
考研英语重点词汇解析 insight conceive cognitive random等

 fyh7698 2017-10-29

reckon['rekən] v.计算,总计,估计,猜想,依赖

Plenty of other grocers reckon this may be the miscalculation that eventually brings them down.


And part of reckoning with a global art world is expanding one’s tolerance for things we don’t understand.


reckon with处理,打交道,考虑

ponder['pɔndə] v.沉思,考虑

insight['insait] n.洞察力,见识

Amazon's Fire tablets include similar features, along with moreinsight into how kids use the tablets through an online dashboard.


The knowledge he gains studying the shell-dwellers will also provide insight about body asymmetries that develop in other animals, including humans.


考研英语重点词汇解析 insight conceive cognitive random等

reflect[ri'flekt]vt.反射 反映 思考 归咎

reflection[ri'flekʃən]n.反射 映象 反映 折射 沉思 影响

reflexion[ri'flekʃən] =reflection

regard[ri'gɑ:d]vt.把...看作 和...有关 尊敬 尊重 视为 注视

regarding[ri'gɑ:diŋ]prep.关于 至于

regardless[ri'gɑ:dlis]adv.不顾一切地adj.不注意的 粗心的

meditation[,medi'teiʃən] n.熟虑;(尤指宗教的)默想,沉思;(pl.)冥想录

meditate['mediteit] v.想,考虑,(尤指宗教上的)沉思,冥想

conceive[kən'si:v] v.(of)设想,构思,想象;以为;怀胎,怀有

The exhibit was conceived as a 50-year retrospective highlighting the photographer’s fascination with popular culture as a celebration of the beauty in everyday life.


Dr. Steiner says she’ll next look at whether low AMHis associated witha higher risk of miscarriage among the women who conceived.


speculate['spekjuleit] vi.思索;推测vt.投机;思索,推测

envisage[in'vizidʒ] v.想象,设想,展望,正视

fancy['fænsi]n.想象力 设想 幻想 爱好 喜好adj.想像的 时髦的 华丽装饰的 奢侈的 技巧的 vt.想象 自认为 喜好

perceive[pə'si:v] v.察觉,感知;理解,领悟

考研英语重点词汇解析 insight conceive cognitive random等

she says,“We need to realize that unconscious bias plays a role in how behavior is perceived,especially in such a predominantlymale department. ”


The common thread is the belief, shared by too many, that those with views perceived as unpopular or offensive should be silenced.”


considerate[kən'sidərit]adj.考虑周到的 体谅的

consideration[kənsidə'reiʃən]n.考虑 思考 体贴 考虑因素 敬重 意见

considerable[kən'sidərəbl]adj.相当大的 重要的 可观的

thoughtful['θɔ:tfəl]adj.沉思的 体贴的

sane[sein] a.心智健全的,神志清醒的,明智的,稳健的

reason['ri:zn]n.理由 原因 理智 理性 vi.推理 规劝 下判断 vt.说服 总结

reasonable['ri:znəbl]adj合理的 公道的 适度的 通情达理的

rational['ræʃənəl]adj.理性的 合理的 出于理性的 能推理的 n.有理数

advisable[əd'vaizəbl]n.明智的 可取的

If they wait until their 30s to start saving, putting away 12 to 15 percent a year is considered advisable.


sensible['sensəbl]adj.感觉得到的 明智的 可察觉的 意识到的 实用的n.可感知物

sensitive['sensitiv]adj.敏感的 灵敏的 易受伤害的 感光的 善解人意的 n.敏感的人

remind[ri'maind]vt.提醒 使想起

recollect[.rekə'lekt]vt.回忆 追忆 想起 回想 忆起

recall[ri'kɔ:l]vt.回想 叫回 收回 召回 与...相似 恢复n.回忆 召回 取消

retrospect['retrəuspekt] v./n.回顾,回想,追溯 [反]foresee

In retrospect, he said, the schools weren’t prepared to bring together students from different backgrounds.


intuition[,intju:'iʃən] n.直觉,直观;凭直觉而知的事物

instinct['instiŋkt] 'n.本能,直觉,天性'

cognitive['kɔɡnitiv] a.认知的,认识能力的

考研英语重点词汇解析 insight conceive cognitive random等

Machine learning opens up the possibility of automating more complex, non-routine cognitive tasks.


At the same time, there are also other triggers of cognitive decline that are treatable and in some cases reversible.


plausible['plɔ:zəble] a.似是而非的,似乎合理的,似乎可信的

It’s a plausible hypothesis— obviously global factors are more important today than they were 25 years ago.


All this said, big cuts in emissions seem more plausible now than they did in Paris, as the technology of renewable energy improves.


roundabout['raundə,baut] a.迂回的,转弯抹角的 n.环状交叉路口

random['rændəm] a.随机的,随意的 n.随机,随意

Australian baggage handlers and airport staff working in restricted zoneswill now be subject to random tests for traces of explosives.


Better still, the themes, plots and characters aren’t afraid to confront how random and arbitrary life is.


考研英语重点词汇解析 insight conceive cognitive random等

They conducted experiments in which a student chosenat random was asked to divide $20 between himself and another subject.


arbitrary['ɑ:bitrəri] a.任意的,任性的,主观的;专断的,武断的

Those residents argued that the regulation was “vague andambiguous,” resulting in “arbitrary and capricious” actions by the school board.


It’s wrong to think aboutliteracyas just one restricteddevelopmental zone, one arbitrary hurdle.


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