

 极简生活518 2017-11-05
这些名词指能够被给予,获得或赚取的符合需要的好处。Benefit是这些名词中最普通的,指任何种类的好物资及其它,无论其如何获得:lessons designed to be of benefit to growing minds; the benefits accorded to a person occupying a lofty position. Advantage的应用范围比benefit要窄,因为它可以表示更严格意义上的物质利益或在比赛中从对手那赢得的东西:all the advantages of suburban living; a naturally fortified hill that would give them advantage over the enemy. 当然,advantage可以更抽象,且没有任何剥夺其它人相同利益的含义:all equally free to take advantage of our tradition of free speech and respect for dissent. Favor可以表示在比赛中被给予advantage: ruling in favor of the plaintiff; unequal odds that made the battle sure to come out in the aggressor's favor. 但是,favor 最常指的是因为得到其它人的支持而获得的benefits:a new product seeking favor in the marketplace; audiences that looked with favor on realistic plays. 它也可以用于表示狭义的利已主义:acting only in his own favor.

像benefit一样,gain可以表示不费任何代价给予或获得的有形好处:a law that resulted in a clear gain for civil liberties; gain in technical competence over her previous work. 但是,更多的情况是gain表示物质上的获得:capital gains; greedy for gain. Profit更加狭义,表示物质或金钱的获得:realizing a ten percent profit on each sale; speculators eager for a quick profit. 但是,有时profit可以指非金钱的获得:a book anyone can read with profit.

反义词:disadvantage, harm, loss.

翻译自《choose the right word》

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