
爱火:Fire of Love-Gabriela Anders

 心静如水D 2017-11-22


Gabriela Anders,是一位来自阿根廷的爵士女歌手。她出生于音乐世家,父亲是一名爵士萨克斯风演奏家,祖父是一位小提琴家,而她的祖母也还是一位钢琴老师。顺理成章地,她从小受到音乐的熏陶而也对音乐有着特别的热诚。早于1998年,就发行了她的第一张个人专辑《Wanting》。



Fire of Love-Gabriela Ander 来自冷门小众好听的英文歌 04:19


Fire of Love-Gabriela Anders


You safe in my dream

Calling at my name

And they are fire, fire 

Catch you by love

Its good to feel you close in the nihgt

My fear their all gone 

Quitely you paid in the sweet sweet croizant

You invite my quizen

And with a kiss

I'm on desire, desire for u

Wether near or far

Its like a burning star

This fire of love

Wether near or far

Its like a burning star

This fire of love

Wether near or far

Its like a burning star

This fire of love

(Solo 间奏)

Its good to feel you close in the nihgt

My fear their all gone 

Quitely you paid in the sweet sweet croizant

Wether near or far

Its like a burning star

This fire of love

Wether near or far

Its like a burning star

This fire of love

Wether near or far

Its like a burning star

This fire of love


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