
英语美文朗读: 勇往直前

 资源868 2017-08-16

其实很多人曾经或现在都有自己的梦想, 但是真正敢去追梦又有多少? 有的畏惧失败, 有的害怕成功, 因为一个成功人要比常人承受更大的压力, 少了很多喝咖啡的时间。但是一个充满挑战又有价值的人生和一个平淡乏味的人生, 仔细想想你选择哪个? 我想勇往直前跟年龄必然关系, 无论你在人生的哪个阶段, 都正是奋斗年华。这篇文章不长不短, 如果你仔细读定会感受到每句话背后的切身的体会和深入的思考。





                Move Forward

With age comes experience and with experience comes knowledge and understanding. Noone individual is ever completed with his or her growth. For the wisest of all men has death to face. And with death imminent for all, one will still have to face fear till the very end of one's existence.


So to take what one learns through life and to press on towards the goals set will one begin to face new, challenging, and sometimes even exciting new fears. Life will never complete itself until one has completed the life he is given. Therefore it is incredibly irresponsible to merely accept death as the imminent future, settle into a comfort zone naught of challenge, and to merely exist. Could a better definition of waste be drawn?


It is each and everyone's responsibility to know who he is. And it is, therefore, each and everyone's responsibility to take what he has as genetic tools to better his life and to better the lives of others. For if all accepted individuality and accepted the individuality of others, then all would have the sympathy for one another.


This is harmony; the ideal nature of life by which life is then lived. To live in harmony with one another is but a simple step forward in one's thinking.


Once one has recognized one's individuality, accepted one's fears, and chosen to set goals and move forward with the important aid of hope, will one have truly conquered living life.



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