
Augmented Reality Mobile Apps | Mobile Solutions | SAP

 大海tpz789 2017-10-11


​Bring another dimension to your work life. SAP Augmented Reality Apps untether your backend systems so you can work hands-free – in the office or in the field. Use visual enterprise 3D models, voice recognition, and gesture control while on the job. Access business processes and information from a wearable device. And ultimately supercharge convenience and productivity.

  • Accelerate decision making, boost productivity and service quality
  • Incorporate enterprise-ready wearables and smartglasses across your value chain
  • Narrow knowledge gaps quickly through remote expert calling, visualization, and animation
  • Empower employees to work hands-free using gestures and voice recognition to access information
Man with wearable glasses

The value of wearables at work
Man demonstrating wearable                          
Smart gadgets have been adopted by consumers around the globe. Discover the hardware and software that could be used to create an enterprise-grade augmented reality solution that brings value to the business and an amazing user experience to the worker.

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