCG 稀释LUPRON双“击”(Double trigger)的方式来促排卵。
6、如果是LUPRON TRIGGER的,加大LUPRON用量。比如原来医生嘱咐15IU,改为30IU。(60IU以下都是安全TRIGGER剂量。)
结论:空泡是有卵子但取不出来。可能跟卵子质量和医生取卵时间把握有关,也可能跟病人对排卵针不敏感不关。目前有效的的方式是用第五–DOUBLE TRIGGER的方式。

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