
Little London 1

 清风明月tbm5q1 2017-09-10



Little London 1 朗读 来自英语笔记本 00:40


Metropolitan growing pains

Little London

Britain’s capital needs to build more. Its would-be mayors are short on plans for making that happen.


(1)THERE are many ways to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. London’s economy makes Britain rich. If Britons were to vote on June 23rd to leave the European Union, London would suffer. But another problem is just as threatening.Soaring property prices are constraining London’s ability to foster new businesses and create jobs. The great city must overcome that problem if it intends to remain great.

杀鸡取卵的方式多种多样。伦敦的经济使英国富裕。如果英国人在6月23日投票脱离欧盟, 伦敦就会遭殃。但另一个问题同样威胁着伦敦。房地产价格飙升,使得伦敦培养企业和创造就业机会的能力受限。这座大城市如果想保持自身的水准,就必须解决这个问题。




growing pains:the problems that are experienced as sth(such as a business or project) grows larger or more successful

eg: a young company/city dealing wiht growing pains.

short on something (informal) lacking or not having enough of a particular quality
eg:He was a big strapping guy but short on brains.

kill the goose that lays the golden ˈegg/ˈeggs
(saying) to destroy something that would make you rich, successful, etc.

读得不好,这就是需要不断朗读的原因。欢迎吐槽和指正。Long time no see 呀,大家。


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