

 小酌千年180 2017-08-30


malevolent 恶毒的;

malicious 恶毒的;

malign 诽谤;

malnourished 营养不良的;

malnutrition 营养不良;


我们再来看韦小绿《Vocabulary Builder》在Unit 5对这个词根的解读:

MAL comes from a Latin word meaning “bad.” 

A malady(弊病) is a bad condition—a disease or illness—of the body or mind. Malpractice(玩忽职守,治疗不当) is bad medical practice. Malodorous(恶臭的) things smell bad. And a malefactor(罪犯) is someone guilty of bad deeds.

下面我们再来看看韦小绿对于malevolent、malicious、malign、malnourished 这四个典型词的解读:


Having or showing intense ill will or hatred. 

· Captain Ahab sees Moby Dick not simply as a whale but as a powerfully malevolent foe. 

Malevolence runs deep. Malevolent enemies have bitter and lasting feelings of ill will. Malevolent racism and bigotry can erupt in acts of violence against innocent people. Malevolence can also show itself in hurtful words, and can sometimes be seen in something as small as an angry look or gesture.



Desiring to cause pain, injury, or distress to another. 

· The boys didn't take the apples with any malicious intent; they were just hungry and didn't know any better. 

Malicious and malevolent are close in meaning, since both refer to ill will that desires to see someone else suffer. But while malevolent suggests deep and lasting dislike, malicious usually means petty and spiteful. Malicious gossipers are often simply envious of a neighbor's good fortune. Vandals may take malicious pleasure in destroying and defacing property but usually don't truly hate the owners. Malice is an important legal concept, which has to be proved in order to convict someone of certain crimes such as first-degree murder.

这里面出现的跟malicious相关的近义词也有很多: dislike厌恶,petty小气的,spiteful怀恨的,envious嫉妒的,malice恶意。


To make harsh and often false or misleading statements about. 

· Captain Bligh of the Bounty may be one of the most unjustly maligned figures in British naval history. Malign is related to verbs like defame, slander, and libel. 

The person or group being maligned is the victim of false or misleading statements, even if the maligner isn't necessarily guilty of deliberate lying. Someone or something that's frequently criticized is often said to be “much maligned,” which suggests that the criticism isn't entirely fair or deserved. Malign is also an adjective, and writers often refer to a person's malign influence. The very similar malignant, which used to be a common synonym of malign, today tends to describe dangerous medical conditions, especially cancerous tumors.

defame诽谤, libel 是法律术语,指的是书面上的诽谤,而slander指口头上的诽谤;

malign作动词时表示诽谤, 作形容词表示“恶意的”。 malignant现在多用在医学上,表示“恶性的”,例如malignant tumor恶性肿瘤。  U君提示大家,良性肿瘤一般用benign tumor来表示。


Badly or poorly nourished. 

· When they finally found the children in the locked cabin, they were pale and malnourished but unharmed. 

Malnourished people can be found in all types of societies. Famine and poverty are only two of the common causes of malnutrition. In wealthier societies, malnutrition is often the result of poor eating habits. Any diet that fails to provide the nutrients needed for health and growth can lead to malnutrition, and some malnourished people are actually fat.



看完这个词根的知识,大家应该对韦小绿这本书有个大概的了解了吧,本书一共有240个词根,也就是240个上述长度的小单元,大部分都比较重要,整体难度大概六级偏上一些,但是里面还有很多四级难度词汇,也有一小部分专八难度词汇,推荐四级水平的同学阅读,如果你自己读不下去,可以加入我们的学习计划,我们带着你一起读完这本书,报名详情:背单词的终极法宝:韦小绿 (还有一周时间就开课了,想加入的抓紧哦)

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