

 极简生活518 2017-11-22
这些名词都指一个人,一个地方,一种心情或一件物体的可辨别的某个方面。 Characteristic可以表示对某事物任何方面的中性描述,而不计较它对整体的相对重要性:a psychological report that lists every possible characteristic of the person being studied. 但是,更普遍的情况是,该名词表示整体的一个典型部分:a town that had all the characteristics usual to any seaside resort; the preponderance of characteristics that supported the diagnosis of alcoholism. Characteristic的这层含义在科学技术方面使用较多,而在其它不那么正式的语境中被过度使用了。

Attribute在非技术领域里代替characteristic使用时并非夸张的措辞和模糊的术语。它也可以用于表示典型的事物,但是在表示整体的一个方面时显得更加中立:eagerness to learn,an often overlooked attribute in small children. 另一方面,peculiarity就不那么中立了,它表示十分明显的不愉快的方面:a peculiarity in his shuffling walk; a peculiarity of mind that insisted on an exact order in doing even that smallest task; a peculiarity of the northern climate.

像peculiarity一样,featuremark都表示特别显著的某物,但是feature最容易指积极的事物,而mark可以表示积极也可以表示消极。feature最特殊的用法是指物理的外表:a aquiline nose that was her most attractive feature.在更一般的用法中,它可以指某物不寻常或杰出的方面:the siesta that is a distinguishing feature of life in Mexico. 在娱乐业或广告业,feature用于指特别的或更多的吸引力。Mark 的语气比feature更加强,表示能突出其所有者的特征:generosity as the mark of a civilized person. 但是它也有与peculiarity类似的负面含义:the sadism that is the disfiguring mark of all oppressive regimes.在这种用法中,mark与peculiarity不同,表示内在的偏离常态,而不是偶然的或外在的。

Traitquality指比peculiarity,feature或mark更加抽像的特征。Trait 最特殊的意思是指持久的行为模式,而不是单一的或暂时的行为:a trait of suspiciousness that underlay all his relationships with people; traits of fortitude and industry that spelled survival for the settlers of a new world. Quality比这里的其它所有名词都普通,它可以表示已过去的或持续的特征,也可以表示积极的或消极的特征。它可以用于可衡量的,具体的方面,但是相反,更经常的情况是,它表示一种模糊的或微妙的印象:a quality of despair in her drawn face; a strange quality of light in the room; qualities of exuberance and spontaneity that made the people easy to live with.

翻译自《choose the right word》

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