

 老貓不吃肉 2017-09-07

中 文 名 伦敦爱乐乐团

外 文 名 London Philharmonic Orchestra

成立时间 1932年

英文缩写 LPO

所属国家 英国

建 立 者 Sir Thomas Beecham

开放时间 10.00am–11.00pm


伦敦爱乐乐团London Philharmonic Orchestra,是伦敦最古老的管弦乐团,是目前世界上著名的管弦乐团。


作为世界十大交响乐团之一的伦敦爱乐乐团以其多样性和艺术的卓越著称于世。1932年托马斯 比切姆爵士创建了伦敦爱乐乐团,几十年来,众多著名的指挥家曾经担任过该乐团的首席指挥,包括:阿德里安博尔特爵士、约翰普理查德爵士、伯纳德海丁克、左尔格索尔蒂爵士、克劳斯腾斯泰德、弗朗茨韦尔泽莫斯特、库特马祖尔等等。也许缘于乐团后来的许多首席指挥并非出自英国本土,而是广泛邀请欧美大牌指挥家,才使得乐团风格趋于多样性。1992年以来,伦敦爱乐乐团一直是英国皇家节日大厅的常驻交响乐团,每年9月至次年5月,乐团都在此地演出系列音乐会。乐团以其多样性的演奏曲目为特色,演奏的作品十分广泛,包括交响乐、歌剧和电影音乐,其中以《因父之名》、《指环王》最为人熟知,尤其是为影片《指环王》一、二、三集的配乐录音,现在已经成为电影音乐的经典。

伦敦爱乐乐团是伦敦和世界最知名最受人敬佩的乐团之一。尽管它的兴趣极大地集中在最受欢迎的浪漫与后浪漫时期作曲家身上,但它的曲目却包括了从巴洛克到当代的整个时期,也包括了一些浪漫时期大师鲜为人知的作品。 在一年的演季中,乐团在伦敦的音乐会有两个主要系列。首先是皇家节日大厅举办的国际系列,该系列受到了艺术会议和大伦敦议会的很大部分赞助,时间安排在9月到次年5月,共要举办29场音乐会,每场音乐会各有其节目。其次是较短小、票价也较低廉的皇家节日大厅系列“轻松愉快的经典作品”。该系列共举办10场音乐会(5套节目,每套演两场)。

1932年由托马斯·比彻姆Thomas Beecham爵士创立。










2016年将发行新专辑《Elgar: The Symphonies; Cockaigne; In the South》。

The London Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO) is one of five permanent symphony orchestras based in London. It was founded by the conductors Sir Thomas Beecham and Malcolm Sargent in 1932 as a rival to the existing London Symphony and BBC Symphony Orchestras.

The founders' ambition was to build an orchestra the equal of any European or American rival. Between 1932 and the Second World War the LPO was widely judged to have succeeded in this regard. After the outbreak of war the orchestra's private backers withdrew and the players reconstituted the LPO as a self-governing cooperative. In the post-war years the orchestra faced challenges from two new rivals, the Philharmonia and the Royal Philharmonic. Founded respectively in 1946 and 1947, they achieved a quality of playing not matched by the older orchestras, including the LPO.

By the 1960s the LPO had regained its earlier standards, and in 1964 it secured a valuable engagement to play in the Glyndebourne Festival opera house during the summer months. In 1993 it was appointed resident orchestra of the Royal Festival Hall on the south bank of the Thames, one of London's major concert venues. Since 1995 the residency has been jointly held with the Philharmonia. In addition to its work at the Festival Hall and Glyndebourne, the LPO performs regularly at the Congress Theatre, Eastbourne and the Brighton Dome, and tours nationally and internationally.

Since Beecham, the orchestra has had ten principal conductors, including Sir Adrian Boult, Bernard Haitink, Sir Georg Solti, Klaus Tennstedt and Vladimir Jurowski. The orchestra has been active in recording studios since its earliest days, and has played on hundreds of sets made by EMI, Decca and other companies. Since 2005 the LPO has had its own record label, issuing live recordings of concerts. The orchestra has played on numerous film soundtracks, including ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ (1962) and the ‘Lord of the Rings trilogy’ (2001–03).

After the departure of Welser-Möst, the LPO was without a principal conductor for four years. During the interregnum the orchestra inaugurated its "Roots Classical Fusions" series, which aimed to combine musical traditions from around the world; this was part of an education and community programme launched by the orchestra.Kurt Masur was the LPO's principal conductor from 2000 to 2007. Under Masur, known for his performances of the German symphonic repertoire, the orchestra regained its musical form, and the critic Richard S Ginell commented that Vladimir Jurowski, who took over in 2007 "has inherited an LPO in splendid technical shape, probably having been drilled to a fare-thee-well under Masur".

Jurowski had first conducted the LPO in 2001, making an immediate mark in a programme of Finnish, French and Russian music. The reviewer in The Daily Telegraph wrote of "love at first sight between conductor and orchestra ... one of the LPO's finest hours in the concert hall".Jurowski became principal guest conductor in 2003, and conducted the orchestra in June 2007 during the concerts marking the re-opening of the refurbished Festival Hall. In September 2007 Jurowski became the LPO's eleventh principal conductor. In November 2007, the LPO named Yannick Nézet-Séguin as its new principal guest conductor, effective from the 2008–09 season. Like his LPO predecessors Pritchard and Haitink, Jurowski was appointed music director of Glyndebourne (2001–13); he conducted the LPO there in operas by Britten, Mozart, Puccini, Richard Strauss, Verdi, Wagner, and others.


In 2016 the leading members of the LPO organisation were Jurowski, Andrés Orozco-Estrada (principal guest conductor), Pieter Schoeman (leader), Magnus Lindberg (composer in residence) and Timothy Walker (chief executive and artistic director). Seventeen of the orchestra's principal players held professorships at British conservatoires, including the Royal Academy of Music, the Royal College of Music, Guildhall School of Music and Drama and Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.In addition to its regular concerts at the Festival Hall, and its annual season in the orchestra pit at Glyndebourne, the LPO has residencies at the Congress Theatre, Eastbourne and the Brighton Dome, and tours in Britain and overseas remain an important part of the orchestra's schedule.


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