

 文山书院 2017-08-29


Appraisal of Seal Stones



Seal stone production sites are widely scattered, and there is a great variety of stones; accordingly, their properties, colors, appreciation and collection values all differ. 

The superiority or inferiority of a stone has long been decided on the basis of the“six virtues,” namely, fineness(细); cohesion(结); smoothness(润); slickness(腻); warmth(温); and congealment (凝).

a. 青田封门蓝星,倪东方藏

b. 青田白垟紫檀冻,倪东方藏

a.  Qingtian Fengmen blue-star stone seal Collection of Ni Dongfang.

b.  Seal made of Qingtian Baiyang red sandalwood jelly stone. Collection of Ni Dongflang.



 “Fineness'' means that the stone texture is fine; “cohesion” means the particles are tightly bound, producing a satisfactory luster and cutting effect; “smoothness” means it is sparkling bright and crystal clear; “slickness” means that the polished stone has an oily luster; “warmth” refers to a reserved, calm and mild quality, without “dryness”; and “congealment” means cohesive and sparkling bright, like something frozen in appearance. 

Inferior seal stones are more coarse, loose, and brittle. The presence of hidden or apparent cracking is also a basic criterion for determining the quality of a stone. When looking at stones of the same type, the bigger, the squarer and more upright the better.

a. 昌化玛瑙冻,百螺斋藏

b. 昌化黄冻,百螺斋藏

c. Changhua agate jelly stone seal. Bai Luo Studio Collection

d. Changhua yellow jelly stone seal. Bai Luo Studio Collection


“Looking, rubbing and cutting” are the methods of appraising stones.“Looking” includes analyzing the color and luster of the surface, and, with jelly stones, the degree of interior transparency and grain.“Polishing and cutting” are supple mentary appraisal techniques used when necessary. By polishing, one can learn whether the stone contains fine quartz particles and also know the degree of fineness, cohesion, smoothness, and warmth. Top class seal materials cut smoothly and easily, without hardness or dryness, emitting alight clear sound beneath the knife. Inferior stones are rough, difficult to cut, and give out cracking or dull sounds.


Shoushan Tianhuang jelly stone seal “Three Laughters at the Tiger Creek”(虎溪三笑), engraved in low relief by Lin Qingqing. Modern age. Shanghai Museum

印石定名大多与其特有的颜色有关,因而鉴别优劣还需要看其石色是否符合该品种的标准。如青田石系的“兰花冻”,以色纯如嫩兰叶的微青色为佳;“桃花冻”、“ 鸡血”一类的彩石,除了底质纯凝外,以色块大而鲜明为优。总之,石色标准随各品种的自然特性而不同 。

Seal stones are mostly designated by color. Therefore, in appraising the quality of a stone, one must see whether its color is identical to stone standard. For example, Qingtian stone orchid Jelly is the most prized if its color is as light green as the new leaves of an orchid; the poly- chromatic Peach Blossom Jelly and Bloodstone, apart from considerations of purity and congealment, are most highly rated if they have large, bright spots of color. In short, the stone color standards differ according to the natural characteristics of the individual brands.


Seal pair made of Changlhua bloodstone jelly Modern age. Shanghai Museum




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