

 一一风荷Lacey 2017-09-19

一、 热身/复习(Warm-up/Review

1.       Sing a song: The Song of Color  

Who is wearing yellow today?  Yellow today, yellow today.

Who is wearing yellow today?  Yellow today.

Who is wearing green today?   Green today, green today.

Who is wearing green today?   Green today.


2.       Free talk

T:  Who is wearing white and green today?                             

Ss: I am wearing white and green today.

T: Who is wearing orange today?

Ss: You are wearing orange today.

Miss Zheng is wearing orange today.

 T: You are right. I am wearing an orange sweater.       

教师指着自己身上穿着的毛衣,引导学生说出 sweater

 T: Do you think it’s beautiful?

 C: Yes. It’s beautiful.

 T: Thank you.

 T: Anyone else is wearing orange today?

 S1: (Stand up and show us) I am wearing orange today.

Look. This is an orange jacket.

 T: Is orange your favorite color?

 S1: Yes. How about you?

 T:  Me too.

 T:  How many sweaters are you wearing now?

 S2: Two. Because today is cold.

 S3: Only one. Because I am strong.


二、 呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice

1.       T shows her daughter’s baby clothes

T:  I’ve got some pretty clothes to show you.


Look! What’s this?

C:  It’s a dress.

Ss:  So small.

T:  Can I wear this dress?

C:  No, you can’t.

TC: It’s too small.

T:  Whose dress is this? Is this yours?

C:  No.

T:  Let me tell you. This is my daughter’s baby dress.

   Is it pretty?

Ss: Yes. It’s pretty.

T:  Yes, I think so. I love this pretty dress very much.

T:  I have some more/ something else to show you.         

 Can you guess what they are?

   S1:  Are they shoes?

   T:   Sorry.  No, they aren’t.

   S2:  Are they socks?

   T:   Yes, they are.


   TC:  They are socks.

   T:   What color are they?

   TC:  They are purple.


2.       Guessing Game:  What’s in the bag / box?                    

T:  Let’s play a game. Try to guess what is in my bag.

You can ask me YES or NO questions.

Such as: Can I wear it in summer?

Does it have long sleeves?

Does it have a zipper?  Is it a …?  Are they …?

T:  What’s in the bag?

S1: Is it a T-shirt?

T板书:  Is it a…?  No, it’s not.

T:  No, it’s not.      

S2: Can I wear it in summer?

T:  No, you can’t.

S3: Can I wear it in winter?

T:  Yes, you can.

S3: Does it have long sleeves?

T:  Yes. It has two long sleeves.

S3: Oh. I see. Is it a sweater?

T:  Yes. You’ve got it. Look. What is it?

T板书:Yes, it is.

C:  It’s a sweater.

T:  What color is it? 

T板书:What color is it?

C:  It’s red.

T板书:It’s …

T:  T puts it before one of the S’s chest and asks: Can you wear this sweater?

C:  No, we can’t. / No, I can’t.  It’s too small.

T:  Well. It’s really small. It doesn’t fit you.

Who else can wear this sweater?

S1: Maybe my Mickey Mouse can wear it.

T:  Well. Let’s have a try.

 Put on the sweater for your Mickey Mouse.

教师将手中小小的毛衣交给学生1,让他试着帮他带来的玩具米老鼠穿上毛衣。教师带领全体学生边打节奏边说: Put on the sweater. 如果毛衣的尺寸不适合米老鼠,教师便引导学生就该情景灵活运用语言:It’s too big / small. Take off the sweater.

T:  What are in my box?

T板书:What are they?

S1:  Are they pants?

T:  No, they aren’t.

T板书:Are they …? No, they aren’t.

S2:  Can we wear them on the feet?

T:  Yes, you can.

S2:  Are they shoes?

T:  You are right. They are shoes.

T板书:Yes, they are.

T shows the blue and white shoes quickly and asks the Ss guess the color.

T:  What color are they?

T板书:What color are they?  They’re …

S:  They are blue and white.


3. Be the fashion designer. Choose the clothes for WaWa and YaYa.


T: I have a lot of clothes. They are beautiful and fashionable. Please be a fashion designer. Would you like to help WaWa and YaYa choose some clothes?

S1: The yellow T-shirt is nice. I like it.

S1: I like the T-shirt with the pants.  

