
Orange County, California

 Nicole9b6c1cek 2017-10-07

OC Public Libraries has eBooks and eAudiobooks. eBooks and eAudiobooks are a free, convenient, accessible, and environmentally friendly addition to our book collection. Through the use of digital technology, patrons are able to check-out eBooks eAudiobooks at any time - including times when the library is closed. With eBooks and eAudiobooks, you will never have to worry about losing or damaging books, or even about overdue fines. Books will automatically 'return' to the library electronically!

eBooks and eAudiobooks
Kids - eBooks and eAudiobooks 
Teens - Books and eAudiobooks
Digital downloads for your eReader, tablet, phone, MP3 player and computers

Instantly borrow free digital movies, music, eBooks, and more, 24/7 with your library card.

hoopla Instruction Sheet (pdf)

  Gale Virtual Reference Library:
Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. Titles include: Encyclopedia of Small Business, Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, American Decades, History Behind the Headlines, West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, and Reference Guide to World Literature.


Enki is the place for discovery, helping you find new gems, classic novels and eye-opening nonfiction eBooks. Indulge your curiosity!

California Mission eBooks:

The California Mission ebooks examine the history of each mission, including the original settling of the mission, interactions with local natives, problems each site faced, and the eventual secularization and modernization of the mission

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