
金曲|We Got Love

 小酌千年 2017-11-19

Donald Ray Williams (May 27, 1939 – September 8, 2017) was an American country singer, songwriter, and 2010 inductee to the Country Music Hall of Fame. He began his solo career in 1971, singing popular ballads and amassing 17 number one country hits. His straightforward yet smooth bass-baritone voice, soft tones, and imposing build earned him the nickname: 'Gentle Giant' of country music.

Don Williams(当·威廉姆斯),美国乡村音乐唱作人,是乡村音乐的传奇人物。他高中毕业后加入民谣乐团Pozo-Seco Singers,1971年开始独立音乐人的生涯。他歌喉浑厚,歌路抒情,有乡村音乐界的“绅士巨人”之称,于2010年2月23日入驻乡村音乐名人堂。

We Got Love

You, you got me
We got somethin' everybody else can see
Me, I got you
We got a good thing honey you know we do


Friends, they all know
'Cause we can't help but let it show
Smiles, we can't hide
We got somethin' just too good to hold inside


We don't need no money, honey, you and I
What we've got together, money just can't buy
What we've got, there's plenty of
I've got you, you've got me, we got love


Time, moves along
And honey we just keep on a keepin' on
'Cause love, makes us strong
As long as we've got love, we can't go wrong


We don't need no money, honey, you and I
What we've got together, money just can't buy
What we've got, there's plenty of
I've got you, you've got me, we got love

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