T:  Do you like the yellow T-shirt with the yellow pants?

S1: No. I don’t like the yellow pants. I like the blue pants.

When the T changes the color of the yellow pants, the cartoon

character says “So terrific.”

T:  Do you like the yellow T-shirt with the blue pants?

Some of the Ss say YES, some of them say NO. Then the T invites someone else to be the fashion designer.




1. Be a fashion designer. Choose clothes for some dolls. 教师出示各类玩具,让学生以小组为单位帮玩具们穿上各种自制或精选的服装。在小组活动中,要求学生用英语进行交流。

Is this your dress? It’s so beautiful. Look at my… 

What’s the material?  It’s newspaper.

What did you use?    I used shoe boxes.

 (1) 教师引导学生开展活动

 T shows a beautiful doll.

 T:  Look at this doll. Is she pretty?

 C:  Yes, it is.

 T:  Yes. What’s she wearing?

 C:  A (colorful) dress.

 T:  Look at her feet. She doesn’t wear shoes and she feels cool. She needs a pair of shoes. Can you give her a pair of shoes?

 Ss show some baby shoes or handmade shoes to the T.

S: I have a pair of shoes for her. / I have baby shoes.

T:  How pretty!  Let’s try them on.  Do they fit?

C:  No, it’s too big.

Try on the other S’s baby shoes.

T:  What about these?

TC:  Wonderful. I think they are better.


2Group work:

T shows some toys, such as teddy bear, monkey, Rudolph, Santa    Claus, bunny, snowman, puppy, etc. Ask the Ss try to be the fashion designers and offer toys all kinds of clothes and help them put on the clothes.


2. 教师利用已经穿上各式服装的玩具,将讲台布置成一个展柜,启动电动玩具的开关,向学生们介绍“玩具们正在举行服装秀”,让学生们也加入到他们的行列,举行一场“Fashion Show”。在服装表演过程中表演者简单地介绍自己所制作的服装采用的材料。如:I used paper/plastic bags… 也可以与在座的观众交流,如:Look at my shirt. Is it pretty?  Yes. It’s pretty.


3. Homework


歌曲选自WaWaYaYa开心英语2 第七单元的Let's sing. 见图1、2。该歌曲旋律优美、节奏感强、呈现的动画生动有趣,有效的调动了学生的学习积极性,让学生在优美的旋律中复习颜色的词汇,为接下来的学习活动做准备。

由歌曲引入这节课的主题:服装和色彩。由于学生都穿着绿色和白色相间的校服,所以当老师问到“今天谁穿着白绿相间的衣服?”时,学生们纷纷站起来并告诉老师:I am wearing white and green today.师生就此话题展开交流。教师以“摘星星”的奖励形式鼓励学生大胆地向老师和同学们介绍他的服装,从而培养学生综合运用语言的能力。















教师把学生学过的各类婴儿服装分别装在透明、不透明的袋子、盒子里,让学生猜猜里面装的是什么。 使学生从盲目的猜测转化为根据物体的特征有特定范围的猜测。












课件形式:衣架上挂着各种款式的服装,师生可以通过点击任意一件帮WaWa或YaYa穿上你认为最漂亮的款式,还可以随意改变衣服的颜色。只要先点击颜料桶,再点WaWa或YaYa身上的衣服,卡通人物就会立刻穿上你为他或她设计的服装。点击画面上的窗帘即可更换衣服的样式,轻轻松松地点按鼠标,学生就可以体验到当服装设计师的喜悦和成就感。在整个操作的过程,卡通人物用英语及时评价操作者为他们选择、搭配的服装。如:How nice! Thank you. How pretty! Wonderful! So beautiful! So terrific. Marvelous. 当设计好后点击画面上的刷子,卡通人物会很感激地说:How pretty! Thank you.

学生在完成任务的过程中灵活运用已学的句型描述衣物的大小、新旧和颜色,能在真实的语言环境中运用所学知识表达自己的看法,并向同学介绍自己所制作的服装采用的材料。如:It’s beautiful.  I like it.  It’s so pretty.   It’s too long. I have a hat for the puppy.  I like the white sweater with the green skirt. I used paper/plastic bags…通过该任务更有效地提高学生对服装这一话题地兴趣,培养学生的创造力与想象力,鼓励学生大胆设计自己喜欢的衣服。







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