

 昵称5416511 2017-10-22

  南希·戴维斯·里根(Nancy Davis Reagan,1921年7月6日-2016年3月6日),是美国第40任总统罗纳德·里根的妻子。南希·里根曾是一名演员,1966年丈夫里根当选加州州长后,开始作为州长夫人参加社会活动。1981年随里根入主白宫成为第一夫人。在许多美国普通民众眼中,她就是实现“美国梦”的最佳范本。2016年3月6日,南希·里根因心脏病在洛杉矶家中去世,享年94岁。


  My Turn by Nancy Reagan


  美国前总统里根和现总统川普有哪些异同点?南希·里根入住白宫面对的诸多周折有哪些?南希·里根和神婆 Joan Quigley的关系是怎样的?南希·里根为何会被后人解读成一个“dragon lady”?南希·里根和戈尔巴乔夫的太太赖沙真的不和吗?大佬背后的女人,塔主为您倾情讲述“把保护丈夫作为事业”的美国前第一夫人南希·里根入主白宫的心路历程。


  [ 02'01" ] Root out (连根拔起)

  [ 02'05" ] Communist influence (共产主义者的影响)

  [ 02'40" ] Screen actors guild (电影演员工会)

  [ 03'55" ] Make America Great Again!

  [ 04'11" ] Assassination attempt (暗杀行为)

  [ 05'42" ] Ups and downs

  [ 06'24" ] While I loved being the first lady, my eight years with the title were the most difficult years of my life.

  [ 06'42" ] Everything I did or said, whether as first lady, wife, or mother, was instantly open to criticism, to interpretation, speculation (猜测), second-guessing. My clothes, my friends, my taste in decorating, my relationship with our children, the way I looked at my husband! My entire life was suddenly fair game for comment by the press and the public alike.

  [ 08'08" ] But now those years are over, and it's my turn to describe what happened.

  [ 08'44" ] There's been a shooting

  [ 08'56" ] He continued to be upset that three other people had been hurt. He knew that the bullets that struck the others had been meant for him, and he was tormented (折磨) that they had been shot simply because of their association with his presidency.

  [ 10'11" ] Press secretary

  [ 10'45" ] Nothing prepares you

  [ 11'21" ] Neither of us realized it, but Ronald Reagan's Hollywood career had pretty much come to an end.

  [ 11'55" ] Here at General Electric, progress is our most important product.

  [ 12'56" ] If you believe, as Ronnie does, that everything in life happens for a purpose, then there was certainly a hidden purpose in Ronnie's job with General Electric. Although he wasn't running for any political office, essentially he spent eight years campaigning (竞选)—going out and talking to people, listening to their problems, and developing his own ideas about how to solve them.

  [ 14'22" ] Astrology (星象学)

  [ 15'15" ] My relationship with Joan Quigley began as a crutch (拐杖), one of several ways I tried to alleviate (缓解) my anxiety about Ronnie.

  [ 16'04" ] Within a year or two, it had become a habit. While I was never certain that Joan's astrological advice was helping to protect Ronnie, the fact is that nothing like March 30 ever happened again.

  [ 16'30" ] Was astrology one of the reason? I don't really believe it was, but I don't really believe it wasn't.

  [ 16'48" ] First lady, dragon lady

  [ 17'04" ] After all, nobody knows the president better than his wife.

  [ 17'58" ] The president has a host of (许多) advisers to give him counsel on foreign affairs, the economy, politics, and everything else. But not one of these people is there to look after him as an individual with human needs, a man of flesh and blood who must deal with the pressure of holding the most powerful position on earth.

  [ 19'36" ] Play the hand that's dealt you. (认真地打手上拿到的牌)

  [ 20'13" ] I've said it before and I'll say it once again: my life didn't really begin until I met Ronnie.

  [ 22'25" ] House of Cards (《纸牌屋》)

  [ 22'48" ] He liked the word "chief", but he never really understood that his title also included the words "of staff". He evidently admired the patio (露台) outside Ronnie's office, because when he had his office renovated and enlarged, a beautiful flagstone patio was put in—which was noticeably larger than the president's.

  [ 23'50" ] He saw himself as the deputy president (代理总统).

  [ 25'10" ] Raisa Gorbachev never stopped talking. Or lecturing, to be more accurate. Sometimes the subject was the Soviet Union (苏联) and the glories of the Communist system. Sometimes it was Soviet art. More often than not, it was Marxism and Leninism. Once or twice she even lectured me on the failing of the American political system.

  [ 26'36" ] I wasn't prepared for this, and I didn't like it. I had assumed we would talk about personal matters: our husbands, our children, being in the limelight (公众关注的中心), or perhaps our hopes for the future.

  [ 27'33" ] I was prepared to tell Raisa about our drug program, but when I bought it up, she promptly dismissed the subject by assuring me that there was no drug problem in the Soviet Union. Oh, really?

  [ 28'44" ] I will miss you and your husband, as for the two of us, it was destiny that put us at the place we were, next to our husbands, to help bring about the relationship that our two countries now have. My husband and I hope you will return to the SU to see us.

  After all, nobody knows the president better than his wife.

  Nancy Reagan

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