
avoid, elude, escape, eschew, evade, shun的区别

 极简生活518 2017-10-26 发布于北京
动词avoid表示有意或作为一种行为的自动或偶然的结果而远离或保持一段距离。【He drove home over the bridge to avoid the traffic congestion at the tunnel; by driving home over the bridge,he unknowingly avoided the tunnel congestion】

Escape 的基本含义与avoid相似,指故意的或偶然的远离某物。一个罪犯可能利用诡计escape侦查,或者因为唯一的证人的死亡而escape 拘捕。escape也有设法avoid或避免被某种邪恶或有害的东西接触或影响的意思:to escape from being injured by the falling debris.

Elude是通过使用灵巧的动作或巧妙的计谋进行avoid或escape. 一个四分卫可以运用佯攻elude阻挡球员;一个逃命者可能留下错误的线索来elude追捕者。Evade有时可代替elude,但它通常有通过隐密手段逃避职能或义务的意思:A taxpayer who evaded taxes by falsifying accounts—a punishable offense—although she might legally have avoided a portion of the tax by taking advantage of allowable deductions; a soldier who evades hazardous duty by malingering.

Shuneschew表示因为厌恶或不喜欢,或者出于道德或谨慎的原因而avoid.【a virtuous person will shun evil companions and practices; a person on a diet may shun or eschew rich foods.】 eschew限于正式的内容,且应用范围比shun要窄。eschew指戒除,而shun 可以指戒除,也可以指躯体戒断;一个人既可以shun people,也可以shun东西。【During his illness he shunned all society, and in particular those who had been his dearest friends.】

反义词:catch, encounter, face, meet, seek, solicit.

翻译自《choose the right word》

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